Monday, July 11, 2011

Junk Loser #2 - what's your plan?

Hello there Junk Losers!

First off, your interest in the intro post FLOORED me. I'm thrilled that so many of you are wishing to take an active step in bettering your health!  

It's for this reason I've started a Junk Loser Facebook page so we can support each other daily/hourly/whatever you need or desire. Come on in!

First of all, a big humongous CONGRATS on wanting some better changes in your life!

Secondly, now what?

Whenever I get a big brainstorm DIY wise, I go through a bunch of steps. I figure out what I want to make, gather up my supplies and implement it full blast.

So why in the dickens is it so hard to come up with a decent plan for improving our heath? And sticking to it?

I have a secret to share.

Planning for things 
is actually MUCH worse than 
just doing it.

But, planning IS necessary for this one. You need to arm yourself with the right supplies to make your project a success.

So where to begin?

1. Health first.

We ALL want to lose weight. But if that's our main motivation, you know what happens. We're all gung ho for the first bit, then the desire fizzles.

I'm going to ask you to take a slightly different approach. I want you to think of better health for the long run first. Train your body to do good things and eat good things and good things WILL come your way.

Look at it this way.

You diet, you get hungry, you cave.


You get healthy, you feel better, you'll have more stamina to be and STAY successful.

Choose health over just weigh loss and plan to stay healthy for the rest of your life.


Scenario #1 - you watch what you eat and lose weight. Lovely! Now you get to watch it forever because that's the only way you'll keep the weight off. A lifetime of starvation! When do we begin?

Scenario #2 - you adapt to a healthy 'real foods' diet, and you move to increase your metabolism and build muscle which will burn fat.

Walking is something nearly anyone can do and will trigger your sleepy metabolism. Plus you'll just FEEL a heckuva lot better.

Building muscle mass will speed up fat burn, because muscle continues to burn fat well after you stop moving.

So... get out those athletic shoes daily and start somewhere! Baby steps. Whatever you can do. And gradually build up where you'd like to be.

Me - Walking does an amazing number on me. I feel younger, much stronger and am just flat out motivated to move. I love to push weights to tone and build muscle mass as well but I'm not quite there yet. Baby steps here. :)

3. Choose an inspiration source

If everyone could do this alone, we'd all be thin already.

And that's why I have my handy dandy Curves book by my side. It's the little voice that will encourage me to stay on the right track when I get weak at the knees with it all.

If you're at a loss on what to get or try, I do encourage the Curves book. It's an easy read, full of inspiring stories, easy non fussy meal planning, grocery lists already written for you and simple new recipes to try out.

4. Pick a plan that JIVES with you

There are 101 plans to try. Ultimately, you need to pick one you believe in and that will ultimately cater to your goal of staying fit for life. I don't know all of them but the ones I do know of are:

Sure Slim is an excellent (although expensive) plan some of my own family members are on and they swear by it. You eat healthy real foods for your blood type and they've all dropped to their goal weight. It's fairly restrictive but is  healthy and it works.  I was debating it for a short time myself. The price stopped me, but the heath benefits still tempt me. It's a doctor regulated program.

Weight Watchers is wildly popular and is about meal planning by calculating given points to each food item. You monitor your success by not exceeding a certain range of points. High cal foods have more points therefore you must eat less if you cheat.  I've never been on the plan myself.

Curves is an exercise program AND food planner. Building up muscle mass is dictated as important as eating right so you don't have to stay on a restricted diet long term. They divide the diet in 3 phases to help you lose, maintain and also help you through the plateau stage. I've been a member in the past and worked out as well as followed their diet plan from the book myself and was very successful.

 5. Consult your doctor

When I hit the Curves plan, I paid a visit to my doctor. She liked what she heard and endorsed it. I also visited her when I had lost weight. She commented that I had a very 'young' body. :)

Only you and your doctor knows of your present health condition. Please PLEASE don't mess with this. If you change something up in diet or exercise, make the appointment and see what your doc has to say first.

7. Stock the right stuff

It's time to go shopping! Once you decide on your plan, it'll be easier to know what to pick up.

But if you really don't know how to proceed from the get go, it will not hurt you to stop eating processed foods. This means most anything canned, frozen, boxed or baked.

