Friday, July 8, 2011

I'm a Junk Loser! Wanna play too?

I have a little story to tell.

I've made some changes in my life recently and by sharing, my hope is that someone out there may be influenced in a GOOD way.

Warning: my little story is rather wordy... aren't they all? :)

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My up-down story

A few years back, I was coursing through a really difficult time in my life. Attempting to hold a failing marriage together was beginning to take it's toll.

I hadn't really paid attention and taken care of myself because we were plunged into survival mode.  My thoughts were on my son and our uncertain future. It was only when I ended up glancing at myself in a department store full length mirror one day, I gasped!

You see, the house I lived in at the time must have been built by a giant. All the mirrors reflected someone around 5'6" tall from the chin up. Crazy! I lived a long time without a mirror showing off what I really looked like.

But the department store mirror didn't lie. I had put on weight and a lot of it! It was then that I resolved to stop the fiasco of over indulging for comfort and get things back on track.

I joined a local Curves gym and immediately fell in love! It was such an encouragement to walk into a place with other non perfect women just like myself. What I loved about Curves was the fact that the workout program was built as a circuit. The machines were on self adjusting hydraulics so you really couldn't 'do it wrong.' With the machines set out in a circle, you were to run in the same spot until you heard a ding, then you'd move to the next machine. Ding and you'd run, etc. The machines were geared to help you build muscle which is the best fat burner there is. For only 30 minutes 3x a week!

After joining for awhile, I first noticed returning strength which felt empowering. So I decided to ramp things up and look into their eating plan with some hesitation.

You see, I don't like unnatural things to do. I didn't want to cook special foods leading me to cook two meals at home,. I didn't want to have to keep track of an entire list of foods, points and such. And I didn't want to have to give up 'fun' food long term.  I just wanted something relatively easy to just 'do.'

The program looked encouraging so instead of plunking down more money, I purchased their book instead. And did it on my own.

After a few weeks, I finally landed a full length mirror and hung it in the house so I could at least see what I looked like when I got dressed. I'll never forget that first glance. My jaw hit the floor.  I didn't recognize that thin person in the mirror!

Not only was I successful at the weight loss thing, I surpassed my own expectations. By the time my marriage was a done deal and the moving truck dropped us off at our new location, I had dropped 25 lb which was below my goal weight. And the weight was still rolling off on it's own. I actually started eating burgers to slow down the loss!

I stopped going to Curves when I became a single parent because they didn't allow children in the waiting area. So I resolved to do the best I could at home on my own with  LOTS and LOTS of power walking. It worked for awhile, until the rain started pounding down. I lost motivation without the workout and started getting sloppy with my eating habits again.

And then I started sitting blogging. :)

Today? I've gained back 15 of those 25 lb and haven't been very happy with myself lately. I've had a taste of what it felt like to be fit and trim and desire that back.

Not long ago I decided to find my Curves book and start reading again. I couldn't find the book so I started snooping in thrift stores and found another for a whoppin' dollar.

But I didn't read it right away. Reading it meant that I was committed to a 'plan.' I really didn't want to follow anything! So I held tough for abit longer.

A week ago my frustration hit an all time high. Our weather turned HOT overnight and right on cue, my summer clothes didn't fit. I went for a walk at a snail's pace and felt hot, fat and out of shape with the waistline of my pants cutting into me. I decided that day it was dumb to buy larger clothes and smarter to fit into the ones I had.

So I decided to bypass crappy carbs and just eat protein and salads. I didn't really think much further ahead than that one day. I just wanted to ride out the day to see how I felt about it all. The day went by pretty painlessly, so I extended it for two days. No commitment, remember? :)

After the 2nd day, I stood on my scale out of curiosity. And I was down 5 whoppin' pounds!

Honestly, all I did was stop eating crap. Went off breads, flours, starches, sugar and ate protein and fresh veggies. THAT'S IT.

I've since picked up the Curves book for inspiration and found I was on the right track. Following a few simple rules was all this was going to take.

Why share this here?

I shared my two day experience on Facebook HERE and know what happened? The comment line BLEW UP.   There was kudos, chit chat about what diet plan worked for others and lots of talk about healthy eating and tips galore. I was pretty stunned!

But much more transpired than the quick scale loss. Today, after one week:

- the desire for constant naps have vanished!
- clearer and sharper thinking
- better memory
- more energy
- more patience
- happier!

These improvements after one short week encouraged me to take that ginormous step and make an official commitment to improve my health and hopefully lose a few in the process.

Because, trust me on this one, if your health goes, a lot of your life as you know it follows.  (more on that one another time)

So, are YOU in?

Have you been desiring a fresh start to better eating and feeling better yourself? If so, this may be the group for you. :)

So here's what I propose. I'll come on board on occasion and together we'll share tips and advice on better health, eating and encouragement for each other. Perhaps I can even feature the odd guest that's doing really well. Or we can have health related giveaways or challenges on health goals.... whaddaya think?!? Care to brainstorm with me on what we can do?

 It doesn't matter what plan you follow.  The posts will be geared in such a way that no matter what you personally chose, you will benefit.

Never in a million years did I think I'd be inclined to post on a topic like this. And maybe you're a little stunned yourself. So I'm going to gauge this series by comment interest. If you like what you hear, I hope you'll join in, because I'm gonna take quiet as it's time to eat that chocolate cake once again, alright?!? :)

And the support won't stop here. Join us over at FJI Facebook for ongoing conversations, tips and suggestions anytime!

So, as I sit by the computer tonite typing this up while gnawing on a few fresh veggies, let's do a trial run...

I’m a Funky Junk Junk Loser!

Tell me why YOU wanna be a Junk Loser. :)


  1. I definitely need to join in with this. As a teenager I was always extremely thin, perhaps a bit too skinny and this carried on into my twenties. I never worried about what I ate and just ate crap whenever I wanted to. We moved to London in our mid twenties and I had already put on a little weight after going on the pill but I was still less than 120lbs. We got used to working long days and eating out cos we were too tired to cook when we got home so we both gained weight. When we moved home to Wales I was pregnant with my son and I gained loads of weight which I never really made the effort to lose. Add a second child and no attempts ever at dieting and you have one very self conscious woman who is about to spend a fortnight in France covered up as much as possible. I have a night out with work tonight for retirement and leaving do's and am already thinking I may not go as I don't have anything to wear (or rather that I have plenty to wear but I don't look nice in any of it). I feel such a bizarre shape as I still have the thin arms and legs and then a belly with enormous boobs - that's all people ever see and I'm not the kind of person to want big boob! Especially comedy sized ones!
    I have all the excuses in the world - I am a very fussy eater (diet food would be no good for me), I don't have time to go to the gym etc...
    I'll be looking forward to reading all your posts on this subject and I hope it spurs me on to doing something about it.
    Good luck!

