Friday, January 7, 2011

Sat Nite Special #64 brings you - creative storage ideas (with poll)

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #64, the creative storage ideas edition!

If you're new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the 3rd themed link up which stays open indefinitely. Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)
this weekend's theme

~ storage ideas ~

For my son's toy storage - the most volume

For the stereo, the most unexpected.

For school paper work, the most yummy. :)

For simple things stored in simple things - the most accessible.

 For office storage - the most fun to play with. :)

Old crates to store stuff - the most vintage.

But the most drastic before and after for storage?

(cow picture is currently in storage.. will do a post on it soon!)

The greenhouse turned firewood shed - the most fun to create EVER.

Anything can be used for storage. ANYTHING.

With all your recent deep cleaning, have you come up with anything clever for creative storage ideas?
Let'ter rip in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup!

Be sure to check the themed linkups master list to add your newest creations anytime.
List HERE.

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, then cut and paste that url) If your post has been deleted, please try again.

 2. Please put a link in your post (button or text) that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (see BUTTONS label under main blog header)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style.

4. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and/or within 1 month old.  This helps keep content fresh!

The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS and will remain open for your new additions at any time. Click HERE for the main list.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

Vote for the linkups you like! The highest ranking one by Sun 11pm Pacific will be next weekend's themed linkup. I'll announce other high ranking ones we'll use too.

GRAINSACKS will be this upcoming weekend. 
Stay tuned for announcement on the WHAT IS IT JUNK linkup. It's on it's way too.


  1. Your first party of the new year! Thanks so much for hosting. You have really helped me grow my blog by hosting these parties and I want you to know how much I appreciate that. Have a great weekend! ~ Lindy

  2. love all that storage and all the vintage stuff!! too too cute!!!

  3. OMG love your storage!! Those jar lids -- is that a wreath???!?!? I am swooning!!!!!!

  4. Great ideas here. I actually got my husband to look at your blog, he loved it! Said very cool! That is huge for him, I really do not show him much out here.

  5. EEK! I'll be back tomorrow with my storage post. I have a project done, just one photographed and posted!

  6. I love it when things are cute and practical. I look forward to getting some new ideas for cute storage!

  7. As always, thanks for hosting! I'm eating up the storage ideas - I'm fresh out of storage and fresh out of IDEAS! Have a great weekend! -diane

  8. I love all your unusual storage ideas, especially the wood boxes.

  9. Hi Donna! Your storage ideas are so unique! My favorite...your firewood cute! Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  10. Thanks so much for hosting! I need some good storage advice. My bedroom looks like a hoarders paradise right now!

  11. Thanks so much for hosting another great party!

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

  12. I love your office storage! And that wood shed - WOW! Here in Texas it would never occur to me that anyone would need to store that much wood. It looks great!

  13. Amazing storage ideas, and your firewood shed is WOW, I love it:-)
    Hugs, Biljana

  14. Loving all these storage ideas! Just in the knick of time too, Donna! Thanks!


  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog.I have been a follower for a whil eBUT this is first to comment. Where did you get that BIG COW PICTURE,I NEED IT,GOTTA HAVE IT.
    WE are big junkers here,we love to watch AMERICAN PICKERS BC WE HAVE A TENDENCY OF DOING THE SAME.My 10 yr old son loves to look for the same idea as I when we go thrifting.LOVE IT.
    When I first found your blog I read it from top to bottom to side to side.

  16. I luv the picture of those cows. What happened to it?

  17. Your pics are awesome girl and yes ANYTHING can be used for storage :).

  18. I love all of your creative storage ideas. I need to borrow the one for "boys toys"! I've got to get some shelving like that. It's perfect.

  19. The photo of your wood storage shed always amazes me and I love the old armoire full of wooden crates. You have a unique talent. Only you can make junk look sooooo good.

  20. I can only take so much browsing. I get JITTERY when looking over these revamps to GET MOVIN'. You know where I'm headed right now. :) I'll visit more tonite!

    Wow. What a party!


  21. Great party tonight ~ Love your storage ideas! Lots & lots of great things! ~Marcy

  22. Hi Donna,

    I meant to leave a comment last night but then after seeing your storage post I decided to do one of my own and link it up. I always tell myself I can do a quickie post but it never turns out that way for me. I would up staying up late and about falling asleep at the keyboard! ;-)

    Anyway, I love all of your ideas. I have some antique/vintage crates too. Most of them are way up high on a shelf and although they hold a few things are now mainly for decor as I can't get to them without a ladder. In my old house though, I pulled sliding doors off the laundry room closet and there were three, deep shelves, about 6' wide. I lined all three with crates, one next to the other, and kept all my kids lunch boxes, snacks and canned goods there. I loved it and miss that!

    Your shed is by far the coolest storage solution...ever!!!!

    Thanks for hosting and sharing your creative-ness!


  23. Thanks for the link party. I posted my mosaic mirror in your Home Decor party! You are by far my fave blogger that I follow. Love your ideas!

    Take care
    Deb @ dejarenew.blogspot.

  24. Hi Donna,
    Thanks again for another week of Sat. Nite Special. The storage theme was timely and motivated me to get going on some organizing.

  25. PS I meant to say, I LOVE old Coke crates! :-)

  26. Donna,

    Thanks so much for the feature on the sidebar! I really enjoyed checking out the other features as well. Hope you are having a great weekend! Thanks again, Laura

  27. Donna, wonderful ideas and you are just simply amazing!!! Thanks for the sidebar feature of our basement! Keep up the amazing ideas!

  28. Exponential creativity. I'm catching up since i'm a new follower, but needing to get some sleep soon! LOL

  29. You are jus the BEST!! I owe ya! This is my favorite party of yours yet! What a smartie pants you are using the public computer - gotta multi task don't we?

  30. Thanks so much for featuring my storage idea:)
    Hope your weekend has been awesome

  31. Where have I been, missing out for sure.Awesome Party! Ihavereally enjoyed my visits to your blog as well as others.

    I too have been collecting crates like crazy, Love them.I will be back~Cheers Kim

  32. I love all your creative storage containers. You truly are the junk queen! Thanks for hosting this party and thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and leave me a nice comment :)

  33. So many great projects on here Donna! Thanks for the party! Theresa xoxo

  34. Happy new year! You are the best amazing blogger..Iam Happy to appreciate ur hard work... Have a wonderfull weekend!


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