Thursday, May 26, 2011

Better care for cat #2 (plus hat winner and feature!)

Most of you know by now about the loss of my 18 year old cat Beethoven that meant the world to me. You can catch up with the links below.

We are doing ok. Actually, better than I thought I would. I tend to do my mourning pretty hard and quick. I'm glad the same thing appears to be happening in this case as well.

Once I got my head together, I booked an appointment to take kitty #2 in for a checkup.

Teddy is 13 years old and there were subtle changes in her as well.


She was more vocal than before. 

As in, she meowed at EVERYTHING. Even a 2nd glance. Figured she was just an old lady squawking a lot.

She was more active than before. 

Sort of like a kitten gone bat crazy kind of active. Figured she was just really fit and loved life.

She always acted like she was starving.

Her crunchy bowl is NEVER empty. But she started wanting more than that. I tested her with ham and chicken and moist food and she went ballistic. Figured she just hated her dry food.

She was losing weight.

I started noticing that I felt her bones on her back when I pet her. She use to be pretty round. Figured it was an old age thing.

Honestly? I just figured she was starting to lose her marbles being 70ish years old or whatever.

Wrong. AGAIN.

She tested VERY positive (danger level positive) for a thyroid issue.

Good news! There will be no repeat performance. She will be on meds the rest of her life, however she will gain her weight back and become 'just old' again. WHEW!!

Thyroid issues are treatable. And they just happen. No amount of shots would have prevented this one. It comes with old age and she got it. But it will not shorten her life if she continues her very affordable treatment.

Changes we are making

 Quality mush supplement

I stocked up on a quality supplement to her already quality dry food. She'll be getting a 1/3 of one tin a day. It offers a little something the dry doesn't which she needs at her age. This one is geared for 'mature'. 

I avoided moist food for many years because of potential deteriorating teeth issues. It appears to have been a smart move because her teeth (and Beethoven's) were in like new condition which is nearly unseen in cats this age. But there comes a time when a little extra may be required. Ask your vet.

And please avoid supermarket cat food long term. It's like eating at McDonald's. Get the good stuff.


 My kitten will be on a pill a day until the day she joins her brother.

Ever try and give a cat a pill? Here's a quick and easy way.

These soft little cups are called Pill Pockets.

They are chicken based treats that make the process of pill taking effortless. You pinch the end once the pill is in and they inhale them.

Pills can also be mixed in with moist food which I will be doing after these are gone. But I just wanted to treat her special this time. :)

She also had a bladder infection which will be treated with antibiotics. (who knew?!?) Commonly is caused by an abscess tooth although she didn't appear to have one.

Vet chat

Ray ran his hands all over Teddy in all the right places and pretty much nailed what she had by touch alone. He was right, but testing was still necessary to rule out kidney disease. If the kidneys were shot as well, she wouldn't have been able to be treated. Scary!

 I told Dr. Ray that I had a blog and if he could deliver one main message on it, what would it be? This is what he said today:

"Weigh your cat every 6 months. A baby scale works great. Just be proactive with ANY weight changes.

And get them in for a checkup once they reach the age of 8ish. It's time to check for symptoms as this is the time that they start to show up."

In a nutshell, I was wrong with TWO cats.

Please don't make the same mistake. Get your critters checked out.

Better yet, get Ray to check'em out if you're located in the lower mainland, BC Canada. This is the most caring group ever. You will LOVE them and him! We were in great hands and I thank him so very much for the TLC we received every difficult step of the way.

Other fun stuff:

 Elsie is the winner of the hat and scarf giveaway! Congrats, friend! I'll have Peach email you for your choice and shipping info! Boy are you going to love this one. :)

Thanks Peach, for such a generous giveaway! :)

Did you miss the review?
Click the above pic for the review post/video.

 My son's bedroom and playroom got featured over at OhDeeDoh!

Just wait till they see what's next. :)


  1. Great Information..Thanks for sharing!
    Saturday marks the first OLD SCHOOL MARKET....@ Clayburn Village Abbotsford! If you are out & about drop by...hope we have sun!

  2. I'm so glad you got Teddy checked out. I adopted a little cat about 7 years ago that kind of bony. I thought she'd fill out in my home. Once she was away from the shelter. She didn't. So I took her in and yes, she had thyroid problems. She took the medicine and improved immediately but after a couple of months got very very sick. Turns out she had an allergic reaction to the medicine. She had to quit taking it because she was losing all her hair and was throwing up and just terribly sick. I had to watch her whither away without was TERRIBLE.

    But Vet said it was very unusual that a cat would be allergic to the medicine.

    I had a dog once that also had a similar issue...she did fine on a pill a day for years and years and did not die from the issue. She died of old age at 17. So glad you found out what is going on with her.

  3. I've also had a previous cat with a thyroid issue. He did awesome on the meds but eventually went downhill again. It's so hit and miss! I think we caught Teddy in time.


  4. I hope Teddy is back to her "old" self again soon! We have the opposite problem with our cat - she just suddenly gained a bunch of weight. $750 later, we were told she was just fat and had to go on a weight loss program.
    Love the bedroom! I would love to go sleep under those lights!

  5. Such good news about Teddy!! Beautiful cat!!
    And your sons' room is fabulous. Congrats on the feature!!
    What's next? I am dying here!! Ha!

  6. I'm checking my two each year (although they are still yound). And I do not give them any store bought cat food, only raw (bafr; with suplements + some small treates like whole mice or little chics). The teeth are very nice, as they can chew on the bigger pieces of meat and crunch the bones, bladder is fine (there is enough water in the food), there are no weight problems (minimum amount of carbonhydrates in the food).
    I'm happy to read about an owner really taking care of an animal. Sadly to say, it's not so common. Still, I find people, for whom a cat is 'only' a cat and there is no reason to spend much money on health check...