  2. 'Cause the "junk in my trunk" is starting to look more like I am pulling a full trailer behind me! I caught a glimpse of myself yesterday afternoon in the hallway mirror. (I generally don't look.) All I wanted to do was cry. I have 6 months before I turn 60. I don't want to be that fat, old grammy in the mirror!!

  3. I've just started eating more protein and cutting out many carbs. Thankfully, I've been doing a great deal of reading on nutrition over the last several years, causing me to gradually cut down on sugar and flour products, so it hasn't been at all difficult to cut out all non-veggie and non-fruit carbohydrates. So far so good. It's nice to not feel exhausted throughout the day. Keep it up!

  4. Arthritic knees. Joints that hurt. Cholesterol too high. Not a great love of "working out". Too much love of cooking/sampling & tasting to make sure it's perfect & too much love of eating in general. I love fresh fruits and veggies, and as a rule cook healthy meals, but i also love chocolate, breads, pasta & sweets. I told my husband that someone needed to invent a "stop craving sweets" patch (like the quit smoking patch). And I work at an ice cream parlor.
    I want to be able to go out and hike, kayak, bike ride with friends. To be active.
    Anyway - I used an ideal weight calculator & discovered that I need to lose 80 pounds to be considered at a healthy weight. To me, that looks like climbing Mount Olympus. My husband has told me that he will give me 250.00 towards a new wardrobe if I get to my goal weight. Now I just need to get motivated and conquer that mountain.

  5. I too, have made the same changes in diet that you are doing. It DOES work. My reasons were a little different than yours.... my mom was diagnosed with cancer, and lots of it. My aunt (her sister) is a nutritional counselor and put mom on a strict diet of veggies, some fruit, fish, no dairy, no sugar (a cancer feeder), no wheat, no red meat. And she has mom taking liquid herbs. I began doing all the same as mom. Feeling better and losing weight ! But the best news is .... mom's tumors are shrinking considerably! And we're SURE it's in part due to the healing effects of the plants that God has provided to feed and heal our bodies:) It's been a good wake up call, and I think this time I've made diet changes for life ! Tammy

  6. After surgical menopause, I've put on 25lbs in one year!!
    I keep telling myself I will start to work on it on monday...the following monday...
    I saw a picture of myself the other day, and kept asking myself what that shadow was behind me...I usually wear black (I'm a biker, see) and what I thought was a shadow turned out to be my rear end! After crying myself silly, I decided to drown my tears in a bowl of ice cream... *sigh*
    But it is high time I got off my *ahem* and did something about it!
    Count me in!!!

  7. Thanks, Donna for being so brave and talking about this. We do live in a society that glorifies very thin women and "very thin" is not a realistic size for most women. I was a counselor whose focus was women's issues and I know how body image affects us all. I too went through a marriage that didn't work and raised two daughters alone. Putting on weight was a protection. All those comfort foods and the extra pounds kept me safe.

    I recently turned sixty and very cranky knees and fatigue were starting to get me down, so four weeks ago I started on a diet of protein, veggies,and some fresh fruit. The fruit is to give me some carbs. For four weeks I haven't eaten desserts, bread, or potatoes and I've found that after the first few days, I don't miss them. I am gradually losing weight. (the older you get the harder it is to lose)I haven't thrown in exercise yet, because of my knees, but I am getting ready to change that and google exercises for arthritis.

    What is important is being healthy and feeling good about yourself. I am definitely going to follow along and also share your button on my blog. Looking forward to the ride.


  8. Donna -

    I would love to join in with you!

    Last year, I started taking a core strengthening class and I loved it. Lost a few pounds but felt really good. I had better balance. I wasn't stiff and achey when I got up in the morning. I was nicer. :-) About 3 months into it, I was plagued with migraines. I had them in high school and when my kids were young. I had a hysterectomy about 10 years ago and only had an occasional migraine - maybe once every couple of years. Last summer? 3 or 4 a week........ I quit the exercise class and no more migraines. That's just wrong, isn't it?? So I've been going to a doctor for about 9 months and he's been working with me to get my hormone levels straightened out. And I've lost 25 pounds. yay!! But for the past 3 or 4 months.... I've been staying at this one weight. I guess I've plateau'd... I need to exercise, but there's a little part of me that is afraid to try. Migraine's suck!! If you've never had one - - you are sooo lucky!!

    I feel my best when I eat tons of fresh fruits and vegetables. Apples are awesome!!! and I can't wait for fall! Fresh, crisp, flavorful, crunchy apples!!!

    I'll join you, Donna!! Maybe I can start losing again!!! I only have 9 more pounds to get to my goal!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

    P.S. - I know how that bad marriage thing affects you!! Only I lost weight. I went from a size 10 to a 4 in 3 months!! Then, after the divorce was final - I told everyone I lost 170 lbs in one day!!! Funny - - some people just don't get that!!!

  9. I'll join you Donna! I need/want to lose 50lbs. Since I got married 9 years ago, and one child later, that's what I've gained. Its mostly just a lack of motivation, and desire on my part. I know I can do it. I don't like how I look, I don't want to be the "fat Mom". I don't want my daughter to be embarrassed because her mom is the fat one. So, yes, I will join you!

  10. I'd love to join.. I've lost 11 pounds in the past 6 weeks,, about 2 pounds per week. I belong to a TOPS group and started to exercise about 5 times per week. The weight is coming off and I'm thrilled about it!! I've always been a little fluffy and really needed to get my weight down for health reasons and to keep up with my very fit husband! We are climbing the highest peak in Maine in August and I don't want to pass out on the way up the mountain. I feel better, look better and fit into clothes that have been put in the back of the closet for years. I am continuing my journey for better health and also to look better( no denying that is an incentive for me).. I look forward to the journey!!

  11. Hello Donna,
    Why I want to be a Junk Loser? I need to lose that extra junk from my waist down. Thanks so much for sharing this heartfelt story. I find it to be so encouraging. Yes, I can DO IT!
    Smiles, Paula

  12. I'm in Donna! I'm 52 years old and in the past 2 years I've gained 20 lbs! Two weeks ago I gave up sugar and I feel like the bloat is going away. I power walk about 4 days a week so I know that is helping too! I'm determined to get back into my smaller clothes by September when I go back to school!

  13. Hi Donna. I'd love to join with you too. I can remember being overweight as young as 10 yrs. old (I'm 58 now). I lost a significant amount of weight (in a healthy way) when I was in my 40's and kept it off for several years, but I've since remarried and have gained every single pound back. My husband has gained a lot of weight too. I'm very angry, ashamed and disappointed in myself. I do battle that constant urge to nap and I'm so tired of it! I feel like I waste so much time! I keep my grandkids during the day and I know that I would be more fun to be with if I had more energy. I hope you get enough interest to do some sort of series here on your blog. I would love to follow along.

