Friday, December 30, 2011

Sat Nite Special link party 114 - featuring your Christmas stories

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #114, the multi themed link party! 

* Home Decor
 * Crafts, / Sewing / Recipes
* Theme of the week

Every Fri 7pm  to Sunday 11 pm Pacific.
This weekend's theme - your Christmas stories

We had a really nice Christmas.

 A few from my family met up at my sister's on Christmas eve afternoon, 

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then some head to our church for the amazing evening service. As usual, the service was power packed with the most amazing music. I did another photo shoot and was quite pleased with the outcome despite such low light.  Thank-you manual settings!

Then we head back to our place for a nice leisurely visit in front of the fireplace. 

The food was absolutely abundant! Every square inch of the countertops were stuffed with everything imaginable. We've been picking at the leftovers all week. :)  We visited with those we haven't seen in far too long and made some new friends along the way as well. It was a really nice evening.

On Christmas morning, we head to our friend's for an amazing Christmas turkey lunch. I love watching others' traditions. Do them enough times and they sort of become your own as well. As kids we didn't have those cracker package things, but at this home they do and it's always fun to see what colour paper crown you land with. :)

The next day, we laid pretty low. Naps, too much eating, drinking coffee as fluently as breathing air, watching movies, reading magazines... whatever!

And then we started to get a little more productive but not by much. Doctor visits, picking up passport papers to fill out, going to the movies, getting the truck checked out, signing up for cadets, learning new computer software, hitting Starbucks... a real mixed bag of work and pleasure.

I really haven't felt like blogging this week. Three drafts and not even one of them got posted. Nothing spoke to me except living life and working out some big decisions I'll share with you soon.

In a nutshell, we enjoyed our season very much. Thank-you so much for your generous friendship and support for everything you see on this blog. I honestly have NO idea what I'd do without such a passionate group. You are just the best!

Here's to a wonderful New Year and may many new dreams come true for you!

Feel free to share your own Christmas story in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!

Next week

your 2011 'favorites' - bring your fav DIY, your fav recipe, AND your fav craft/sewing project!

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

 1. DIY home projects only pretty please. Items for sale must be in tutorial form on your blog.

2. Please link back to the party (text or button) within your post. See BUTTONS under main blog header.

3. Only projects new to SNS please. The themed linkup is an exception.

4. By linking up here, you're cool with me featuring you with no additional permission required. Cuz I wanna make you a star. :)

Join us on Facebook this weekend for party highlights!


  1. Wishing you the VERY best in 2012 Donna! Thanks so much for hosting such a great party!
    btw - I read your story about the lost little girl, that is amazing!

  2. Darn noticed the 2011 project wrap up is next week! I put mine up this week! So much for not reading very closely!

    Thanks Donna for your great blog!

    Happy New year

  3. Hi Donna,
    Your Christmas holiday sounds fantastic - what's better than time with family and friends! Wishing you a fabulous New Year (check out my favorite New Year cocktail in link #4 of home decor (Good fortune, vintage find, and fab cocktail)! Cheers!

  4. What is UP with inlinkz? Sometimes it takes my thumbnails, sometimes not. Makes me nervous cuz I just signed up with them.

    Anyhoo! How are ya! Happy New Year!!! Hey, I linked up MY fav posts - one of which has nothing whatsoever to do with painting, DIY or the like. It's my what-not-to-do story about when I opened a floral shop. If you need some comic relief, drop by. But I'll warn ya, it's a 5-parter! Judging from my comments, you know I can't say hello in two words *ahem*

    Thanks for hosting!

  5. Wishing you a Happy New Year Donna!!! Thanks so much for hosting! :)

  6. What a beautiful picture of you and the baby! I was so excited to see the Christmas theme- since we got our puppy, all I want to blog about on my HOUSE blog is the new pup!
    Thank you for hosting and Happy New Year!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  7. Thanks for hosting Donna! Happy New Year! Carrie

  8. Glad to hear you had a great Christmas! Happy New Year my new blogger buddy! when are we gonna get together again??!!

  9. Happy New Year Donna. Thanks for hosting, and all the wonderful inspiration.

  10. Donna, it's been a blast finding you in 2011 and being WOW'd by your creativity. I've learned SO much from you in a very short time. Thank you for doing what you're doing here and inspiring so many. May 2012 see many of your biggest dreams come true!!!! <3 Christina

  11. You are such a great inspiration Donna. I'm glad you had a nice Christmas and hope your new year is just as wonderful!


