Friday, January 27, 2012

Sat Night Special link party 118 - with Picture Perfect #1

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #118, the multi themed link party! 

* Home Decor
 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes
* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.
So... do we have any big time gorgeous Picture Perfect reveals today?

Due to technical difficulties, progress is slow on our two rooms.

Truncated post: click to read more below

And my son's room now has a chalkboard but the wall painting isn't done.

But know what? That's ok. This challenge is all about getting one room completed even if it takes awhile.

So how did you do with your Picture Perfect room? 
Link up your own room progress or reveal in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!

Want another chance to join in? Comment that you'd like to see this run again and if enough respond, we'll run another on Feb 24th!


Due to popular demand, Picture Perfect will be a regular feature on SNS on the last weekend of each month! (until we lose interest) Yahoo! Now git ta work! :)  

Upcoming themes for Feb in this order:

revisiting: old ladders
revisiting: old windows
antique tools

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you're cool with me featuring you on the blog,  Pinterest, or FJI Facebook with no additional permission required.

Join us on Facebook this weekend for party highlights!


  1. Thank you Donna for hosting this fun party.


  2. Thanks for hosting! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Donna!


  3. I love the idea of a chalkboard wall! Thanks for hosting, Donna! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  4. I would loooove to see this run again, because I'm not done yet either :) Thanks for hosting us every week! Love the inspiration.
    Cheers, Andrea

  5. Great theme - almost done and ready to reveal my basement purge and reorg (after 16 years of accumulating "stuff"). Progress posted and reveal next week!

  6. Thanks so much for hosting! I actually linked up one reveal tonight (Pinterest Inspired Bathroom), but I am working on 2 other room and would definitely love another chance to show those when complete in February! I can't wait to see your reveal!!

  7. Will be linking up.
    Not quite finished so a definite YES on the RERUN... in February.
    Going to get my 'up to date' post linked tonight.
    I haven't even gotten that part written yet.
    ...thanks for Hosting the party and for all your encouragement!

  8. Please, please, please run it again. I am soooo not finished my room!! Glad I'm not the only one!


  9. You have accomplished soo much- You're right- it's about getting the room finished not the time line that is important! We already have way to much pressure out there so it's wonderful that we can give each other in blog land a break!

    Thank you for your sweet as always hosting!

    bee blessed

  10. Thank you so much for hosting! It is a great way to start the weekend!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  11. Thanks for hosting. You have had a very busy week. The chalkboard paint wall is great, looking forward to the next post on progress. Studio looks quite usable right now although everything you do/add/etc. works. Looking forward to the next posts on that room as well.

  12. I wish I could say my room was complete. Its just not:( I would love antoher shot at it! But I am taking the time to plan it out to be sure it is exactly what I am looking for. So if it takes a little more time that is okay by me.

  13. This is my first time linking up, I love that you have different linkys for each theme. So smart.

  14. Really enjoying this party. I have gotten so much done in the past, because of blogging. Really looking forward to some new projects and actually getting our house to be what we want it to be. Thanks for the great ideas all the time and the encouragement to try new things. I love it.

  15. Thank you for hosting, this week, and every week. :)Have a great weekend!

  16. Thank you for hosting such a fabulous linky party! I don't always get to link up, so it's a pleasure to join in this week! :) Have a great weekend!


  17. Yes, pretty please do this again in February! I'm working on my basement craft room, but it's not quite ready for a big reveal yet.

  18. Always enjoy your posts! I love how you are "you" =) Thanks for hosting such a great link event. Enjoy your weekend Donna.

  19. Thank you for hosting! Lots of picture perfect rooms to have a peek at... hopefully I'll be inspired to complete one room from top to bottom too... finally!

  20. Iwould love to see this run again. Maybe I will get motivated and get my bedroom makeover done in time.
    Thanks Rebecca

  21. Definitely run it again. So cool to see all the room re-do's!

  22. Great links this week! I'm still fluffing and taking photos of my bedroom. Dang those details can kick you in the youknowwhat LOL I sure hope we do this each month because I'm freshening up every room in my house after 10 years! This party has given me the kick I needed and I love being able to share our progress here and on fb!

  23. Oh I so have to remember that term, "technical difficulties", next time hubby ask what's the problem your not finished. Definitely run it again, I want to see everyone's rooms.
    Now get to work and straighten out those difficulties. :o)

  24. Thanks so much for hosting this party. Your blog is always one of my largest referrers each week. It is also my favorite linky party to sort through. You really got something unique and wonderful going on here. I really appreciate it. Truly.

  25. Today I have a treat for you-something to look forward to-spring! My Springy, Silky Scarf Shirt. It's easy to make, fun to wear and looks good on everyone. Thanks for hosting the party once again. Have a great day!

  26. Would love to see another Pic Perfect in Feb! I need it!

  27. Thanks for your hospitality! You are an encourager!

  28. Thanks for hostessing the party - I linked our "den reveal" which I'm very excited about. (Accidentally linked it twice, once in "home decor" and then realized the room reveals were below in another area. Anyway, I'm linked back to you. Hugs ~ Mary

  29. Donna, thanks for having us, always such a hospitable hostess!

  30. I am working on my studio now just trying to get everythng in its place
    thanks for hosting, I do like coming over here

  31. Yes, do it again! I would like to participate some time--this was just NOT the time ;-)

  32. Yes, please do it again!! My room is ready, but the post hasn't been written! Just linked up a few other things though. Thanks for hosting! - Lori

  33. Thanks for hosting! I just linked up my delicious homemade snickers bars!!! Yum!

  34. I don't have rooms ready yet, either, but I Love looking at them!

  35. Thanks for hosting. I'm not even close to finishing a room, so I hope you'll go again! :)

  36. Yes, please do this again. I'm just getting started :-D. I'm hoping to get at least 2, if not 3 room/area projects done -- they've taken forever!!! I like thinking about others doing house projects at the same time. Thank you for hosting such fun party's! :-)

  37. Please run the picture perfect room linky again in February. I got a good start on the grandkids' playroom, but have lots of details to finish up.

  38. Hi Donna! I'm so excited to be linking up my first "picture perfect" room (#76) of the new year...hopefully it doesn't end up being my only one! LOL!
    Thanks so much for hosting us this week~

  39. Thanks for hosting! This was my first time linking up with the party and I will defintitely be back next week. Thanks again!

  40. Thank you for hosting and allowing us to play along every Saturday! Little Bit from

  41. Love the picture perfect party! It's fun to see all of the makeovers in one location and to keep up with everyone's progress. I think it's a "keeper" for sure! :) Thanks for hosting Donna, appreciate you!


  42. I'm so close...
    But alas, I might have to do my Jimmy John's kitchen reveal next month.
    So close.
    Great party, Donna.

    ~ Dana

  43. Oh, PLEASE do this again!! I worked so hard, but just COULDN'T get the living room or kitchen completely done, and they are both sooooo close!!! I was so bummed!! I'd LOVE it if you did it again!!

  44. Thank you so much for hosting. I can't wait to see your room reveal!!

  45. My favorites are: 146. The chore magnets. . .maybe my kids would STICK to their chores if there were magnets. 164. Doily garland and the room with all of the windows! Wonderfully bright! Love your site! ♥ ♥ ♥

  46. I think I managed to miss the time to post my link but I have been working on my room. Not quite finished but very close and there is an update on my blog. Glad you are keeping the theme as I can hopefully finish by next month and post then.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!