  14. Congratulations Donna.
    I have been on every diet imaginable and always gained the weight back. I went on a low carb diet last flour/sugar etc. I lost 50 lbs by January. I haven't lost anything since ... but I have kept it off. YEAH! I am pretty focused on keeping it off. I just had my 60th birthday last week and want to be healthy.

    Keep going ... it works.

    PS Your ads keep running .... I've been listening to the Dell ad since I logged on, read your post and commented. Is there a way for it to only play once? It is quite annoying. Other than that I LOVE your blog.

  15. Tired of being tired, joints aching, clothes not fitting, (and who even feels like shopping for new ones?) Your story is my story. Lets do it.

  16. Why do I want to join? Because I have planets in orbit around me. ;)

    I haven't been this big in... ever. I'm in!

  17. I really need to lose weight. I really started to pack on the pounds around Aug - Dec 2009. I fully anticipated losing the weight by exercise and diet. I was a good 20 lbs above where I wanted to be and even that was being generous (it's more like 30). Then in January of 2010 I became prego with my second child, a little boy named Noah. I was elated, thrilled, joyed about my new bundle of joy and I merilly packed on the pounds. My weight started at the same weight when I delivered my daughter. So I was already 20 lbs over, and then came July 12, 2011. At my routine doctor appointment at 31 weeks (exactly 7 months), I learned I lost my sweet baby Noah.

    When all is said and done, I added another 20lbs to the weight I needed to lose initally. I honestly wasn't worried gaining the weight during my pregnancy considering my last time I shed the lbs fairly easily through breastfeeding my daughter. Since I no longer had my baby, the weight remaind on me.

    As of today I have lost 10 lbs of the baby weight still leaving me about 40-50 more lbs to go. This is the highest weight I have ever been and I know my boyfriend loves me as I am but I really want/need to lose the weight. I feel family/friends look at me funny cause I "blew" up and I was never this big. I am seriously ready to get rid of all this excess weight and be the happier, healthier me a couple of years ago. I always start of good but then lose momentum a week or so later. I seriously would like to lose at least 20 lbs by the end of the year. So I am definately in. I leave for Jamaica (all-inclusive resort at that) and Canada in another week so my biggest goal now is to not gain anymore weight during those 2 weeks. So I am willing to commit today to eat better and exercise more often.

  18. Yeah, I need to lose some junk/weight. I already know that carbs are not my friend. But the knowing and the doing are two different beasts. There's a reason they call carb loaded foods "comfort food"... and it is hard letting go of my drug of choice; pasta.

  19. I agree with you to an extent - I think people get way too hung up on the number on their scale. ;-)
    6 years ago, after hitting my all time heaviest, I started making small changes. It all started with how I eat. I tried doing Weight Watchers but that requires far too much effort. Let's face it - I was a sloth. Somehow, I managed to follow it long enough to take off 15 lbs. Then I got pregnant for my 1st child and stopped trying to lose weight but was compelled to eat healthier. I stopped doing WW and just changed how I ate. I slowly moved away from prepackaged and deep fried to more homecooking.
    I nursed my daughter for a year so didn't do anything but watch how I ate and I got back to my starting point from when I got pregnant for her - minus another 5 lbs.
    Then I got pregnant for my 2nd child but continued on the path I was already on. In the meantime, I'd started cooking with more
    "REAL" foods, baking my own bread, making my own pizza dough, etc etc. I nursed my son for 15 months but by that point, I wasn't interested in a diet. We were eatting really healthily - and I was down to my prepregnancy weight again. In the meantime, I've almost completely knocked processed foods out of our lives. Yes, we have the occassional hot dog but most of our foods are prepared 100% from scratch by me. (I'm slowly including more and more items into that category - like condiments - so I can rely less on what's sold in the store and more on what I know is wholesome and chemical free. This journey has made me a bit of a food purest.)
    We moved over the winter to be closer to our families. We now live in town so I'm able to walk and/or bike to do anything we need to in town. The activity has done amazing things for me. It motivated me to start excercising at night after the kids go to bed. I leave my husband in charge and go ride my bike for 30-60 minutes.
    My son turned 2 today. My scale hasn't budged since after I had him yet in the past 2 months, I've lost a size in jeans and am the most fit I have ever been in my adult life.
    See why I think people get hung up on the number? :-)
    I'm going to keep on keeping on as I have been - but I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines!

  20. It's crazy that you posted this TODAY! I woke up this moring with a similar mission. Eat natural, unprocessed, non-junky foods. I am be honest I am way beyond overweight. I'm obesse. It kills me to admit that but it's true. I don't want this to be they way my almost 3 year old sees me. I want to run with her, play hide and seek and be a goof example. Thank you for this! It means the world!

    -Aaron {the girl with the boy's name}

  21. Yes, YES, & yeS....I need 2 do this. I'm on my last day of working this week. It has been rough and I think it is because of all the junk I'm eating. The week before I was doing so much better. One gets in the office & everything just falls apart. I'm in. Thanks 4 sharing.

  22. I'm a fruit & veggie lover, but I adore carbs too! My boss has been has been an inspiration for everyone we work with (over 400 people) by simply adhering to learning portion sizes, watching calories in & out, and 30+ minutes of exercise every day. He's lost over 100 pounds in 2 years. The 8 years before that I've worked with him he was up & down in weight being on every diet known to man (or woman).

    He's become quite popular since our employer is implementing a program (starting Aug 1) where our health insurance deductibles are based on on personal wellness & participation in the programs offered. We are fortunate to have a fitness center at work and can take an hour of day without using personal time to use it. You won't believe how many people don't use it ... me for one because I love my local YMCA ... but the hours I do there won't count towards the wellness program.

    So ... I've got to put it in my head that I don't have to work out at 5am and do it later in the day because the fitness center is most busy from 7a-9a.

  23. What perfect timing! I started eating better two days ago. I've been going to the gym on and off for a year and I generally eat healthy most of the time, but I've been lax lately and rather complacent about the exercise.

    I'm reading Lysa TerKeurst's book Made to Crave for the second time and had just prayed the other day for an accountability partner. And now you post this!

    My thing is that I have always been petite and until I reached my 40s never had to give a thought to diet or weight issues. While I'm still small by most people's standards, I've got an extra 20 pounds that have crept on over several years and even when I actively tried to lose by going to the gym, the scale has only gone one direction- up!

    Part of it is that I was a lot more active when I was a nurse and when I was homeschooling small kids. I was constantly moving and doing. Now, as a writer, I sit on an ever-widening butt a lot. I have to be very purposeful about moving around more and moving faster and more athletically when I do.

    Anyway, I'm definitely ready to lose some junk from my trunk. Soooo glad you posted this!

