Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Make funky photo edits in Picasa's upgrade

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There's a party at this coffee bar today! 

Have you seen what Picasa's 3.9 upgrade can do?

This is a perfectly acceptable shot of my beloved lattes.

And this shot offers you Wild Times at the Coffee Bar. 

Nice! Sugar?

Hmm... I'll take grit!

Lovely designer touch to that windowsill. (not likely)

Now which one to choose...

I changed my mind. I think I'll grab me some 'vegas blend'. 

Merry Christmas!

Picasa's new upgrade 3.9 is very fun to play with and really easy to use. You can also tweak your photo two different ways, side by side. But you can only choose to keep one. I simply screen shot the one I ultimately didn't hang onto.

Funky photo editing can be loads of fun for the right reasons. I generally don't endorse these looks for home interior shots but for fun things that are just for... fun, its... fun!

But honestly, the real questions are,

#1. "Why have coffee boxes taken over my windowsill?"


#2. "Why are there TWO coffee pod machines now in the kitchen?!?"

Hmmm... because there's no one to stop me?

Picasa's free for PC or Mac. Have fun!

Never tried Picasa? A how-to is HERE.

Other tips on what to use Picasa for can be found HERE.


  1. LOVE Picasa but I didn't know about the update! Thanks for sharing, I'm going to upgrade now :)

  2. Thanks for posting this! I've been using Picasa more and more lately but never thought of updates, duh!

  3. Thanks for the info. I have Picasa, but it hadn't automatically updated. Can't wait to give the new version a try!

  4. I'm a huge Picnik fan, but like I said on FB, i'll give Picasa another try. love the grit! my favorite app on Picnik is "Gritty" it makes rust and galvanize shots look dreamy :)
    I just uploaded it again and did some playing around with a pic, I saw where it uses Picnik to do more editing as well. I think sometimes the editing is the best part of photography!

  5. Thanks Donna! I use Picasa (and sometimes Picnik), but have wanted to get some better software for edits. I didn't know I could do updates! Thanks so much. Now to figure out how to get indoor pics in manual mode. Uggg.

  6. Thanks for the info. I didn't know that you can do photo edits

  7. These look great! I usually use Picnik, but I will give these a try and see. Your coffee machines and boxes all lined up made me giggle. I have coffee stashed everywhere!

  8. Donna, I enjoy using Cross Process in Picnik on any image with greens in it as it makes it have a kind of old fashioned look to it. I do use grit also and enjoy it too. Olive

  9. You said the magic word FREE which is why I started using Picnik. I will give Picasa a try.

  10. Those are fun fo sho! I've always used picasa and picnik every now and then. I got a big girl camera for christmas, though, so I'm excited to see what other fun things I can try with picasa. Should prolly learn to use my camera first :)

  11. Boy do you ever need a funky junky Tassimo disc holder! (Barn board?)

  12. I didn't realize picasa had a download for mac now. Awesome!

  13. I mostly use iPhoto for editing and used Picnik a couple times but this looks really neat, especially since I can easily access the photos from Picasa web albums on blogger. Excited to try it out! =)

  14. This is so fun!! I love Picassa. Thanks for sharing!!! Putting this on the computer to do list. Have a great weekend. -K

  15. I know what I'll be looking into this weekend ;)

  16. I've used Picasa forever and it just keeps improving. Love it, esp now that it connects to Picnik for extra editing. I like being able to sent pictures to Facebook and Blogger.

  17. Thanks! I need all the help I can get on blogging and photography etc; plus I need coffee maker advice too. Two for the price of one today! I wanted a Keurig but the reviews aren't great so is there another brand that you can use k-cups with and use Dunkin' Donuts coffee in and no mess?
    I like those k-cups as I can try different things like cocoa, coffee, tea etc. Just wondered...looks like you like that Tassimo! That was SO COOL how you did that photo on the windowsill! Who knew????

    1. I believe you can only use K cups with the Keurig. I'll have to do a review of the two coffee systems soon so you pro coffee gulpers can make informed decisions. :)


  18. Hmm. Just updated to 3.9 and the Picnik connection isn't there anymore. Guess they figured that adding the filters tab was good, but I'll miss easy access to the resizing tool. Oh, well.

    1. It's still there pendy, just in a new place and a little less significant.

  19. Haha! I had planned an 'upgrade' but fell in love with both for their own special reasons. Crazy but true. Now they both must stay!


  20. Hi there, replying to your reply! Neat he!

  21. How cute you are and coffee is a good friend of mine as well. I am so asking for one of those coffee machines for my birthday next month.

  22. You rock Marianne! Thanks for the heads up on this! You're my guru hero. :)

  23. Oh thanks! I think I have the older version....gotta go check! :)


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