Monday, March 14, 2011

How to decorate... for YOU. See where I'm hosting today...

Ever wonder if you're decorating 'right?' Or even buying the right things for your home?

 While there are indeed tricks to vignettes and getting something to look nice, that's about as far as I take 'decorating rules' myself. If I like an object, I work it until it just looks right. For me.

I mean, let's face it. Where on EARTH could I buy a desk lamp like this?! :)

Want to know my secrets on creating a home you'll fall in love with over and over again?

I'm playing elsewhere today!

Yanet from 3 Sun Kissed Boys is a delight! She's funny,

Yanet's $300 livingroom

is a wicked DIYer,
and you can tell the moment you scroll through her blog that her family comes first. I LOVE that.

And... she likes junk. :)

So come on down to  3 Sun Kissed Boys and check out some decorating advice from yours truly!

Guest post is HERE.

Do you follow any 'rules' to decorating? 
Or do you make'm up as you go along like me?


  1. How in the world...?? You just threw this together. Seriously, I wanna be you when I grow up!

  2. Well... certain rules are experience written down (ya don't wanna to this!). But for the most part, you can find someone made a rule to fit what you are doing. Or make your own rule! But as you've said, it boils down to surrounding yourself with the things you love and arranging them in a way that is pleasing to you.

  3. decorating just evolves, though I have learned:
    -If you LOVE it! (Especially if on consignment, because when you go back it will be gone!)
    -Coordinate adjoining rooms so they flow
    -Use outdoor elements indoors; like chippy finials on an end table & watering cans w/flowers in the guest bedroom
    -Go with your know your family and your taste...your style is the best style!

    I just have to say Donna, your "make'm up as you go" sure does turn out great!!!


  4. I just go with the flow, and I don't flow "the rules" It always turns out best that way.

  5. I do what I like and most of all be true to yourself...


  6. Hi there
    I love your blog!! I am new to the blog world and added a link to yours on mine. You're under good reads and inspiration. Hope you don't mind!!
    My decorating style is "funky" vintage meets outdoors. Lots of fun stuff!

  7. I definitely make them up as I go.

    Interestingly, I think it was Alton Brown from the cooking show Good Eats who gave me "permission" to break rules. He's always using off items - like a hardware store bench scraper for a dough knife. Or, a Zyliss pizza cutter (very cool) for a pasta, pastry, heck, grilled cheese - anything the kids need to cut without using a knife - cutter.

    And, now I look at things in my living room with the same eye. Hmm, I could really use a __ for that. Hey, I bet a __ would work!

  8. I am a do-it-as-i-go-along-then-redo-it kinda girl.

    I can't do the idea board... I can't...

    I love the living room. awesome.

  9. I am having trouble as my home is transitioning to my current taste and likes. I am going from a pottery barn kind of feel to a more ecletic ans some of my furniture needs help (tv stand). Any suggestions on making a transition look good while still finding the things you love?

  10. Hey Donna
    loved your guest post today.. I'm one of those who dont really have a certain style and not really good at decorating but through blogs like yours that I read for inspiration Im getting there.. so thanks for that.
    (I found a box of old rusty wheel pullies at the husbands grandma's house this weekend, and I really wanted to bring them home but I couldnt think of what to do with them. ,, now I wish i had brought them anyway.)

  11. #10 Bella, transitions are hard. You have to live with abit of ugly until you land the pieces you love. One way is to simply get rid of what you don't like so you have room for a new find, but this can also leave you in limbo. ie: having your TV sit on the floor! When I transition pieces, I generally wait for the right find, then replace it with the old thing UNLESS getting rid of the object requires mega men kinda strength. Then you have to go with the flow and get rid of it when it's feasible.


  12. I didn't know there were decorating rules :) If I love it, I use it. So, I guess I make them up as I go along. It probably doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me. I don't like matchy matchy stuff so I don't pay attention to rules.

  13. I love it. My style of decorating is like my life very eclectic that's my style. I think your home should reflect your personal style and all of the things that you like and to me things don't always have to be so matchy matchy and sets. I've always noticed that each and every place we've ever lived has it's own unique style and what I may have used at one place does not go with the next place every home has it's own unique charm.


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