  24. Hi Donna,
    Looks like you hit a nerve with a lot of us on this one, me included! I have been telling myself that I need to eat better and take better care of myself but my inner self isn't listening. My husband was diagnosed with ALS in Jan. 2010 and I know that food has been my comfort during this stressful time. Too much fast food and junk and not enough exercise! My husband did get a power wheelchair just last week so now we can go out and walk's a small step but a step in the right direction. Now I need to keep driving by the fast food joints and spend more time in the produce section of the grocery store.
    Thanks for posting on this topic. I think it will get a lot of us motivated to make time for our health a priority.

  25. I'm in! I woke up to how bad things were about 2 1/2 years ago. So I joined Weight Watchers and dropped 50 pounds in about 9 months. I felt so GREAT!!! Inside and out. Then we had a stressful year and I got lazy and put 20 of it back on. Grrr! But I'm back on the WW plan now (which BTW very much focuses on lean protein and fresh produce now) and I'm down 5. 15 to go to get back to that place that felt so great. I'm hoping to shed at least a few more before we head to the beach for a week in about 5 weeks from now.

  26. Oh YES I so need to do this too.... along with age and fibromyalgia the extra weight is just killing me. I've lost 40 lbs this year.....mostly due to stress..... but I want the other 30 to go away too. The stress level has leveled off so the rest is up to me.

  27. Wow! What perfect timing you have. We are currently vacationing in upstate NY. I made the decision to start a serious weight loss plan once we got home, but I didn't want to say anything to the family because I say it all the time. But this time is different. I'm tired of hiding from the camera.

  28. I've recently lost 25 lbs and I feel great about it! I did it by eating right, with very little exercise. Next phase is exercise!! Yesterday, I danced like a mad woman while my 5 year old daughter was bathing herself. I worked up and sweat and made her laugh! Good stuff. Congratulations on your weight loss. I know how good it feels. I just hope I don't forget.

  29. I'm in Donna...have been working on myself for the last few weeks, and I've lost almost 10 lbs. with about 10 more to go. I had been losing motivation lately and now I feel inspired by this, thank you! I'll be sharing this and my story at Toodles. :-)

  30. I made the decision this past weekend to take better care of myself. This has to include eating better because of my bad lipid profile; the triglycerides being the worse. I will have to rely on exercise and diet to reduce them since I am one of the oddballs who can't take the required cholesterol meds.

    I had great success on WW 8 years ago and did well for a couple years. Then I lost my job. The weight crept back on and I did the Glycemic Index diet. It was a success but I would start to cheat and the weight started to come back. Throw in a major back surgery, gall bladder surgery 3 months later; mother in failing health and you get where I am now: FAT and 65 years old.

    It is very hard to lose weight as you get older and that in itself is depressing. Now I am taking a series of injections in my back for some other back issues so am fighting the steroid bloat. Of course, I will have to say that not hurting is worth the bloat right now.

    OK, those are my reasons and excuses. I am throwing my hat in the ring and hoping for the best.

  31. Last year my Dr told me I had high cholesterol and high blood sugars...scared me silly. Read everything I could on what to eat...cut out anything white , wasn't a big dessert eater, but still stayed away. I lost 25 lbs and my levels came down...HOWEVER, as goes the way of the world, this spring I slipped off my path, but now am ready to find the way again. If you haven't tried it!! a perfect protein seed packed with fibre!!!
    I love this idea !!!

  32. I would be considered pretty trim by most standards, but by my own pre-baby standards I am quite a chunk. I should lose about 30lbs - okay 25. :) The biggest problem I hope to solve is my snoring. It has been constant since I got pregnant with baby #2. I hope that will go away if I lose some weight.

  33. I'm in. I lost about 13 pounds earlier this year and then I hit my stopping point. Instead of trying harder I just gave up. Now the pounds are slowly starting to creep back up.

    I just made a trip to the grocery store earlier in the week to purchase my fruits and veggies. :-)

  34. Donna, I love your posts, all of them, and this one is vital for so many. I am working on losing 15-20 lbs, down 5, so 10 or 15 to go. I have to make little changes, permanent changes, things I can live with forever. More protein, fewer carbs, little bits of exercise here and there (I do squats while I brush my teeth for 2 minutes), sit-ups while waiting for the microwave.

    The thing is, when I am junking, working on something I am in the zone, not hungry, not thinking about food. But alas, I can't be in the garage always--laundry to do, house to clean, family to feed.

    So, yes I am in :)! Thanks dear!

  35. I'm in, I have been unsucessful in losing baby weight, she is now 3 and having kids after 30 does a number on your body! I also have been in really poor health. I am now as of yesterday starting a strict diet of no gluten, no dairy, no sweets, and limited to certain types of meat! This is a real challenge because I am a food lover! I am a baker, so my life just got turned upside down!! I hate mirrors, and trying on clothes. I am ready to feel better and look better!
    Jennifer H

  36. You go girl! What you are experiencing is being woman. We cannot do it all and be fabulous about everything all the time. It's a journey.

  37. I'm with ya, Donna! I began cutting edible junk last week (a la "Tosca Reno - Eat Clean Diet" - which I've had success with before). Besides, it's so silly to be stuffing my face with junk stuff when there's all this wonderful farm fresh produce around us right now, huh? That's just ridiculous. Today is another eat clean day with plenty of water, and a walk with my chubby dogs around the farm. I've got 10 to 15 more lbs to go-- those last few can be the hardest to budge. Let's do this!! Here's to good health (and fitting into those smaller clothes is a nice BONUS!!). Thanks for doing this!! -Tammy

  38. Donna;
    You are my favorite blogger. I have never had a blog account but your topic today is so relevant to me, I had to create an account. I am a lifetimer with WW, but as soon as I reach my goal weight I fall off the program. I have gained 5 pounds back in 3 months. You are an inspiration, doing this on your own. The thing with improving your health is it isn't do it until... it is this is my life forever and I am so happy about it. I hope this blog keeps going. We all have one thing in common already, the love of junk, now we have two. Living Whole and Healthy.

  39. Hi Donna-

    I have to agree with you that blogging is not good for the waistline. We have to get up and move move move. So many of all struggle with our weight and I can understand why so many people left you comments. I find when I cut out the junk, I not only feel better, but my skin, hair, and eyes look better too.
    Looking forward to this series.
    My best- Diane

  40. I'm in - I have 25lbs I would like to leave behind.

  41. Boy do I need this one. Everything is creeping up ... weight, cholestrol, bp, sugar...ugh.
    I know what I should do but it's like I go into zombie mode and eat whatever. Add that to the fact that I HATE to exercise. :(
    I tried WW and it seemed counter-productive to me as I was ALWAYS thinking about food!
    The thing about it is that no one can do this for you but it sure helps to share the experience with someone. Thanks for your encouragement! Maggie

  42. Great timing for me too. Last year I "shocked" myself :) by losing the 30 pounds I had wanted to lose for, oh, maybe 15 years. I'm a lifetime WW member (from 20 years ago) and know that the secret is logging all my food. but it's such a hassle. Then I found the "Lose It" iPhone app and it became so easy to track my calories. It actually was fun! But I let myself overeat at Christmas, then my birthday, then family celebrations, then the fourth of July...and now I'm scaring myself by my willful refusal to deny myself the sweets, mostly, that I'm craving again. I've told myself I was going to get disciplined again, but each time I let
    myself off the hook. NO MORE! Thanks to you I am starting this minute to get honest with myself and do what I know I need, and really want, to do. Count me in. I read your blog every day, so I will consider you and all the fellow dieters here to be my accountability partners. Thank You. Sincerely.

