Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Christmas garland made from twigs

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We all love a great Christmas garland. And I was no different. I just desired to create something I hadn't seen done before.

So when I created the twig garland, I knew I was onto something. It was so simple to make, and had the rustic quirky quality I gravitate towards.

Due to popular demand, I am sharing the tutorial with you today!

I created the garland for the Nov/Dec issue of FOLK. Editor Ben gave me his blessing to share the full meal deal with you. Told you they were great folks. :)

Not all the tutorials from the magazine will be shown on the blog however, so if you don't wish to miss a thing, you can order a FOLK subscription from HERE or purchase them separately from HERE.

So... let's make a twig garland!


string, scissors, sticks of uniform size, cutting device, patience

The garlands are easy to make, just a little time consuming. Flick on Netflix and you'll forget what you're doing. :)

1. Find your twigs of choice. I happened to land this bunch at a thrift store for $10. The uniform shape made them very easy to work with.

(lovely SHORT green lawn is courtesy of neighbour Janette... mine wasn't mowed... I was too busy making a twig garland)

2. Decide how thick you'd like your garland to end up. Cut twigs to desired length.

(hand clippers would work, but a miter saw was FAST)

3. Measure your first piece of string at a generous 2 arms length.

(much longer would making tying knots more difficult.)

4. Finding the centre of the string, tie one twig tightly with one or two knots.

(You can also use hot glue once tied to ensure they stay put. I used single knots and no glue and with lots of handling, some sticks have fallen loose.)

5. Create a loop, slip a twig in place, and tighten string.

6. Continue adding twigs and knotting them tightly until you run out of string.

7. After accumulating several lengths, tie them together and trim string.

8. Decorate as desired!

They are VERY fun to play with!

If you make one, I'd LOVE it if you link it back to this tutorial and share it with me so I can brag about you. :)

Thank-you! And happy Netflixing to you! :)

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  1. wowie! what a job it must have been to create that. But the end result is totally worth it - so lovely!

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  2. Love the garland! I so wanted to try it, and am wondering if I have to do the George Washington thing and cut down a tree in my neighbor's lawn tomorrow. jk I have only HUGE cedar trees. Thanks for the tutorial. I put your Christmas tree/ladder blog on my FB page and people were astounded. I love seeing you grow in your abilities and your creativity. Your blog is helping me be more thankful for the home I live in, because I really don't like split levels. I decided to decorate it more creatively with items I love.

  3. Great job! I'm surely gonna try this. A big thanks here :)

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  4. I've been holding on to willow branches I've had for years after making a couple of willow baskets (talk about tough work!). Thanks for the great idea and tutorial. I can now use them and shout out loud: "See, I told you they'd come handy some day!

  5. Thanks for the tutorial, I would love to try this, maybe for Valentines day...

  6. That twig garland is so "you"! You never cease to amaze me. Lovely! xo

  7. Love that garland!! Thanks for the tutorial. I am always amazed at everything you do, vintage soda bottles hanging from the cute and clever!!!

  8. Thanks for the tute Donna... I love it! The miter saw was a great thing to see, I pictured myself using a hand clipper! Yikes
    Beautiful work!

  9. I loved that garland when you first showed it. So beautiful!! But you are so right..a movie would definitely be in order!! Ha!
    And I am still oooing and ahhhing over the step ladder tree!! Love it

  10. You are a crazy genius!! Crazy because sitting there and making all of those is crazy, but so very genius. I love love love this idea. Wish I hadn't let the garbage men take all our sticks when we were cleaning up the yard. Next year I'm hoarding them all, even from the neighbors, lol.

  11. What a great idea, looks like a lot of work. So I am now on the look out for twigs. Not any in my yard so I have to go scouting. I love your blog and how creative you are. You have a gift for seeing things most people don't. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas.

  12. Love this! It looks good everywhere you put it, too! I was out collecting twigs with my son last weekend for my own (not so) little twig project. Nursing a gigantic bruise on my leg and we broke a snow sled hauling it all back! Wish I would have bought a bunch for 10 bucks!!

  13. I love it! Maybe I'll try one to match my dried orange garland!

  14. Donna I love your garland. A few years back I bought some twig garland at the Dollar Tree.
    I used it for several years until it started
    falling apart. Yours is beautiful and looks
    really good on your stairway. Actually it would look good anywhere.

  15. how fun does that look?
    my kind of craft project ...and could be free,too!

    So rustic...

  16. You're CRAZY! I love your twig garland! I have a kinda twiggy hanging lamp (it's all your fault) which I've prettied up for Christmas.
    Now this?! Maybe if I start this year....

