Thursday, March 17, 2011

Goodbye Secret Garden Cottage. You will be missed!

I have been stalking a blog for a long while now. I've mentioned Jo before here and there, but it's with a heavy heart that I mention her one last time. Because she's decided to stop blogging.

Jo has shared her lovely home with us for a year now. Each and every photograph always drew me in. Not only is her home totally photogenic, she's a wonderful photographer.

Know what? I commend Jo. She loves to decorate and garden, yet blogging is taking her away from her true loves. So she's getting her time back the best way she knows how. To get offline and live it.

 I just felt a special bond with Jo. We've nattered back and forth and it was always about loving what each other has done on a given project.

Jo,  thank-you for sharing your decorating ideas and life with us as much as you have. You've been a true inspiration to me as well as so many others. We wish you well!

Oh! And Jo, this is my special high 5 to ya. :) xo

Would you like to bid a farewell to Jo as well? You can find her HERE.

In light of Jo's addendum she added at the end of her post, let's remember to celebrate the blogs that mean so much to us. Feature them, support them, enjoy them. 

While it's impossible to comment to all we follow, why not make a totally meaningful comment on someone's blog today? Just because. :)

Pick one. Any one. And go blow them away with some appreciation.

On a similar vein, it's spring break at Funky Junk headquarters, and it's time to pull away from the computer for a short while to enjoy time with my son. He's been such a trooper coming to work with me this week and he deserves to giggle!

As for me? I could use a refuel myself. It's time to feed the soul with real time conversation, daytrips, hammering/sawing, walks, hot coffees and board games.

SNS will continue to run this weekend, so see ya then!


  1. I've been following her blog for awhile and was sorry to see her go. I adore that kitchen island of her's. Blogging does take a lot of's a constant struggle to get off the computer and do the stuff you want to blog about. I've been working on my dining room and my posting and linking to parties has suffered. But it just has to be till I can get it done.

  2. We all must follow our hearts. Sometimes they lead us in different directions but often times we come back to the same paths later on down the road. I'll take a peek at her blog. It's definitely my style.


  3. Ahhh...this is the first I've heard of Jo & her lovely blog. I've had heard that several bloggers have decided to stop writing online. I wish them well and I hope that you have a beautiful & restful Spring Break!

    : )

    Julie M.

  4. I appreciate your blog sweetie!! You always make my day or week!!! Love your style and your wit!!
    Enjoy your spring break!!

  5. I felt shocked and sad when Jo abruptly announced her decision to quit blogging. I mean she started a year ago, and has had quite a ride in blogland. She is very sweet and we too shared many emails and comments. I think she must realize that most people don't leave comments even though they are enjoying the post. To get tons when you say you are stopping just means everyone wants to say goodbye. It didn't mean we all didn't care. I hope she gets that. We have been in touch, and she will be missed as she dips under the bloglights. I'm glad you wrote this post, I was thinking of the same thing.

  6. As of late I've been seeing a lot of people that have decided to stop blogging. I can totally respect her decision for doing so. I have read her blog from time to time. I wish her well.

  7. well...on that note...i appreciate and stalk YOUR blog....i comment sometimes, but most times it seems you have so many comments, that i just dont love your pics, ideas, musings, on and on....just sayin'

  8. Donna, enjoy this time with your son. Thanks for sharing Jo with us...I am on my way to bid her well as she continues her journey.

    Have a wonderful week.

  9. oh that is so SAD...I just found her relatively recently and now this beauty will be gone...ahhh.

    I think it is wonderful to that she will TAKE the time to do what she loves though.

    Don't we all have to step back and make choices with our MOMENTS!?!

    Have a wonderful time away with your kiddo!

  10. Donna- I often stalk your blog too..with working,etc. I don't have a lot of time to comment on many of the blogs I follow. I have never visited Secret Garden Cottage but now it looks like I missed a really good one. Good for her for knowing her limits- many of us don't~ xxoo Diana

  11. Hi Donna -
    I remember the first time you mentioned Jo's blog. I clicked over and her blog was everything you said. She will be missed.

    I hope you and your son have a wonderful time. It is going to be 68 here!!! I am going to be out enjoying it.
    My best- Diane

  12. Donna, You rock. I also just found SGC and now that beautiful blog is gone.I wish her well and I am totally envious of all the dedication it takes to blog. You, are a stapple in my day and even though I almost never comment(sorry)you can bet I've been by!Sometimes I just move quickly on to someone you've featured.Sometimes I'm just excited to see what the next busy talented woman has been up to! In my wildest dreams I will never be as creative as you and the others but boy do you all inspire me to try.Thank you for that and for your dedication!

  13. I wish her all the best - and I'll head over and tell her that.

    Recently I took all the links of blogs I follow in igoogle and re-arranged them.

    I made a pages of 1st's. (Read first.) People who truly have a place in my heart - they've make a difference in how I think, whether it's about my faith, my family, or my home. Funky Junk is on that list. These folks post almost every M-F.