  43. So many of these stories sound familiar! I just started back to working out again after a foot injury last year. I had put 10 pounds back on from the 25 I had lost and I didn't want it to go any higher. I've lost 4 in three weeks... still have 30+ to go! Could of done better because I haven't gotten my nutrition where it should be. My son just opened his nutrition & training store so I have good support and will keep plugging along! Anyone in the Omaha/Elkhorn, NE area... X-Treme Nutrition is his store with the best prices in town! Just had to give him a little plug! ;) He's been working really hard and I'm really proud of him!

    One day at a time girls! Plan, plan, plan your foods... it's the biggest down fall for me anyway.
    Laurie :)

  44. My hubby and I have been eating more protein & veggies for the last 2 months. He has lost 20lbs and I have lost 8 lbs. Sometimes I get discourage since we are both eating better and the pounds are just dropping off of him...and I feel like I fighting to lose everyone of mine. However, I do feel better by not eating all that junk food. I do have more energy and am sleeping better. I want to be a junk loser since I need to lose about 25 to 45 lbs.

  45. Thanks for sharing your story! Count me in, I have 3 kids and have been a stay at home mom for 12 years so the pounds have sneakily found me! :) I'm in nursing school and will be 40 in December and I don't want to feel so tired and ache anymore! I need to lose 50 pounds and it feels like I'm starting down Mt. Everest but hopefully joining in with all of you wonderful ladies will give me the motivation I need! Thanks!! :)

  46. I so need this. In the 2 years I've been married...I've gained 25 pounds. Yesterday I saw a picture of myself from 2007 and I was wowed. I never considered myself as thin, but I looked so much better then! I want to fit into single digit pants again and look more toned. I would love to loose most of the pounds I added on.I would love to loose at least 20 pounds and weigh around 120.

  47. I want to be a junk loser because of my health. I'm starting to notice sluggishness, memory loss, stress, hair loss, I have arthritis, and am caring for my Husband who is recovering from 3x bypass on his heart; after a heart attack that could have killed him.
    I've got lots of junk to lose, not just physically, but emotionally, and environmentally--
    You've given me pause for thought-- and I appreciate that.
    I'll be watching and Encouraging you ... and looking for encouragement here with everyone else!
    Luv ya, and thanks for sharing!

  48. I dont have weight to lose but i need to lose the junk. I feel so unhealthy and lethargic from eating unhealthy all the time. Its hard for me to get motivated because i know im skinny- but i feel sooo unhealthy! I'm in!

  49. Count me in. Thank you, this is exactly what I need; just a kick in the pants and some encouragement!

  50. I love this idea Donna. I tell you a support system of women helping eachother with weight loss is fantastic. When I was prego with my second son, my BF had gained weight with me. I did not even notice at the time...well after three months of having my son, the scale only budged some. My BF and I joined weight watchers together, both lost 25lbs, and turned out to be role models for the other women. We would get up, tell our funny stories, and be encouraging. I tell you, it was the best time of my life. I have managed to maintain the weight loss 10 years later...well most of it. All I can say, is it is all in my hips and BUTT! I blame blogging LOL!

  51. I quit smoking 2 years ago and over compensated with Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream. (That stuff is sooo flipin good). I gained 30 lbs. I too saw myself in a mirror,and was disgusted. I never had a weight problem..
    I cut out all fat, went to salads, chicken, veggies, and fruit. Marshmallows, circus peanuts, and orange slices, are a good sweet tooth fixer because they have no fat, but, not too many, sugar turns to fat. Lots and lots of water!! It flushes your body and keeps you full!! I have lost 31 lbs so far!! Good Luck!

  52. hey donna i'm in . what a following. guess most of our stories are the same. bad eating will catch up with you if you gain weight or not. my husband lost 60 lbs last yr i lost 10 i ve kept most of mine off he has not. we gave up evil white bread and soda[diet and reg] increased our activity ate more veges and fruits lean meat. and got on the scale EVERY day.i turn 60 next week big milestone. i will look for the cruves book. good luck to us all ;) !!!!!!

  53. Hello Donna, thank you for sharing your story. I recently started cutting out alot of carbs from my diet. I have done well for tho have most part. I start to have difficulty because I tend to eat the same ole things. I know I need variety but thats where I'm lacking in ideas. I think this is a great idea so we can share ideas and helpful hints with each other.


  54. Thank you for sharing your story Donna. I have been reading your blogs for several months and appreciate your honesty. I have many pounds to loose and have a plan. But I'm not ready to share my story just yet, but I will soon. I just need to surround myself with like minded people. Count me in, too!

  55. let's see...the cold slap in this post hit me right at: "the desire for constant naps", I'm beyond desire and well into the "need".
    so guess what? I'm in. your timing is right on in our house too as hubs and I were just discussing how we were going to change our eating habits and commit to walking together in the mornings. all that said; now I have this as my accountability..."here's my sign!"
    I havn't weighed in awhile but I would say I have roughly 60-70 I could lose. ouch...that hurt to type it. thank you Donna :)

  56. I don't want to do this - I NEED to do this.
    It is cutting back on dairy and sugar that will be the toughest for me. I don't drink coffee, tea or sodas or alcohol. My doctor told me to cut back on juices due to natural sugar content. That leaves water, which I drink a lot of, and milk. Hey- I am from the Dairy State!
    But I also like butter and cheese. I could give up meat but I need protein suggestions other than peanut butter.
    This year I am not dealing with heat well. It zaps my energy. I never see myself as a runner but I'd like to be able to walk a few miles without a major rest break or needing to sleep the rest of the day.
    I am embarrassed to look at clothes and those I do own I take labels out of so even I can't admit to the size.
    When I shop in stores with mirrors I avoid them. If I see what I look like I do not want to be out in publice.
    I have a million excuses but the need to get healthy overrides them all.

    I could use some encouragement, support, and someone to tell me to quit whining, get up and do something about it!

  57. dogsmom, I say this in the most loving way possible...

    'quit whining, get up and do something about it!'

    Don't even think about it any more. Just do it. I'll be watching your progress through comments and you have 100% of all the support I can muster up. :)

    ALL of you have the same.


