Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pallet Farm Table Desk ~ Part 1, gathering the goods

Much like these cedar planks all lined up in a group, I've been swarmed with good wishes and kudos over the last little while. And yeah, I'm totally overwhelmed. Thank YOU and to many personal friends that have shared in the joy I've experienced over the last few days.

When amazing news comes one's way, you're first caught up in the excitement of it all. I was on a pretty jittery high for a few days with the book promise. Now that a bit of time has passed, I'm back on earth, trying to figure out what peg goes in which hole. Meaning, I'm just mulling things over on what's to come and how to do it should the contract arrive.

If you're new here, you can get caught up on 'the book' news HERE. Scroll down for the first story.

I'm a bit of a thinker, and do better when I mentally prepare. So while I sort it all out, I decided to get going on my downstairs office desk. It's pretty much now or never to tie up a few loose ends!

I've been gathering up wood again from my favorite pallet shopping mall HERE. I found a few 4x4 posts one day, however they weren't enough, so I couldn't start yet.

And then on this fine rainy day, I see these sitting behind my truck after another day working at the same location. Oh how it PAYS to natter to others around you what you're up to! Matt who works there knew I was looking for more posts so he removed these off the palettes for me! You rock, Matt.

 The coolest part? They're OAK. Isn't that the craziest thing you've ever heard?!?

 Yes friends, this will be a real deal pallet farm table desk in no time! You just wait and see. :)

 new vs. used... which would you use?

The most fun is finding all kinds of odds and sods and making them work. I had the choice of purchasing new 2x4's and I nearly did, until I had a better look through the stash I had. I loved the odds and ends look and decided to make them work instead. I mean, look at that rusty beauty on the right.  :)

Next up, these lovely cedar planks are from when my next door neighbor was moving.  I simply chucked these guys over the fence and called it done.

Did you read about the dumpster that parked next door? You have to read it. One of the best days of my entire life is HERE. :)

The planks are apparently very old although they look new. I was thrilled to take them off their hands and knew I'd eventually figure out what to do with them.

And I indeed did. These will be the planks for the desktop of course!

They needed a good scrubbing. And a tip? Don't leave them out on the grass like I did while they dry out.  I lost some stock from them seeping up the moisture from the grass and a few now look like cute little smiling boards.

 And yes, our grass is really this green. I had to LOL when I posted this picture on Facebook. I had more comments on the grass than on the wood!

I live on the west coast of British Columbia which is the banana belt of Canada so we don't get real winters nor real summers. Just pleasant year around. But our trade for all our rain is the green grass, so trust me, we've earned it. :)

By the way, it also snowed the same day. But I call it white rain in these parts.

 Aren't they gorgeous?!? Wet wood gives you an awesome visual of what a stained or shiny finish can turn them into.

 I love how I can enjoy this desk for many years to come and think of the generosity of my neighbors. And be grateful for my firetruck place stash.

So... wanna see what I'm building? I'll show you my high tech plans to mull over.

Could you build a desk around this plan? :)

Gotta tell ya, this is my first build entirely from scratch. My other builds incorporated some prefinished helps.  After this, I'm officially deeming myself a real builder. :)

And know what? It's working!! :)

Sometimes you can't just find what you desire to have, so then you move to plan B and find what you need to build it. More to come!

Dear pallet yards all over the land, once this build is revealed, you're about to get MAULED.

Well rust mah bucket... 

The Junk In My Trunk radio show just announced me as their junk blog of the day!

The Pallet Farm Table Desk

All 3 parts are HERE.

Part 2 - the build


  1. Donna,
    They look perfect. I will be waiting with all the other thousands of your fans. :-) Really, I am so excited about the(YOUR)book. It just shows that hard work and lots of talent sometime merge.
    smiles, alice

  2. you rock girl! you give all us wanna be builders such hope. i am sitting on the edge of the couch waiting for this desk build to be complete. and yes, the drawing is awesome..what more do you need cuz its all in the head anyhoo.

  3. OH GLORY BE!!! LOOK at that wood!!!! Loving it already ~ Just look at that color!! Look forward to seeing more

  4. I am so excited for you and I CANNOT wait to buy a copy of the Funky Junk book!

  5. Can't wait to see the finished results...

  6. You definitely have so me great wood to work with. It's going to look glorious!

  7. What the?? You can get cheap/free wood somewhere? How can I get in on all this lovelyness?

  8. #7 Mandi, I get my wood from broken down palettes you can find for free most anywhere. Some places resell the palettes however others throw them out or give them away. It pays to ask.

    This is something else I'm going deeper into in 'the book' as well. How to find what I do.