Pick up fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs,  lean fresh protein, organic raw nuts, top up your water jug and you'll be doing it before you know it.

Me - I'm personally not a fancy eater nor an amazing chef. I prefer to pull something out of the fridge raw and just eat it. No fuss no muss.

One of my very fav lunches is using a lettuce leaf instead of a wrap. Spread a veggie cream cheese on the lettuce leaf, load with chicken and your fav veggies, wrap it and enjoy. It's delicious!

Buy things you actually like, then get a little creative. You can top your salads with chicken, taco seasoned beef, chili, nuts, raisins, eggs, hamburger crumblings from the BBQ... the sky's the limit. A salad really can be a fun, healthy and filling meal.

8. It gets easier

Deciding was the hardest part. Doing it proved that it wasn't that big of a deal. Now that you're doing it, you will miss some things about your old diet. BUT... not for long. It does get easier. Especially when you start to feel better!

But do expect a few hiccups on the way to progress.

Me - I got headaches the 2nd day from carb withdrawal but for only 1 day. A friend that went off sugars had a week long withdrawal process.  So go into this knowing you could be hit with a few rough spots.

But hang tough. It gets better! I had 2 chocolate chips last night and couldn't believe I actually loved them a week ago! They tasted like sugary wax yesterday. Yech. What am I missing out on again?

Aches and pains. Feeling sleepy. Weight gain. Illnesses.

No thanks.
This week's homework

Time to come up with a plan that works for you. Then go shopping! Just remember, you can't eat it if you don't buy it.

Not sure what to get? Pick up fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs,  lean fresh protein, organic raw nuts, top up your water jug, slap on your walking shoes and...

Just do it. Today.

Coming soon: recipe swap area, testimonials, and a place to share your own successes. Watch JL Facebook for updates!

Let's hear your plans! 
What are you going to try?

All Junk Loser posts to date are HERE.


  1. You know the hardest part of a diet is the mental part. I am starting today, with changing my eating. I am going back to a high protein and fruit and veggies, and whole grains, and leaving the carbs and processed foods, and chocolate behind! Now I just have to get my exercise in!

  2. Remember, this doesn't have to be difficult. Follow Canada's food guide and get moving.
    Stay away from fad diets, eat foods from every food group.
    You don't have to spend hours a day on exercise, but get it in there. 30 minutes a few days a week will help for starters. Experts are now saying if, in order to get that 30 minutes in, you do three 10 minutes sessions it will help. Walking, gardening, it all counts.

    Canada's food group.

    I just started reading "The End of Overeating" by Dr. David A. Kessler. It came highly recommended by friends,

  3. I'm starting today too!
    First: stop telling the kids to walk the dog and do it myself *note to self---you really want to do this*
    Second: when the I'm-bored-let's-eat sets in, get up and do something else. (I'm a compulsive eater, so keeping myself busy with something else will help)
    Third: No eating at the computer. If I want to eat, I must get up, go to the table, set it, eat, and come back. That should cut back on the snacking and munching habit.
    More to come as I adjust a little further

  4. Love the new Junk Loser FB page. Thanks for sharing all of this awesome information. I have been added a Green Smoothie into my day. I blend up a cup of strawberries, 2 small bananas and 5 kale or spinach leaves. It is really yummy and filling.
    Smiles, Paula

  5. I have been dealing with severe anemia for the past 2+ years. It is only recently that I am able to do anything without dropping from exhaustion afterwards. I have started to drop the weight I put on over the past two years. I have also stopped using artificial sweetener in my Latte. Pop is the next to go, not that I drink a ton of it, 2 or 3 per week, but with no nutritional value at all, what is the point?

  6. Such good advice. Thanks for sharing. I've been doing this for a week. Had a few headaches but for the most part they R gone. Have been moving around more...getting up naps...if I didn't have to work that'd be the best cuz of all the stuff that ends up at the office. Have a great day.....It's raining in Arizona....finally!

