Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We have ourselves a chalkboard wall!


Our chalkboard wall is up! We did it! Or should I say Cody did it.

I was having a few issues getting the paint to stick. We used a lightweight sponge roller where the paint was very thick and heavy, so it was going on patchy. I quit when it wasn't working thinking we needed a different primer on the wall. 

Then leave it to Cody to figure out HOW to do it.  I don't get it myself, but he pushed the roller HARD into the wall and moved it ever so slowly. This gave the paint a chance to bleed through the sponge I suppose. Whatever happened, it worked!

Even through those 'major hunger' growls. :)

I followed up with an el cheapo sponge brush to do the edging so I could throw it away. I did NOT want to have to try and wash this goop out with thinner.

Yes, we used oil based chalkboard paint. I had forgotten about all the homebrews out now and had no idea you could even purchase a latex variety.  I just used a new can I had on hand.

 Nice goin' Code! Whoohoo! It's up!! Isn't the black sharp against the wood floors? 

And surprisingly, the room doesn't feel dark, probably due from having two windows.

I can't get over how much more 'grown' up the room feels now.

And ohhhh yeah... it didn't smell pretty. :)

How are your own Picture Perfect rooms coming along?
Any tips from other chalkboard wall painters out there? How did it work for you?

All posts on this bedroom to date can be found HERE.

Read about the Picture Perfect challenge HERE.


  1. It's so cool he's picking up the paint brush and following in your foot steps! Can't wait to see how he decorates that wall!

  2. It looks great! I have a small area done with the latex kind, but I wonder if the oil based will work better? Mine doesn't erase well at all and it is just a big mess when the kids are done (my cleaning obsessive personality has to just let it go-lol)

    I can't wait to see the rest of the room Donna!

    1. We've been erasing with a wet cloth which seems to work ok. I'm not a fan of the chalk dust look all over it... the deep black just looks sooooo good!

  3. LOVE it! i am a BIG chalkboard paint user! i have painted many things in the stuff. in my latest post i made chalkboard placemats! come over and have a look :) Kate x

  4. That's looking so fantastic! and yeah, it rocks against those hardwood floors!! My room is coming along nicely! Of the 8 to do things, 2 are finished and 2 are almost finished, woohoooo!! I'm loving this challenge Donna, thank you for the kick in the booty I needed :)

  5. Wow!! Looks amazing! When I used the paint, I found I had to do three coats!! Yikes
    Love the black...I used green!

    1. I was tempted to put on a 2nd coat thinking it would just get better. Still may one day but I found it hard to work with so we left it for now...

  6. I have heard you have to cure it by wiping chalk all over one coat and then wipe off??

    1. I didn't know to do that on a new chalkboard at work...and my list of supplies to buy became permanent. But, this was a real chalkboard - not paint.

  7. It all looks so Cody...GReat Job! too Donna!

  8. I love the black against the hardwood. Looking good!


  9. Cody did a great job and I have a feeling he's going to enjoy this grown up room for quite some time.


  10. It's funny how when kids are determined, they figure things out eventually. The black looks so nice against the wood floors. I can imagine the ever changing drawings and sayings that will adorn the wall. Very Nice!

  11. I painted the inside of my pantry door to make a chalkboard for grocery lists (which I love because it is so handy and I actually remember to put things on it). I used Annie Sloan in primer red and I had to do three coats to get it on thick enough over the white door. But it works like a charm, though, and no oil-based anything to deal with.

    The wall looks amazing! Cody is going to have one amazing room!! His shirt makes me giggle. I just did a post that has a picture of my son sitting at the computer in his homemade written on white t-shirt. Too funny.

  12. I was in the Home Depot yesterday buying paint for my Picture Perfect room and saw chalkboard paint. You immediately came to mind, Donna, as I was trying to figure out a way to use this in my home. Got a couple of ideas - a menu board, a message centre, a shopping list board. Not sure which way to go (yet).

  13. I absolutely love your blog! you provide a ton of inspiration for my own projects. I am thinking about seeing if my son would like to make his own chalkboard wall. what a great idea!

  14. We did some chalkboard paint when my daughter was little many moons ago. Never did work really great. And then dry erase markers came out really big and fell in love with them instead of much easier in all respects. Honestly when you mentioned doing this i thought Cody might be a little too old for that but if he's enjoying himself and loves it then thats great. Hugs! deb

    1. Cody is a drawer so he's pretty pumped to be able to draw BIG! We've had a white erase board on this wall forever and he drew on it nearly daily. This is the perfect addition for his room!