  17. Everything is beautiful, as always. It's such an easy garland that could do so many things!

  18. What a great idea. May have to try it for next year. By the way, I just love your steps. They make me smile every time I see them. Merry Christmas!

    Diane J./Ohio

  19. Wow! So impressive! I'm pretty sure if I tried to make that my back would officially break before I even got finished.

  20. Oh you brought back memories with this. I made a stick garland with beads as a small girl. My Dad drilled a hole in each stick. Every so many sticks I put beads on. It was great quality time spent with my Dad. We made it for Mom!

  21. Just viewed your whole Xmas home decorating post and was blown away! You make the ordinary look extraordinary!! The twig garland looks awesome. Can't do it this year but will start gathering twigs for next year! Thanks for sharing. You go girl!!

  22. Oh my word. This is so fun and so stinking cute! I can't decide which is my favorite. I think I'm leaning toward the "clothes line". Love it all!

  23. That is so cool !!! Thank you for your awesome tutorial !

  24. What a neat idea. I have to tell you every time there's a picture of your steps I have to smile. They are cool.

  25. I love your stick garland! Thanks for the tutorial! :D

  26. Donna ... your are one amazing lady.The garland is very nice, but I would not have the patience to make it. I so enjoyed the tour of your home. I especially love the sapling tree in the burlap bag. Audrey Z. at Timeless Treasures.

  27. Great tutorial, Donna. So, did you end up with blisters on your hands, or just cuts and scrapes? Another question,...since most of your subscribers now want to make a garland just like yours, even for next Christmas, would you please post the proper "twig-gathering" etiquette?! Let's say we're out for a casual walk in our neighborhoods, and spot the perfect twig specimens laying on a complete strangers lawn. Do we need to ring the doorbell and introduce ourselves as friendly, but weird neighbors, (Donna wannabe's) and kindly ask if we could have the twigs? Or, on the other hand, is it safe to assume that by cleaning up said twigs off a stranger's lawn, we are now at the top of the list for "Neighbor of the Year" Award? And then there's the "being green" thing,...we are supposed to be recycling and reusing our resources!! Again, an award of some type will probably be called for. Oh, decisions, decisions! See why I need an etiquette post??? :D Linda S. in NE

  28. Holy cow..That garland is awesome..Thanks for sharing..

  29. I love twigs and anything you can make with them. This is very cool. I've pinned it!

  30. What a gorgeous tree! I love the banner you made, too. The garland is perfect for a rustic style holiday.
    Enjoy your day,

  31. Donna, you have the most creative ideas! I love the twig garland and I'm definitely going to give it a try...but I think I'll be gathering twigs from nature as I am sure I won't be as lucky as you to find such a perfect bundle for only $10! By the way, your home is beautifully decorated for the holidays! Lesa

  32. Your home is so beautiful and festive, Donna! The ladder tree is so completely unique! If you have the time, I would like to invite you to link you tree up to the Bloggers Block Party Christmas Tree Party which I am hosting and is currently in progress! I would be delighted if you did!

  33. Seriously you are so stinking creative! The ladder way! Love it! Your garland looks great on your staircase as well. Happy Holidays! ~ Carrie

  34. I made one! Thanks for the great tutorial.

  35. Get out!! You've Donna, you've out did yourself AGAIN!!!

    I'm making some for our house!! I love the deep brown color of your twigs. I can't wait to go out in the yard and see what I can come up with. At the rate I'm going I won't have any landscape left for spring!!

  36. ps - A step ladder tree?? Are you serious!! I admired your picture several times before I read the words you typed and never even registered there was a ladder in the picture!

    You have such a great mind! Thank you for being so creative and inspiring in such a funky, rustic, affordable way.

    a hui hou, Shelly

  37. Donna you are my kind of Christmas crafting genius. :)

    I would love for you to visit DTA as I am in the midst of a "Gifts You Can Make" series.

    Be merry and bright!

  38. Funky junk that is NOT! Absolutely STUNNING! LOVE the look both on your tree and the staircase. Gotta pin this to save for next year! THANK YOU for sharing over at Centsational Girl's Christmas Craft link-up!!! xo

    Have a Merry Funky Christmas!!
    :D Lynda

  39. seriously genius! I am so pinning this for next year. Thanks for sharing! Happy Christmas to you and yours!

  40. Love this! I had a thought though... What about using some cinnamon sticks interspersed throughout? It would give such a lovely holiday smell!

  41. Now that I have about a million branches down... I think I will make this!
    Thanks for the inspiration!



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