  12. Thanks for hosting Donna! How's your tassimo?? I still have gotten anything! Happy New Year!

  13. Thank you for hosting! So glad you had a wonderful Christmas, here;'s hoping you have a Happy New Year.

  14. Thanks for hosting this! I made a major faux pa that I don't know how to fix. I should have posted my link in the decorating section. I will try to remove it but I'm not sure I can. Sorry!

  15. .Fixed it! I'm still learning things in blogland :)

  16. Thank you for hosting! Tons of great ideas linked.

  17. Thanks for the fun linky Donna. Happy New year to you!

  18. Happy New Year Donna wishing you the best 2012 has to offer.
    I have learned ALOT since coming here project galore with the help of DH that is. Here's to the heath, the hill and the heather, the bonnet, the plaid, the kilt and the feather!
    May the honest heart ne'er feel distress
    Cheers Ann/alba

  19. Happy New Year to you and your adorable son! We wish you the very best for 2012. Thank you for hosting us every week!
    xo, Andrea

  20. So glad you had a wonderful Christmas, Donna! So did I...with my little grandson #3 having his first one! :-) Happy New Year to you and your family!...hugs...Debbie

  21. Thanks for hosting Donna! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  22. Your Christmas sounds like it was wonderful and I hope your new Year is filled with happiness! Thanks so much for hosting! Your party is the best! Cheers!

  23. Love the Christmas story idea. My story was surrounding my Grinch tree, how I was feeling grinchy but after decorating the tree my heart grew three sizes just like the Grinch (or at least I felt better about the holidays). But I linked that up to the Christmas tree linky already.

    Anyhow, have an absolutely fabulous new year. I'm so glad to have found you in 2011 and hope that we meet at a CDLB West meeting one day in 2012.


  24. Glad you had a great Christmas! Just wanted to let you know that you were my #1 refferer last year and I really appreciate your link parties :) Have a great New Years!

  25. I just posted for the first time in two weeks. Life gets busy at this time of year :)
    I love the photo of your church. It reminds me of the chapel at the camp I grew up going to.
    Happy New Year to you and best wishes in all of your endeavors!

  26. Thanks Donna, for a great year of sharing your posts. You are a great role model. Thank you for hosting. Happy New Year.

  27. Thanks for hosting,new follower also grabbed your buttonsd for my blog post and hops pages,Happy new year :)

  28. I wish you and your son...and all of our neighbors in Canada a Happy New Year...from all of us in the USA...and ME....Mel's Designs..'n Harmony

  29. I wanted to stop by and say Thank You for a wonderful year at Funky Junk... I'm so inspired by your blog and words.
    Happy New Year to you and your family and wishing you another great year!

  30. Donna,
    Thank you for hosting...I always look forward to your party. Hope you have a wonderful NEW YEAR in 2012!!!


  31. Thank you Donna for be such an exciting and encouraging friend!!
    I have been lazing and shopping sales and just having a nice time with my vacationing hubby.

  32. Happy New Year to you!!!! Love your blog~ Keep going with your great ideas! ;)Alyssa

  33. Happy New Year! I added my Sweet & Salty Neighbor Gifts tutorial-great for Xmas, New Years Parties, or whenever!
    Thanks for hosting the party!
    Love-Rebekah (


  35. Oh shoot, sorry, I accidentally posted in the wrong category. I put our 'hall windows' (supposed to be in decor) in the christmas memories group. #38. I'll repost to the correct category, hope you can delete my incorrect filing. thanks, Little Bit

  36. Donna, I saw this floor and immediately thought of you and the floor in your office, I think it was your office, that you want to replace. This is beautiful.

    Paula in Oklahoma

  37. Thanx for hosting Donna! May you and yours have a blessed New Year!

  38. Donna, I just wanted to wish you a very Happy New year and thanks for hosting another great party. :) You made such a positive difference in my life in 2011, and I want to say thanks again. *hugs*


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