  7. My first goal is to start exercising and eating better. I have a condition that if I don't eat often I get real natious. I have to eat small meals and snacks. I just do not make the best decisions on my snacks. I am going to try to eat wiser snacks and cut out the Coke/Pepsi (the bane of my existance)

  8. I'm stubborn as a mule and the excuses queen! But I'm on board with you guys...something's gotta give right? I did the Curves workout years ago, I really liked it but I never did their diet. I've tried the Atkins but it's very hard for me as I'm not a big meat eater. The thing that worked for me best was just to cut everything I ate in half. If I filled up a plate, I would immediately take half off. It's hard though, my "munchie monster" visits me every evening and he makes it hard for me to put that half back! As for exercise, I used to love to jog. I actually have 3 5Ks under my belt! But now that belt is way stretched out! I'm going to start walking and slowly work my way back to jogging. I know if I were to take off running now I'd never even make it up my driveway and every muscle in my body would scream at me. All joking aside, whatever each one of us chooses to do, taking it slow and steady will ensure we win the race! Good luck ladies! (and gents?) :) :) :)

  9. Again, thanks for this! I had slid back into 'white' eating lately, and boy I sure noticed a big difference in my pep...had none :) so..back to whole grains, fresh veg and good protein. Of course, every day I promise myself a good walk..went yesterday and was carried off by mosquitoes hahaha...however, am prepared for them today!! Have a great day, everyone!

  10. I started doing yoga again last week. I plan to keep doing that and add some walking. My husband is a blogger and is in the middle of working on a series of recipes (around 30) - football inspired recipes which tend not to be light, so cleaning out the house of less than optimal food will have to wait for a week or two, but we are trying to get in as many veggies as possible until then.

  11. Donna I have been briskly walking 3.5 miles every
    morning for the past 15yr. Walking gives you more energy and makes you feel so much better. It also
    helps if you have someone to walk with you. For the first 7yrs. I didn't have anyone and I was seriously thinking of quitting, but my neighbor retired from
    nursing and she like to walk so that is my partner
    for walking. We motivate each other. I am 61yrs. old
    and not over weight but the walking helps because you do slow down with energy as you get older. Walking can be fun, you get to see how people decorate their doors, flowerbeds and their porches. There is some good in it. LOL.:O)

  12. Donna I meant there is some good in walking other than getting you healty. You get decorating ideas to use all that energy on.

  13. I have been "talking" about eating healthier and changing lifetime eating habits for a while now but as the Sonic coke on my desk looking at me is a witness, I have failed to do it! This curves program sounds like it might actually work. I will be following along with the junk loser,, I hope it will motivate me to get moving and eating healthier,, I have two grandbabies on the way I want to be able to enjoy and do things with. Thanks Donna

  14. This is perfect timing for me. For over a week I've been trying to figure out what exercise program to get, figure out what I need to cut out of my diet that's causing me problems. My husband and I eat healthy as he has to watch his triglycerides, but somethings not working for me. I have felt like a failure because I can't decide. Thank you for your post. It has encouraged me to DO SOMETHING TODAY... THANK YOU and God bless you! :)

  15. I'm using Lysa TerKeurst's Made to Crave as my go to book.

    I'm setting up an actual workout plan for the gym instead of just showing up and doing whatever I feel like. I also got some much needed new sneakers to help.

    My diet is definitely more of an all out lifestyle change. I eat pretty healthy compared to most Americans, but the new question I ask myself is, "Is this real food?" I'm trying to eat only those things that are considered real food that actually nourishes the body as opposed to all that junk that lines the grocery store shelves that technically can't even be classified as food.

    One other change I'm making is to make my meals and snacks a true break. Rather than eating as I run out the door I'm trying to make it more of an experience by listening to music or sitting out in the sun or talking with my family. And most of all, I'm slowing down and actually chewing my food and thinking about the good taste.

    Can't wait to get on the facebook page!

  16. Oh, Donna, I LOVE that you're doing this on your blog!!

    I started a couple of months ago - my daughter sent me the link to My Fitness Pal & I really took off. Literally, lol - I've lost 36 lbs so far.

    Before she did that, though, I had come to the conclusion that I WAS going to change my eating habits. You see, my son & I moved last Dec.- in the move, I aggravated previous injuries to my knees, which just wasn't getting better. The threat of knee surgery really did scare the heck out of me.