  58. I started a plan two months ago and have lost 25 pounds. It's taught by registered dieticians at the university here in Reno, and is also offered at other universities across the U.S. Not sure if it's available in Canada. The price is not prohibitive, either. As a yo-yo dieter all my life, I've found this the easiest diet to stick to. What I've learned is that fast food and other junk food is the norm for most people. What a tragedy! I'm a faithful follower of your blog, Donna and am interested in any tips you offer. So, count me in! Here's to our health people!

  59. I went to bed last night after checking to see if you had a new post. Now, this afternoon everything has gone ballistic!. I don't have time now, but I have a few ideas. All of us try to fool ourselves. If we want to be healthy, we can't eat anything we want. Period. I have gained some over the winter with stress eating and not feeling good, and now it is time to act. I can be a Junk Loser also. It will be a lot better than going to Weight Watchers. Years ago I went to a shrink who specialized in weight loss. She guaranteed a weight loss of one pound a week, if I wrote down everything I ate. I didn't have to be on a diet, just write it all down. It is called Monitering. It works. It works even more if you watch what you eat. Lets have people join and we can submit our weight loss every week and see how much it all adds up to. Let's try to get to a ton. Ann

  60. I have loved your blog Donna, for a while now. Not just because of your over-the-top fabulous creative skills - but also because of your honesty. So, today I clicked on your it and all the comments....and started to cry. I too am at the place of not recognizing the girl in the mirror, of feeling tired, sluggish and ugly. I can't EVEN believe what my scales say. I feel like I'm drowning. I need help to climb out of this. So, I will be reading this blog and everyone's comments - in the hopes that I will find the encouragement I need. Pray for me. I will be praying for you.

  61. Ummm. I lost 15 lbs. before my daughter's wedding which was a couple of weeks ago. I need to keep losing and want to be part of a motivational group. I, too, lost by giving up most carbs. I will eat steel cut oats in the a.m. and an occasional slice of Ezekiel bread if I'm having tuna (some things just need a bit o' carbs.) :) Other than that, very rarely to I eat the white flour/sugar stuff. Hugs, Kim

  62. You're such an inspiration Donna! I'm are so special! You not only care about our homes and helping them to look their best and happy, but you care about us too and want us to look our best and be happy !! Health is everything :) >>> I hope my comment posts this time (hugs from your not tech-savvy follower)

  63. My success in changing my diet over from the carb overload has been in eating something every 2-3 hours. I eat a good breakfast, snack on carrots & celery or a handful of almonds, eat lunch, snack with an apple or handful of almonds, eat supper and then avoid food until bedtime. I'm including links to my new favourite meals. Good luck everybody! It's easy once you get past that first month...


  64. Hi Donna! Always love your posts, this one hit me with a reality check! I had just sat down with a bowl of Top Ramen Noodles and pull up your blog and well, let me just say I felt like I GOT CAUGHT! So I must say goodbye to carbs and look forward to those days of not feeling the need to nap! Thanks Donna Im in!

  65. I need to be in and I need a plan. The age thing along with disability packed on the pounds for me. When I couldn't move about as I once did (usually at full speed) I should have changed the way and portions I ate. Not so and here I am. I can't blame anyone but myself for the way I look. I am one of those that also has only face view mirrors. Perhaps I should get me a full length mirror, or maybe I better loose some of the weight first so I don't scare myself out of the room. Talk about going south for the winter...hahaha it's more like gone south and hibernated in the far regions of the south. The picture of me on my blog is when I was 59 now I look much older at 60 in my opinion. For a long time I didn't care if I lived or died and even had thoughts of riding over a bridge. But now with 5 grandchildren I want to LIVE. I want to be able to keep up with them on a walk. I use a rolling walker to walk and it is sometiomes slow going. I want them to have a G-Maw they can be proud to be seen with. I think this is something that can help me and I hope I can stay motivated as well. Thanks FJI for thinking of and doing this to help us as well as yourself. I kinda like the idea of being a Body Junk loser.

  66. I need to lose some weight, and not eat so many sweets. I'm tired more often than not, and feel like a little fireplug when trying on clothes. I don't want to give up sweets completely so am I bad and out of luck when it comes to weight loss and being tired? I didn't really start gaining weight until my mid 40's to early 50's. I've always been able to eat what I want and still stay fairly thin. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many calories are in what. So... any help would be great. I used to belong to curves and felt much better for a while then I stopped going. I tried to go recently and ended up hurting too much (not in a healthy good way). I'm 59 now and would like to feel and look better, but do I want it enough, that's my problem...

  67. Donna,
    Our stories are SO similar. I too have been trying for a few weeks and then the fourth of July junk food got me! I traded Sugar for Agave in my coffee and dropped 5 pounds in one week. The more water I drink...the less tired I feel. Count me in! I love this idea! Nothing more motivating than having a support group! Unless.... you have an EX who marries someone 10 years younger and 4 sizes smaller than you!! LOL. Now, that's motivating!

  68. Deb, it really depends on how serious you are and what you wish to achieve. Read any weight loss book and you generally have to go pretty hard core to instigate the loss at the start. Once you see the lb's rolling off, you can introduce some of those foods back. Kind of like 'earning' them back. :)

    The more bad stuff you eat, the slower your results will be. In fact, you may even quit because you don't see any results at all.

    Just remember... if you go without, the first little while is always the hardest. I don't miss what I don't buy now after a short week.

    On sweets: some have serious addictions to sweet things. Generally the best way to treat that is to go cold turkey and don't bring it in the house if you know it's a problem. You'll crave it but the cravings will go away if you stay off them long enough! But if you keep feeding into it, they'll always be there. But also beware... you'll feel withdrawl from it. You may need more naps to recoup as your body heals itself. Sugar and carbs are pretty potent things!


  69. Wonderful post. Thank you for doing it. Last month I joined Bookieboo but didn't feel I could join Mamavation because of the weekly blog post commitment about a weekly blog post about my progress good or bad. I didn't know how that would fit into my blog, my weight isn't something I had ever talked about on my blog.

    You have showed me that it fits right in. Our blogs crafty blogs or life blogs are about us, all of us - the good the bad and the ugly.

    I started the P90x program on July 4th - Independence Day - I will free myself of these extra pounds!!

    I'm in! Don't you dare eat that cake!!! Well maybe a bite to get rid of the craving ;-)

  70. You saw me in person...there's a LOT to me... literally and figuratively! I want to lose the literal part, about 40 pounds of the literal part! I'm mennonite...carbs are in my blood (once again literally and figuratively) but if you are willing to give up carbs...sheesh...I suppose I could give it a try. It will be a flippin' minute by minute process! LOL. And I totally had the same experience the other day when it suddenly turned hot! YIKES. Okay, bye bye carbs, hello protein and veggies...and hello to a leaner Ocean Soul! Junk Loser For Sure! Oh, did you see that the Canadian Pickers did go to Granny and Grumpa's?!