  7. Glad to hear this kitty is going to be fine. We have those pill pockets too down here in Texas and they are great! We have a lab that has to take a pill a day for her joints and it's so easy with those things.

  8. Congratulations to Elsie. So glad she won.
    Congratulations to you and your son for the features. Very worthy but still exciting.

    I am glad to hear you are being proactive with Teddy's care. 13 is already longer than many cats live. I know they have the potential for 20 years or so, but generally things begin to happen after the 10 year mark. Thyroid problems are more prevalent in cats than dogs. It sounds as if you have knowledgeable people looking after her.
    My thyroid condition is the one where I lose hair but I wish it was the kind that made me lose weight.

  9. I hope Teddy is back to her old self really soon. Such a pretty girl! Atleast you caught it in time! Congrats on the feature! How exciting!

  10. Love this post!
    I work at a vet clinic and so many times people don't want to spend money on their kitties to find out whats wrong. I'm so happy to see you show how easy it is to take care of a thyroid problem. I have a chubby dog with a thyroid issue and a skinny cat with the opposite thyroid problem, but both are easily treated.
    Thanks again! :D - Cindi

  11. So glad Teddy was diagnosed and will be on the mend soon.

    Love that Pill Pocket idea! Wonder if they have any for dogs. Buddy ran into a tick nest (unbenownst to me) and came home with 35 ticks! I was told that Frontline can fail even before the 30 days are up. Apparently that was the case for us. Anyway, he's on antibiotics now. Those Pill Pockets are a genius idea. I must find them.


  12. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I have 2 sweet kitties who are 14 and 11. It's hard to imagine they are that old already!

    The older one also started losing weight about a year ago. She was always "tubby" at 12 pounds and now she's at a "healthy" 9 pounds, which the vet said was a fine weight, but I'm definitely going to have them check her out!

    They give us so much love and affection! The least we can do is make sure that their lives are well cared for.

  13. Donna, thank you for sharing about your kitty losing weight. I have a large male who went from 18 lbs to 11 lbs in the past year, yet his blood test doesn't show anything wrong.

    Caring for our furballs can be challenging, so please don't beat yourself up. Cats are very good at hiding any health conditions.

    I wonder if there are any 'natural' thyroid supplements I can give my kitty, to see if they help seaweed, perhaps?? He doesn't have a thyroid issue according to the vet, but I'd like to see him put on some padding, and he only eats until he's satisfied and that's it. I'll be looking forward to your updates. :)

  14. Thanks for sharing all of your valuable info on cat care. We lost our precious cat 2 years and haven't replaced him yet (because of over active puppy in the house) but will be replacing him in the future. Will keep all of these tips in mind.

  15. So sorry about your older cat, so glad you found some good treatment for your other cat. Our dog is one of our kids, it is so sad when they get sick! Have a beautiful weekend. Wait, do you celebrate Memorial Day weekend up there?

  16. Great news about Teddy..He will be putting the weight back on in no time..

  17. First, I'm glad Teddy will be OK. I was very impressed by those little pill cups. We don't have those in France and if ever my cat gets sick, I'll have to get them (even if the price doubles to have them sent to France)!

  18. Donna thank you so much for hosting the giveway I won. I have never won one before so this is a first for me. I am so excited since I don't have a blog and didn't really think I had a chance. Thank you so much for giving the ones that don't have a blog a chance too. I just love to "blog Hop", yup I'm a "blog hopping girl".
    When I started reading about your kitty I just knew you were going to say she was in mourning.
    I was surprised to see thyroid. I sure hope she
    does fine.

  19. PS - regarding the thyroid, I would investigate feeding your kitty a more organ meat (liver, kidney etc) based diet to see if that helps. Not organ meat exclusively, just more. There are natural supplements for people made from pig or bovine but I would worry about the doses for a cat.

    More organic, more natural and less toxins in general will help with any medical problem. Less toxins equals less stress on the body to process them out.

  20. My other post I think went to spam or moderation because I posted a link to a set of pet nutrition and health books I would recommend... Reposting without the link....

    Another reason to go to the vet is to establish a baseline before your kitty starts to age or get sick. Numbers are numbers, and while they can help to diagnose, everyone (or every critter) is a little different. You and your vet will be able to look at changes in numbers and not just compare to a book based average.

    I have a list of really good cat / pet books on my website because I went through a year and a half with a last stage renal failure kitty. I'm NOT trying to rub a sore spot, just that most vets do not give people the full info. A lot of the books I read were not CRF specific and more focused on nutrition and diet which is why I'm bringing it up. Search for Hilary Baumann CRF to find the link.

    Renal failure is VERY common in older kitties. Heck, it's common with the elderly in general. My boyfriends 97 year old grandmother has stage 4 renal failure and she's still getting around the house on her own.

    One more tip: for weighing a cat is to get a people scale that measures a tenth of a pound. Weight yourself holding the cat, then weight yourself sans (without) cat and do the math. Much easier than trying to wrestle a squirming cat on a baby scale in my opinion.

  21. Read your post about your second kitty and it got me moving...I have a 15 year old Himalayan that had a few of the symptoms of your he is recovering from surgery...I thought he might have thyroid problems also because of a weight loss..but instead he had bladder stones...he'll make a full recovery and be home soon to annoy his fur buddies...Hope Teddy is doing great...


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