    But when she sent me that link - well, that was it! We all need some sort of community in stuff like this, I think - and they have that. Plus, what I didn't realize was that I was eating calories, fat, etc. when I thought I was doing great. So I make changes here & there to help my weight loss.

    Now, today you wouldn't know it (I hurt my knee this wkend) but my health has improved SO much - even my mild-mannered rheumatologist (who never shows any emotion) was all smiles when I saw him last week!! I usually walk a few miles a day now - when I started, I was walking - with a cane. Hobbling!

    Oh, yeah - I have fibromyalgia - it's helped me there too.

    I even finally (after so much talking about it) launched my own little blog. If anyone wants to take a peak:

    I won't be at my weight destination until this Christmas - but the healthy way of eating is for my entire life. :D

    I can't write enough about how this has improved my health & energy level.... and I so love that you are putting the word out in blogland.

    If anyone wants to take a look at My Fitness Pal (it's free, btw):

    My 'name' there is sitstaygimmeeakiss (what can I say - I have dogs, lol). Feel free to add me as a friend!!

  17. I am really excited!! I have lost 11 pounds and feel great. I swim 3 times per week!!!I walk on my treadmill and do weight training as well. I also Kayak and hike! I have really adopted a more active lifestyle. I am feeling better and the weight is coming off 2 pounds per week and taking it off the right way!! I plan on getting rid of some "FAT" clothes,, I don't plan on going back when I reach my goal weight!!

  18. I'm doing Sommer-size. I hate to give it a celebrity name, since it's mainly very low carbs. Anyway, her plan resonates the best w/me 'cause I have blood sugar problems, plus I'm (cough, cough) middle-aged. I have one of her books that I refer to, but, really, it's one of the easiest eating plans I've ever followed. I just don't get hungry!

  19. This is such a timely post!! I'm so glad I saw it.

    I suffered a 14 hour long gall bladder attack over the weekend; it was pretty severe. Since I'm so stubborn, it had to be long and severe for me to finally change my way of eating. There is no way I'm ever going to overeat on fatty foods again. (I've been terrible about it for the past couple months).

    I'm trying to eat healthier, though it's hard since I don't have a car and it's a rare person who will take me to the store around here. So I have relied on Schwanns and other processed food. It's a challenge, but I have to eat better, despite no car and no thoughtful friends.

    Thanks again for this. I don't have facebook yet, but I'm intending on signing up soon.

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  20. I am looking forward to the recipe swap area!:)

  21. I am not sure where I first heard processed foods described as "predigested" (meaning chemically altered) but if you think of those foods as prechewed or predigested they sound less appealing.
    I have been asking my doctorS for help for years and finally one sent me to a nutriionist. (For insurance I needed a referral.) She gets $50/hr and she wanted to teach me how to read a food label. I learned that for FREE many many years ago and can get a refresher course anywhere.
    Hospitals do offer healthy eating courses that are more reasonably priced, include recipes and group supposrt. They do an initial BMI, BP, weight check, etc and another at the course end.

    Support is a major part of this process so thank you all for making this available to those of us somewhat isolated.

  22. I'm committing to logging everything I eat and weighing daily. It worked wonderfully last year, aand I know it will again. The Lose It app it the easiest way I've ever found to track my food and to motivate me not to "spend" my allowed calories on junk carbs. I'm also committing to walking 30 minutes a day minimum. Doing something every day is easier for me than allowing a day or two off--too easy to backslide!

  23. I'm so glad you posted this! I have struggled with my weight for years because I wanted to lose weight so I could look better and feel better about myself. I recently had a tumor removed from the side of my neck and found out last week it was malignant. Now I am REALLY motivated to get healthy!! I work at a hospital, for Pete's sake, and we have a gym and even a walking track INSIDE. I really am going to do it this time. Not to look better but to be healthy.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This is fantastic! Love it! My family is BIG on weightloss and now fitness and health. Check out my brother who's lost over 200 lbs NATURALLY! Oh yeah!

    And my other brother's wife who's also lost a ton of weight. She's a fantastic cook who has made it a goal to make unhealthy meals healthy. Check out her blog for some great recipes and weightloss tips.

    I'd love to see them join your new community! Go say hi.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!