    Then I have a second group called read. (Past tense.) Means I've read them and found something meaningful there at least once. If I find something truly moving there again, they get bumped up. I don't hit this list often. Maybe once a week. These folks post less often.

    Then I have a last list. Theses are left-overs from reads gone by. A long time ago I found something on them, but they either don't post very often or I it doesn't quite make the heart connect for me anymore. It's hard to just delete them, so glance at them once every few weeks. Which, interestingly enough, is about how often they have new content.

    Donna, I'll be sure to pass along the love this weekend. Thanks for the reminder - and all of the inspiration. My husband doesn't know that the fact I took our wedding reception vintage cheese boxes and they now they hold our wii remotes and various other remotes - is because of you. (And, he loves them!)

  14. I guess I'm one of your stalkers as I very seldom comment but you are one of my favorite people. I look forward to your posts each and everyday. I am a junkstore junkie and I love making something old into something new. You are my inspiration. Thank you for being here. I'm off to visit Jo,it looks like I found her too late,love her style too.

  15. Have a wonderful time on the rest of Spring break with your son. I hope the weather's great for you so you can spend some time outside. Your writing is always so inspiring.

  16. Wow, Donna... you've blown me away again with your thoughftul consideration. I logged onto my computer this morning to check out my emails, and there were 18 of them... "What??" One was from you, and I just had a feeling you did something special for me again. You've been a wonderful blogger friend and mentor over the past year, Donna... thank you... I'll miss you!
    Good luck with your new book deal and everything else that comes your way, my friend... you deserve every bit of it!! I don't know a blogger who works harder than you do!!
    Enjoy your break with your son. :)
    Big Hugs,

  17. I was sorry to see her going too...I really enjoyed her blog.

  18. Aw.. bummer for us but awesome for her to focus on her passions! Whatever that might be ladies get out there and kick it! Thanks for the reminder :)

    You're a sweetie!

    Heather :)

  19. OK, Donna...Sending YOU some bloggy love! (I was so honored when I saw you followed me on Pinterest!) Talk about can do it all!
    You were so sweet to mention Jo's blog...I followed her, too and was sad to hear about her calling it quits.But I also admire someone who knows when to say when!
    I hope you have a great time with your son. See you when you get back!

  20. What a sweet post and reminder Donna! I too have followed Jo this past year and love her beautiful blog. Although I was sorry to read her post about not blogging anymore, I commend her for her decision to follow her heart. I left her a comment after reading the post.

    I have been having a hard time getting around to visit and comment on all my favorite blogs the past few weeks but I do try. A lot of us are already stretching ourselves pretty thin with family, work and projects and then add blogging to the mix and something has to suffer and, in my case, it is usually my blog.

    Enjoy Spring Break with your son! Look forward to your return.


    ~ Tracy

  21. What a endearing post about Jo's SGF, Donna. :) I think what attracted us the most about Jo's blog (aside from her fabulous fresh country decorating) is that she is a very personable blogger. Notice I am not saying was, but "is" because you never know; bloggers do come back. ;) I feel like sharing my thoughts on the stress of blogging; so here goes. :) I think a lot of the blogger burnout stems from the feelings of obligation that one feels to comment back to comments or the need to post "x" amount of times per week to keep fresh content flowing in. You know how the saying goes.. there's nothing to fear but fear itself.. I think a lot of bloggers are creating this within themselves and need to know that probably 99 percent of their readers aren't as concerned about it as the blogger personally is. And I don't think readers have expectations of others.. well, maybe sponsers (?) I think we are just happy and delighted to share. To me, a new blog post from the blogs I follow that pops up in my dashboard is like a treat or a little gift. We all lead very busy lives and I think people need to not feel such stress over blogging. I think a lot of it stems back to the "etiquette" of blogging with the commenting back thing. While many of us feel it is the right thing to do, I think most of us know that not everyone can comment back every single time. I love when people put that in their comment message - that they appreciate it, but can't get around as much as they would like to. So all this to say, anyone who feels any blogging stress - remember why we do this.. for creative inspiration, an outlet for our creative hunger, to practice picture taking, to exchange words of support with like minded spirits, to journal our little journeys, and to receive these little "gifts" posts from others - as little or as much as they can personally share with us. Sorry this way long, this subject has been on my mind the past couple days. :)

  22. Sad to see Jo go but for everything there is a season. Maybe she'll be back in the future. Your spring break plans sound absolutely perfect!

  23. I am sorry this is the first time I am hearing of her. Her home is beautiful. I know there are days when I feel like my whole life gets sucked into my computer and really need some time away. Best of luck to her.

  24. I was sad to hear that Jo was leaving. I always loved visiting her. She has such style and I envied her roses.

    Have a fun time with your son. Time goes by so fast. Enjoy him :)

  25. Well I think Lara said it am really going to miss Jo,her and I have a lot in common thats for sure,but if its not right for you sweet Jo than thats o,k too...lots of love sent your way! x0x0x0

  26. I love Jo and her kitchen. Will miss her and her blog!

  27. I just love all of her work! We'll surely miss her.

  28. Oh no'll be missed. God bless : )


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