  71. hey Donna, I use this method to keep my weight under control. Counting carbs is extremely effective for me. I can lose 15 pounds in less than 3 weeks by staying under 20 carbs a day. I know it is extreme, but in the beginning, it really helps to go strong in avoiding those carbs. The pounds melt off. I gradually add carbs back in when I feel like I am more under control. I practiced a low carb diet and did not cheat for over 2 YEARS. I was thin, had great energy and was in such control with my eating it just felt great. Now I am less rigid, and when the pounds creep up I refuse to buy bigger clothes, I just stop eating the things I love. I am a big carb lover don't get me wrong. However I would rather not fight with my closet every morning and hate the way I look. The older we get, the harder it is to maintain, but it can be done. I find just 10 pounds heavier it changes my entire look...and 20 pounds more, it is drastic. Glad to see you making this public. I basically bought the Atkins book and follow his diet. You have to take a multi vitamin when you reduce to very low carb intake. So for me, this is a diet that works, and you can practice it going out to dinner and cooking for the kids. I would make any protein (steak or chicken), a green veggie, a salad, and potatoe or pasta. I would just skip the starch, but the kids and hubs would eat that. I would recommend keeping a weight log too, and in the beginning I wrote down every single thing that went in my mouth. that works to keep you honest and proud of your efforts. Add the dropping weight numbers, and you are reinforcing your behaviour changes. I am counting carbs as we speak...!

  72. I have lost 36 pounds since March. I joined Weight Watchers, but left it behind for the summer, and will start back in the fall. I really haven't given up that much. I am moving more, walking like crazy and I cut back on my proportions. It does help to write down everything you eat for a while. Now, after doing so well, and being so proud of myself I go for a GYN visit. I just knew he would be amazed! Nope! While he said I had done well, it still isn't enough. I knew that, but hey I have accomplished a lot. He wants me to go low carb. I am struggling with this a bit since I am losing with what I am currently doing. However, I think I will try it your way, Donna. One day then maybe two. I recently returned from a trip to Maine and I didn't gain even after eating things I shouldn't have...I walked lots though. Maybe this will push me over the top a bit...I want to lose 25 more. I feel so much better now and have so much more strength and energy...low carbs couldn't hurt, I guess. I read Funky Junk regularly so let's see how it goes with this. Right now, I'm heading out for a walk.

  73. Donna, I'm in! I vow to shed my blogger butt and keep it off. Love the title, "Junk Loser". I've been fighting with the same 10-15 lbs. for over a year now.

    Thanks for posting and encouraging us ;-)

    Brittany (aka Pretty Handy Girl)

  74. Got an idea for you ... WAY back when I was an active blogger I ran a website called Place2Place. It was a site where we logged fitness minutes and weight loss. But, the fitness minutes is what counted. Each minute equaled a mile. You'd pick a destination & once you reached it you sent a postcard from your hometown to the person you were on a "trek" to. It was amazing to not only get the daily updates on the blog ... but the postcards in the mail were more incredible.

  75. Count me in! Our trip of a lifetime - we are travelling to America at Christmas time for a month and I want to be able to walk and walk and walk and take in absolutely every little bit of your country that I get to see.....B:) x

  76. count me in, my issue is my blood sugar it's like a roller coaster to the point if I don't get it regulated soon I will be taking insulin shots. I must do something...Maggie

  77. Count me in! I eat fairly healthily but still have junk to lose. I just (last week) finalized on a divorce that I didn't want. Instead of moping around and wondering what went wrong I want to throw myself into well, myself. I want to feel better about me at a time I don't feel so great about me. And it's not just for me this time - I have two little boys counting on me too.

  78. I'm on board too. I need accountability... and this will be perfect! Thanks!

  79. Thank you thank you thank you for this, Donna!! Oh, how I needed to read your post today and all of the comments, too. I'm singin' the same tune and am darned sick and tired of my thighs rubbing together when I walk, seeing pics of myself with a double chin and saggy old lady arms. Tight jeans. Muffin top. Baby doll tops galore. UGH! Menopause has wrecked havoc on my body, and I don't want to let it go on any further! Count me in!!!!! And I'm definitely going to check out the Curves book, too. ♥ Luv ya, girlie!

    xoxo laurie

  80. A post about something really important! A few years ago I found out I was hypoglycemic, and after eliminated high sugars fodds and simple carbs from my diet my life completely changed. No more migranes, mood swings, shakiness, etc... My kids are so aware of what's in everything because of my diet, that they moderate themselves! So glad that you have found what works for you, and have committed to getting the most out of your life :)

  81. First off, I want to say thanks for publishing your up-down story. Takes guts! Me... I'm trying to lose a little to help improve my lap time on the rink. If I'm going to reach my roller derby dream, I need to fly a little faster and have greater endurance. Count me in!

  82. What an honest and motivational story..I have been having the same problem here with the weight gain..Need to loose 20 pounds..I guess I just needed the right story to connect with..Count me in too..Have a great weekend..

  83. Mine is a more up-down, up-down, up-down kinda story. Sigh

    The latest though--my oldest son was killed by a drunk driver almost 3 years ago. My weight just kept going up as I tried to bury myself in food etc. I decided to join Curves and the next year I lost 40 pounds. It was great, I felt great and I ran my first 5k ever!

    We then adopted a newborn and I was exhausted caring for a new baby, and my Curves times was first thing in the morning--sleep was too precious. So, up began the weight again. Now that the baby is sleeping through the night we can't afford Curves. I have had no motivation and am still struggling with depression. I am now at my highest weight, feel horrible, and look horrible. Nothing fits etc.

    Hopefully this will change soon. Thanks for the motivation!

  84. That is probably one of the most loaded questions I have ever answered! I have been overweigt pretty much my whole life. I have lost a good amount of weight a few times only to put it on and then some. This year, 2011 I decided it was time once and for all to get a grip on this and try something differnt because what I had been doing wasn't working. I'm trying to focus on why I eat as much as what. I am happy to say I have lost 40 lbs, but more than I have the energy you speak of and am feeling good about myself and learning more about me and how to deal with life in other ways than food! I'll be a Junk Loser for sure! I've been thinking about doing something like this as well.

  85. I'm in. I want to have a waist again. I had 3 kids, and my belly suffered from it. If I could get rid of that, I KNOW I'd feel better. I've done pretty good so far, but kind of stalled in these last 10 - 20 lbs. I want to be able to wear anything and feel good in it. I hate having to wear things to hide what's here b/c I'm afraid people will ask me that dreaded question, "Are you expecting again?" -"NO, I'm JUST FAT!" and then we both walk away feeling REALLY DUMB!!!! I'M IN!!!!! (And thanks for the encouragement!!!

