Thursday, February 16, 2012

My unexpected bedroom redo - Part 1

Well friends, funny how things work out. I've wanted to redo my bedroom forever but really had no intention to tackle what you're about to see anytime soon.

Head over to my other blog HERE for Part 2!

This post is Part 1 of  the start of the big bedroom redo and is truncated for quicker loading. Please click below / left for more.

Silly guy... always trying to help. :)

But you know how it is... you vision something you want and the vision never goes away. I started tinkering in one corner, and that was it. I had to go for it ALL.

Yer goin' down...

Ain't she a beauty so far? Those lovely holes is where I punched out the wall to accommodate the door handles from the old headboard. That plywood was to hold the broken door in place. Yep.. it was falling apart. Quality workmanship all the way here... I'm for hire too! Any takers?!? :)

So for the headboard, I always visioned an old gate of sorts. I was prepared to make it myself but didn't have enough wood on hand. So I shopped the house. Wanna know what I used instead?

Ok, I'll tell you in a minute, promise!

The first order of biz was to crack fill and paint the funky board and batten wall so it was nice and crisp for the new look. And I was able to get away with leaving the goofy holes as is because luckily the new headboard covered them perfectly. LOVE cheats. :)

Tip for achieving the perfect white:

Ask the paint department to add two drops of their dark brown tint into the white paint. You're left with the white intact but the glare removed. It's PERFECT.

Wanna see what I'm using for the new headboard? 
Head over to my other blog HERE for Part 2!

I have a chance for you to win a gift over yonder too, hosted by Apartment Guide!

Quick! Visit HERE for Part 2 before my boyfriend changes his mind... :)


  1. I guess I'd better comment here since I am not eligible for the giveaway and I don't want to mess up your entries.
    You are such a tease. First this teaser post and then I click over and it still is just a teaser post. Can I say that I hate you! :-)
    So I guess the studio/ boy bedroom project got delayed again with a full reveal of the bedroom project. Boy you sure know how to keep yourself busy and us entertained.
    ♥ Marianne

  2. oh Donna...That Ryan...well I am so excited to see you in action...again!
    Lookingforward to the reveal!...sooner or later!
    Thanks for sharing! I go!

  3. p.s. If you are in ned of a chandelier or frame or are welcome to climb all over my stash in the garage!

  4. Wow! You are giving me hope. I have so many holes from picture frames gone wrong. I'm just still trying to finish my bathroom. I hate the new color I painted. Too dark. Not sure if I should work around it or start from scratch. If I knew my end result would turn out like half the stuff you do, I would do projects more often.

  5. My paint specialist friend said it in two words burnt umber (which is the dark brown tint.) I know isn't it spectacular!!

    And I have to laugh because I so do not get the whole thing with Ryan... LOL Yep no TV reception here and no cable so I am in the dark but I don't mind! LOL

    Off to see part two! :)

    1. Peggy, I don't get it either! It must be from a movie but the Hey Girl quotes alongside Ryan have gone viral on Pinterest! Gotta stay on top of trends here even though I don't know... why? :)

  6. I can't wait to see what you do.. have you seen Jeanne's hey girl post? Its hilarious... you made me laugh this morning!

  7. Love it!!:) We're about to fix our bedroom as well, so I'm desperate for ideas;)
    Love Hegemor (Norway)

  8. Way to leave a girl hangin. lol! I'm hopping over to see the rest after I leave this comment. Love, love the rustic gate. Thanks for the tip about the white paint. Hubby and I are putting beadboard on the ceiling and one wall in our living room. Slow process for us. Yeah were not nearly as young as we use to be. It's causing us all kinds of injuries. Yup, I said injuries. I will post about that in a few days. Have a question I want to ask. I would love your opinion. I found a fun pretty large mirror framed with old whiite moldings that I am going to hang on the beadboard wall. Saw an idea in a shop where they cut a door in half for a shelf. Just happen to have an old door (creamy white). I want to cut it and place it as a shelf under the mirror for support. Also have 3 chippy white corbels I bought to hang under my Island. Hubs wasn't too thrilled. Thought I would use them as brackets under the half door. Still following me? lol! Now for the question. I'm painting the beadboar white (possibly using your formula). Would you leave everything their original color? That's what I'm thinking. And would you paint the wall a different shade of white or match the corbaels? Just wonderin, what would you do? Sorry for the marathon post. Going to check out your other blog. Two blogs, wow impressive?

  9. Donna you got this old girl confused.....don't take much. I laughed through the whole
    post. I can't wait to see what you come up with. My hubby says he is going to invest in a calking company. I use it so frequently. Holes, no problem....caulk it, too big plaster it....if he only knew what went on while he is at work. :0)

  10. What a beautiful bedroom ..I love the old gate above the bed..

  11. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Not a big TV watcher, I am in the dark on Ryan too. I have to admit though, this is where my mind goes, the GUTTER! I thought when you started out saying you had to redo your bedroom was because a man was moving in there! LOL!


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