Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Any blog gurus out there?


Please click this picture for the most recent post.

Edited to say: I learned to link pics! Check!

Now here's where the guru request comes in.

I so need a lesson on how to redate a draft post. Or try and get a previous post to show up as my current default post. (are you feeling the pain?)

I also need lessons in linking things behind pictures within posts. Anyone up for these monumental tasks?

And that's about as techy as this gal can get. No need for the black rimmed with white tape in the middle nerd glasses with matching pocket protector quite yet. But I'm getting there... you just wait! I mean, that side of my brain is just so brand new and all. That's gotta be worth something...

If you can help point me in the right direction somehow someway (where's the manual on this blogging thang anyway?!?), feel free to comment here or email me at


Edited to say: thanks ladies! I received some help from Rachel and Gina. You gals rock. :)


  1. Just sent you an email- hope it helps!

  2. Be on the lookout for my "spammy" looking e-mail. I forgot a subject line because I'm cool like that :o)

    By-the-way, I'm really enjoying your blog!

  3. Can you write a post when you get the answers? 'cuz I'd like to know too!

  4. Sorry I can't help! I'm awful with all that! Your blog looks great!


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