Monday, December 12, 2011

Blog to Biz - photography session for my church

So, remember when I talked about doing that 'brave' photoshoot for my church HERE?

 It was a little (a lot) nerve wracking. I knew the shots I desired to capture, but would I be allowed to go up where I desired to take them? And would I have the nerve? And would they even turn out?!?

Well, I was allowed and I did. As soon as I started snapping, I forgot about being nervous and went for the shots. I heard absolutely nothing and felt no eyes on me. Amazing.

Conditions were tricky. Lighting was dim so movement was an issue, making going on manual rather mandatory. I was pretty fresh to manual settings at this stage so I hoped and prayed they were turning out. How embarrassing if none did...

Well, I'm happy to report, I took a couple hundred and landed lots of great shots that were keepers. Some will indeed be used for the new website!

Their reaction? The words 'great' and phenomenal' were used! Oh my...

And this is the result.
click to enlarge photos

Love how the light is hitting the lead singer.

A shot where movement made the photo.

My fav.

This wasn't the zoom. I was this close.

(if you zoom in dim conditions your photos will be noisy)

The Soul Cafe downstairs

And that's a wrap. :)

There were so many others I'd love to show you but I'm respecting the privacy of those attending. I'll point out the website once it's up and running.

I am so blessed to actually TRY doing what I love to do in real life situations. How many of us are jumping on those opportunities? Look around you... I'd bet there's someone in need that will help to build up your own portfolio!

Next up for photography? I'm shooting the Christmas Eve program. With nervous pleasure. :)

I'm better at manual now too... let's hope that's good news!


  1. Beautiful, every one of them...

  2. Oh I Love the Soul Cafe shot! Coffee Mugs in a setting like that signify unity and fellowship - it's perfect!! The people in the background, the coffee mug up fave shot of the post. Such great work with your photography - inspiring!!

  3. Great photos Donna, and what a charming church.

  4. Hey, Donna! I loved seeing these photos. My husband and I are both involved with praise team so I just HAD to enlarge your photos to see the music! LOL! Made him come take a look as well! :) Great songs! Happy Day is one of our favorites! I would LOVE to be able to do this one day for our church. Need to practice my manual photography skills, though. (They're pretty non-existent at the moment.) Thanks so much for sharing these amazing photos. I agree, you did a "great" and "phenomenal" job!

  5. How cool! Our church has a Soul Cafe too! I created/decorated it as part of my portfoloio several years ago!

  6. The photos are wonderful! Well done!
    I love the way the light was coming in!'

  7. Great pics! And great use of your talents!

  8. The pictures are so great Donna - I know that was something you were excited about and your "perspective" in all the phtotos is really unique and interesting.

    Take care,

  9. Great photos of your church...

  10. I like how the pictures concentrate on what is happening during the service, rather than on the people that were there. Looks like a great place to worship.

  11. I am so happy for you. Even if the photos had not turned out wonderfully (which they totally did) you are growing and becoming and enjoying. You continue to find new ways to share your talents and caring spirit.
    You also inspire others to follow their dreams.

  12. Great photos, Donna! Best wishes for the Christmas Eve program photo session!

  13. Congratulations, Donna. These are beautiful pictures. I'm not surprised however as the photos on your blog are always amazing.

    Good luck Christmas Eve.

  14. That is wonderful! So glad you got to do that. Looking forqaed to seeing the website whet it's up and running.

  15. donna, great photos ! your fav is my fav too....that photo speaks every language and sings every shows hope and faith. your photos are so extraordinary because they are through the eyes of your soul..

    thanks for sharing....i love your blog and read it faithfully....

  16. Great shots Donna! Your church should be proud of your work and the website too. I was asked by friends this fall to take photos of their daughter for her nursing graduation. I stepped out of my box and we had a blast 'shooting' her in a barn, down a country lane and in an apple orchard. I had never done people pictures before. I still have lots to learn but they turned out great and she was very happy! Thanks for giving me the boost I needed to try it. Blessings, Pamela

  17. I never imagined you would be nervous doing something like that! I've shot several weddings, which made me nervous because some churches didn't allow flashes and I feared dead batteries... but I never notice people around me. Now ask me to get up and speak in front of those same people and I'd probably tip over:).

  18. way!!! Heck that is one of the things you do best. You always have the best pictures I have ever seen. You did a good job I am sure. I can't wait to see the rest of them.

  19. Isn't it cool when someone notices what you do and asks you to do it for them ? I love photography, too, and just took a lot of pictures of my brother's children. They want to put together a family picture frame for him. I studied all sorts of poses beforehand, hoping to get just the right shots. I was so tickled at how they turned out. But I didn't feel that was a calling really. I'm also into plants and had a lady come up to me at a recent plant sale I held. She overheard me telling a child how to take care of a plant. She then asked if I'd come to her private Catholic school class and talk about how to make more plants for the children. I was a bit nervous. Didn't have kids of my own, but I love them. It was so great ! We do what we do, never thinking how it might affect others. And we find that something wonderful happens in the end. Congratulations on such a great photo shoot !

  20. Beautiful all pictures and good job. really looking good and awesome posting

  21. Love these photos! Thanks for sharing your work and your fears.

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