  9. Hello Donna...I'm new to your blog, but I get so inspired reading your posts! I just recently moved into a house built in 1948 along the Oregon Coast. It has so much character & I want to keep the decor rather vintage-ish. Your pallet table is ideal for my house. Luckily we have a very cool architectural salvage place not far & I know exactly where the perfect lumber is for a project like this!! Can't wait to see your progress so I can replicate it! :) I wish you luck with your book!! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas.

  10. Beautiful wood there Donna. I can't wait to see the finished product! I also have a pile of wood behind my shed from when our neighbours ripped down a fence. they were just going to throw it away so i grabbed as much as I could. I plan to make a BBQ table one day.

  11. I love the idea of palet wood for a desk, it's great wood, why throw it out, I say...Have you seen my rusty bucket post called "hanging pot" at Mel's Cabin? Hop on over when you get the chance...you're mentioned again....

  12. Great post! I can't wait to see what how the finished product looks. And your banana belt weather sounds awesome. I grew up in SW Washington and I love the rain. Having things be green all the time is well worth getting wet :)

  13. LOL ! We have a WHOLE drawer of "plans" like that ( your envelope!) Good luck, I'm sure it's gonna turn out great... I'll wait for the final product pics !


  14. We've used plans like that too, and also more elaborate ones, depending on what we are building.

    It is always a treat to visit your blog. What an inspiration you are.

    Looking forward to seeing this next wonderful project of yours.

    Happy Creating ~ FlowerLady

  15. Wow, that is gorgeous wood! Can't wait to watch this unfold. And I can so picture you out there throwing those planks over the fence!

  16. What no winter in Canada? I didn't think there was such a place. Your grass always does look greener.

  17. OOh Donna... Can't wait to see this one!!

  18. Your wood is simply gorgeous! I must admit I try not to look too hard or I start to covet... haha! :) I can't wait to see the finished product! I had to laugh because I am currently working through a stack of "plans." We currently live in a tiny (1200 sq ft, 3 bdrm) house with low ceilings but it is about to get bigger. We are having an addition build and I'm drew up the building plans. Currently I am working on the room plans... and then it will be plans for the furniture (so the project doesn't end us in the poor house. LOL) SO right now you are providing LOTS of inspiration! Thanks!!

  19. That wood is gorgeous! What a find!

    The "junk blog of the day" made me laugh. That could sound like a bad thing to someone who doesn't understand the glory of junk. :)

  20. Hi Donna-

    My olfactory senses are getting a wood fix when I viewed the photos of you washing the planks - do they smell as good as they look?

    Nice to receive a mention on Junk Radio :) What a fun site.
    My best- Diane

  21. I think I have wood-envy!!! I'm heading out to find palettes. Can't wait to see the table. Jan

  22. Ooooh I can't wait to see your desk! I know it will be fabulous and unique!

  23. Junk Radio?! Wow, never heard of it! I, too, looking forward to seeing your new desk! It will be awesome, I'm sure.
    Ever faithful follower.

  24. I'm tellin' ya, girl...they are coming at ya from all directions. Now a radio show!! Pretty soon, you are going to have your own freakin Funky Junk TV Show. :)))

    That wood is beautiful. Can not WAIT to see your desk. I know it will blow our sox off.
    'hugs, bj

  25. I have NO idea why my comment came out as Anonymous..that's MOI.

  26. This is going to turn out gorgeous!!! I'm green with envy.

    Junk In My Trunk is a local show that I just found out about a couple of weeks ago. Cool that they are featuring you.

  27. I LOVED knowing that you washed the wood. That made me so happy.


  28. Donna - Where DO you get all your energy? Wish I could find just a fraction of it! Congratulations on the upcoming book. My sister was involved in a group of gals that recently saw their very own magazine published and what a satisfying experience. Best to you on your success. :)

  29. Have you discovered CREATIVE AMBITIONS blog? I just did. And, I'm in love...and I know you will be, too. OMG
    Go see it.

  30. creative-ambitions.blogspot.com

  31. you just crack me up. but I admire your brilliant imagination and am looking forward to seeing the finished product. Oddly enough, I am germinating the seed of an idea for an art project using a shipping pallet. more to come on that too... I don't happen to have a source for a pallet (yet).

  32. I must say, you do have lovely grass! I cannot believe that the pallets were made of oak. Lucky you!

  33. Beautiful, beautiful wood!!!
    We just got some reclaimed gymnasium flooring and have really been having fun with it.
    Your blog is such an inspiration!


  34. Where DO you live?? I want to move there! I live in Coeur d'Alene, ID and in the summer it's like heaven, but man these winters are getting old...
    Your projects are beautiful and so inspiring!! Thanks :)

  35. After I went back and read a little of her blog, I see that you two know each other. (Creative Ambitions)...ok...just wanted to be sure you knew her.

  36. Hi! A fellow fraser valleyite here...can you tell me the type of brush you were using to clean the wood, and where I could get one too? Thanks!

  37. if these came off of a pallet...where are the nail holes>


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