  15. Good job, Cody! Persistence pays off!

  16. My daughter is a teacher and there are chalkboard markers out there which are in colors! Cody would love those. They wipe off. I saw them in our craft store here but you could google it and find them I bet! He's turning out to be your best helper isn't he?

  17. I've used chalkboard paint in the past and just did a wall but I used the latex I had on hand and oil paint causes respiratory distress for me (i.e my lungs tighten up and i can breath, I like to breath!) I have used both (for movable chalkboards) in the past though and here is what I have found. 1.) oil based is typically more durable 2.) latex easy clean up, low smell/VOC 3.) neither will give a surface where the chalk is removed 100% when erased (but then what school chalkboard was ever 100% chalk free when erased.) 4.) Buy dust free chalk!!!!! 5.)avoid the use of chalk pens (they have a tendency to leave a permanent faded pattern of whatever is drawn after being erased.) 6.) For a spotless wall you can wash it down with a rag and water but you should always retreat it with a coating of chalk after dried.

    All of that being said I LOVE chalkboards and chalkboard surfaces! In the late 80's/early 90's a cafe in Estes Park, CO had the tops of all their table painted with the oil-based chalkboard paint and had a tin of chalk sitting in the center. It was great! I asked the owner and he said it was holding up well but he did repaint it once each off season. So it should do SPECTACULARLY in your son's room.

    Here's my latest if you want to check it out....

  18. This looks fantastic! I dream of having a chalkboard wall, but can't decide where to put it. Loving yours against the wood floors!

  19. It looks great, good work Cody & Donna! I too was told to treat the chalkboard with chalk before using it-rub the chalk over the surface and then erase.

    Donna, so often in my decorating attempts I always thought, what if we sell and the new homebuyer doesn't like it? I was too influenced by what will someone else think. I know I would have thought that when thinking of oil-based chalkboard paint and would have decided against it! I'm sooo glad that doesn't influence you two! BTW, we've now been in the same house for 30 yrs!!!

  20. We just painted over some chalk board paint when we painted my youngest son's room. Had to have a solid wall so I could re-imagine it. Now I'm thinking paint the whole darn thing back with chalkboard paint. The chalkboard had a galvanized pipe border and I wanted to change it up.


  21. Way to go Cody and Mom! I used to paint with my kids when they were around and one is actually a painter/drywaller now. I've never used blackboard paint but I saw it used on a door from the kitchen that led to the garage and that's what I want...A GIANT reminder blackboard as I hit the door towards the car! LOL! I'm getting older and need all the reminders I can get!
    I too like the black paint against the wood looking! I so love your blog!
    I'm trying hard NOT to paint as I want to get this house on the market and I am just trying to get it clean and organized. If I get that done and it hasn't sold yet then maybe I'll get out the paint but right now I want to get it "showable" at least. I am making progress though and I thank you for your encouragement! It REALLY does help!

  22. Go Cody!!! He must like a challenge and it was not going to get the best of him.
    Good job Cody and mom!!! Donna that looks really good and is going to be so handy for Cody and you will save money with that wall also. Cody can write you when he's hungry and you won't have to buy him a new shirt. Works for you both. LOL.

  23. whew! Alot of work, but I think it is all worth it. We don't have a chalkboard wall (we are renting) we just have a framed chalkboard, but my friends that have done the whole wall have loved it. I'm curious about the clean up from erasing chalk and the chalk dust. I will keep checking back to see if that is an issue on a wall. Thanks for posting. Love your blog!

  24. Boy, when you two take the go deep! Love it! Have you seen those really cool chalkboard markers? Less dust, I would imagine.

    (Still love the shirt.)

  25. The room may look more grown up but so does Cody! How long ago was the before shot? The wall looks great by the way!

    1. About a week apart. Must be that 'slimming' red colour! :)

  26. Fun wall. You can re-invent it every day "-_)

  27. I have bumby (textured) walls, and I really want an entire wall of chalkboard like in 500 Days of Summer.

  28. That was really hard to do. You are so creative.

  29. I need a chalkboard wall. That's awesome that he is so helpful. Hope you're having a grand evening. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  30. That's a very cool funky junk interiors.


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