Friday, January 20, 2012

Sat Nite Special link party 117 - your fav 2011 outdoor project

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #117, the multi themed link party! 

* Home Decor
 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes
* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.

I really love decorating the yard and view it much like the indoors, just, it's outside.  Junk looks good anywhere after all. :)

So let's dream just a little and gather up some of your fav 2011 outdoor ideas! Here's a few of mine.

This post is truncated for quicker loading. Click below to read more.

Couldn't have been simpler to create and maintain!

This little garden was planted in honour of Beethoven, my cat that passed on. It did sooo well in it's first year!

and last but not least, my beloved pallet sofa which I miss soooo very much. Come on sunshine! :)


More of my outdoor projects can be seen in the link above.

So, are you missing the outdoors? Let's get inspired and plan now! 
Link up your favorite 2011 outdoor project in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!

Upcoming themes:

Jan 27 - Picture Perfect room reveals

and for the month of Feb, we'll be bringing some big hit themes back to add to such as old ladders, windows etc. Will announce lineup next weekend. 

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you're cool with me featuring you on the blog,  Pinterest, or FJI Facebook with no additional permission required.

Join us on Facebook this weekend for party highlights!


  1. Love your projects, Donna, but my favorite is Beethoven's garden...such a lovely tribute to your sweet little guy! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  2. I love seeing your bench again! I'm really hoping to make one for our back yard this year!
    As always...thanks for hosting such a GREAT party!

  3. Love all your projects Donna!! I linked up my vintage table that we just put a new top on (after the old one broke) and also shared my outdoor living makeover this week!! Thanks so much for hosting!! :)

    1. Okay.. I changed my mind... hard to pick just one favorite!! lol!

  4. We've had an amazingly dry winter, so I've actually spent a great deal of time outdoors. This is our first rain since December 15 and thank goodness some snow in the Sierra Nevadas! Oh, but I do love the spring.

    Thanks for hosting, as always! Have a great weekend!

  5. So nice to see your lovely yard during such a cold day here where we are. Makes me ready for spring and summer again! Thank you for hosting the party Donna, appreciate you!


  6. It has been WAY too long since I have commented, Donna! Still faithfully reading - just been swamped ever since our move in July. I'm slowing getting my groove back though. Can't wait to see your son's room when it is finished. Love all your outdoor stuff. We have had a really warm winter here in NC - no snow and mild temps. Your snow pics are so pretty - it makes me slightly envious. Dogs always look so regal in the snow. Oh, and thanks for the link-up. I haven't joined in forever! :)

  7. I have to agree with Debbie.. I love Beethoven's memory garden...

  8. The pallet walkway is still my favorite!

  9. Boy I sure wish all my summer projects weren't covered by snow right now. In more ways than one!


  10. Thanks for hosting. Always inspired by your projects.

  11. GAH! DONNA! You are a GENIUS when it comes to pallets, wood, lumber.... Remember when I told you we discovered ALL the fencing knocked down by Hurricane Ike in my mom's backyard? I still haven't touched it. I think I'm waiting to win the lottery so that I can fly you out and hire you for a week! lol Thanks for hosting! :)

  12. Always fun to catch up over here!! Motivated now to GET MY LIVING ROOM DONE for next weekend!!! LOVE being motivated!!! NEED it!! :) THANK YOU!!!!

  13. Thanks so much for taking the time to host this party! You're awesome!

  14. This is my first time linking up, and I accidentally posted in the wrong category. I did gardening vs. home decor, so now they are in both categories. So sorry about that. I meant to only have it on home decor! :) Anyway, thank you kindly for hosting. I've been a follower of your blog since I started this blog to document our fixer upper progress. Would love and of course welcome a visit from you to my blog, anytime! :) Cheers & have a wonderful weekend!


  15. your Beetoven's Garden is beautiful -- that is such as sweet and loving tribute as i sit here with tears in my eyes -- lighting a little kitty candle for sweet Beetoven tonight I am sure she shines bright in the heavens...hugs and thanks for everything that you do!

  16. Hi Donna! Hope you are having a lovely weekend and staying warm and busy. I am sure you are! Thanks for hosting.

  17. I just want to go find some old pallets now. I could curl up on that bench for hours with a good book and never move. I linked up my Hobo Bag Tutorial. Put it in Home Decor before I realized there was a category for sewing. Thanks for hosting. So many wonderful ideas here!

  18. Hello there and good morning to you! I made a DIY Children's Book w/ Audio for my family over Xmas and thought it'd be fun to show how I did it-so your readers can too! I also linked up my DIY Spinning Composter-which is a much quicker way to compost than a traditional pile method.
    Thanks for hosting the party once again. Have a great day!

  19. Thank you for hosting! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  20. Great blog, what a wonderful linkup!

    Christina @

  21. OH! That pallet walkway is wonderful! That is an excellent idea! {I'm already thinking where I can imitate you on this in my own garden!} :) Thank you so very much for hosting this party each week, and I hope you are having a fun weekend so far! :)


  22. Thanks for hosting! Love the pallet walkway! Simple, yet beautiful :)

  23. Thanks for hosting! I've just added your button, finally! Now that my mom showed me how :) I've also subscribed to your posts :)

  24. Thank you so much for hosting. We have had your button on our sidebar of our blog since we started, but realized today we are not followers. Argh! So today, we officially became followers. Have always loved what you do!
    Holly and Angie

  25. Love your blog! Thanks so much for hosting. I tried so hard to figure out how to link, but I'm new to this whole thing and just couldn't figure it out. :-( So here's a link to my post anyway.....

  26. thank you for your wonderful link party. your contribution is brilliant, as per usual.

  27. Is that and old hand drill used as a handle on the wooden toolbox next to the pallet sofa????? GREAT idea! Well, all of them were great ideas!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!