  86. Your comments about a failing marriage, an uncertain future and being in survival mode have all hit home with me. At 52, I am 100+ lbs overweight as a result of attempting to comfort myself with food. When people pass me on the street, I feel sure that they think that I "love to eat" - alas, that is not necessarily the case. Food has been a source of comfort for various reasons.

    Recently, I've been pondering how I lost the practice of "personal responsibility"! Also, I've begun to realize that losing weight is no longer important in order to "look better" - but it is important to FEEL BETTER! I'm not getting any younger.

    I am looking forward to following your blog and beginning the journey to take my life back!! Thank you to all of those that have posted for their inspiration thus far.

  87. I am so totally in! I have been working on this for some time and my thyroid has finally kicked in. I do organic and no 'whites', low carb and fish and eggs. I have blood sugar problems, so I eat about every 2-3 hours. It is very difficult to find recipes without all the 'junk' and no meat (allergy). I have lost about 7 but want to do another 10-15....make that 15, would you? I need the kind of encouragement and hints, I know I can get here! Love this idea, Donna, keep them coming!

  88. I'm in! I've gained about 75 lbs slowly over a period of 16 years. I would be happy losing 50 of those...okay, I would be happy losing 25! Recently I cut out all bread, potatoes, pasta and other starchy carbs when I was fighting a very resistant yeast infection (i know, TMI), trying to "starve" the yeast. In less than 2 weeks, I lost 10 lbs. Then I made the mistake of slowly introducing the things I had cut out (mind you, i only buy whole-grain bread and pasta and brown rice). The weight starting creeping back on almost immediately! So ...I've been trying to convince myself that I can live without bread and other starches MOST of the time. NOTE: I WAS eating butter, full fat cheese, bacon, and eggs almost every day when I was losing weight. I was also eating HUGE chopped salads with full fat dressing. So for me it is definitely the "bad" carbs that are a problem! Oh and for those TERRIBLE sugar cravings? Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate!! Good Stuff!
    Anyway...your timing is perfect! I really needed some encouragement/accountability!

  89. Let's Go! For a month now ( I am a teacher and kept waiting for Summer) I had great plans to walk/run every day. Well, I have only done that for 6 days. I only have 1 month left until school starts again. I HAVE to get into a smaller size. I am so tired of not looking like I want. So, I am planning on checking in on this blog to keep myself on line. You all keep going toward weight loss as well. We will use each other for our motivation. Thanks, Miss Junky!!

  90. Yay! Perfect Timing! I started Weight Watchers on Monday. I had my 2nd baby 3 1/2 months ago, and I've got 25 lbs to go to get down to my pre-1st-kid weight. I posted about it on Wednesday!

  91. I am so excited to see you doing this! I search (almost daily) for blogs writing about healthy lifestyles. It's really hard to find! I post about homemade healthy meals pretty often. Super skinny people must read my blog. Because, I rarely get feedback on them :/

  92. I'm in! I'm In! I can't wait to see where this goes. I have been trying to lose 25 pounds over the past 4 weeks. I have done so great but I blew it today!! I have lost 8 pounds so far. I think it is very helpful to have support! I am proud of you Donna!

  93. You are such an inspiration, Donna! In the past week, I started watching my calories and exercising a lot more than usual - I live a VERY sedentary lifestyle since I'm usually sitting at a desk or on my couch with my laptop. If my counting calories + workout plan falls through, then I'll definitely give this Curves book a try. Thank you so much for sharing! And best of luck to you!

  94. Late last summer I made a similar decision. My dad died unexpectidly two years ago at the age of 51, with diabetes and clogged arteries. I decided I was in charge of my health and needed to change. I still eat carbs, but by limiting high fructose corn syrup (Dr.Pepper) and limiting fat and cutting out most fried foods, I have lots 25+ pounds and feel much better. I don't count calories, splurge some on the weekends with an occasional burger and fries, and eat deserts sometimes. For me it's not about a "diet", but making healthier choices. Farm chores are my exercises!

  95. Donna, I have loved you and your posts since first reading your story and I think what you are doing here is wonderful and by the response I judge you will help a lot of people, I know I'm in and wish you the best. Thank you so much for caring enough to post your story.
    I do hope telling mine will help a bit.
    I'm 63 years old and due to developing scoliosis, kyphosis and having degenerative disc disease I have lost 5" in height in the last 2 years. All in my used to be long & slim now it's chubby and short. The pain associated with this kept me in a chair most of the day.......Ladies, PLEASE get up and move around!! Due to my sedentary lifestyle I had a Pulmonary Embolism (huge blood clot) in the aorta of my left lung. My Internist says she can't believe I'm alive! The folks in the ICU were surprised to be treating me after seeing the CAT scan, the Pulmonologist was amazed when he saw the scan and the Vascular Surgeon also thinks I should probably have been 6' under. I think God has a plan for me and I hope it is motivating you to get up off your duff and move, I am doing it a little, even 5 minutes counts, at a time and I've also quit smoking so trying not to eat instead has been fun too!!
    My point (Finally....) is if I can do it with the pain I'm in, then you can do it too!!!
    Maybe we can all be moved to move together ha, ha!!
    So take care and "MOVE", VBg

  96. Hi Donna ~ I had been gradually putting on weight for awhile and about 18 months ago I joined the Curves near my home. I really love it and it is doable with the busy schedule we all have. I have stopped gaining and I do feel stronger and more toned. However, I haven't actually lost any weight so that's the part I need to work on. I KNOW I would feel so much better if I lost at least 15 pounds. Your post and all of the comments are inspiring me to stop stuffing junk and sweets in my mouth and make my eating habits a serious priority!

  97. Why, You ask? Its a live or die decision. I have problems with my joints, musucles, bones, stomach, and lungs. Almost all the above would improve if I lost some weight and quit smoking. I am in the process of quitting smoking. (Almost smoke free now) I have a lot of strengh to gain before I can do any serious exercise but the eating part I can take control of now. This past year the scales went over 200 lbs and I was horified.(That was hard to admit) Funny how 199 didn't seem so bad. Sometimes the pain makes me wish for God to call me home. I so want to get out and do the things I used to enjoy doing. I hope I haven't waited to late to start and much of the damage can be undone. Time will tell. I'm in!! We can all do this together. Maybe we should all have to post what we eat several time a day to keep us honest and true to our new style of eating. LOL Thanks Donna for starting a very needed page. Thanks from all of us Fatties soon to be Healthys :)

  98. Donna, thanks for the encouragement to re-start this healthy living journey. After having my 3 boys I lost 50 pounds the old fashioned way. I felt fabulous! I had another baby (SIX YEARS AGO) and was just recently getting the desire to get back in shape. Then I saw your post last Friday and knew that NOW is the time!! Looking forward to losing these extra 25 lbs...AGAIN..and getting healthy, fit, and active for myself and my family.
    Weight Watchers worked for me before...gonna head that direction again.
    Thanks Again!!!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!