Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Being grateful for a less than perfect life.

Yesterday we awoke to a deep freeze. So I was going to drive my son to school. 

Click. Click. That's what the ignition sounded like. My truck battery was dead.

This wasn't a good thing. A snow storm was on it's way and I needed to get to work for a mandatory job before we got snowed in the next day.

 Calm... be nice, finish your coffee, deeeeep breathes....

I sent my son to fend for himself on the gusty way to school and I was faced with a big fat question on how I'd proceed.

I'm grateful for my neighbor Gord that was home. He raced over before he had breakfast, jump started my sick truck and had me go pick up a battery so he could put it in. All before his own work day. And for Rosie for driving my truck back to me when it was ready before she was even ready for her own day. I was on the road to work within the hour!

 I'm grateful for friends Dan and Bec that I can walk to from Gord's so they can help me figure out how to submit an article to a certain magazine. Check! Workin' on it.

I'm grateful that friend came back to my house, picked up some stuff to get it out of my way AND helped me with a small electrical tweak I was scared of. YES!!

I'm grateful for being able to get to work before the snowstorm hit.  I was able to get this firetruck wallpapering job out the door in time for a deadline. I LOVE it when I can pull the impossible off, especially in the nick of time! The red AND white you see are 6" thick stripes. Crazy amount of work.

I'm grateful for snowstorms. They make me feel so warm, comfy and safe inside my home. And when the wild winds blow, that's the time I silently hope and pray those without a home have found cover somewhere. For not all are as fortunate as we are.

I'm grateful for snow days! No school means for happy snow bound kids. That's where my son is right now and I'll be joining him after my AM coffee.

I'm grateful for neighbor Rick to have brought out his tractor this fine snowy AM and scooped out our driveway, along with our entire road's driveways. We don't have to dig out that mountain the snowplow left!

Wow, we sure have a perfect life, eh?

Well, I'm going to correct anyone that thinks that. My life is not perfect. I'm stubborn. I ache with injury pains. I make lots of mistakes. I'm VERY forgetful due to so much on my plate, but don't mean to be. And I'm sorry, many times a week and say so. I am so very human.

But here's the difference in turning a bad day into a good one.

My day started off pretty bleak. But by making a simple phone call, it started a chain reaction of helpful kindness and appreciation with an opportunity to give back. Everyone ends up winning.

It truly takes a village. So, quit hibernating like I tend to do and get out there and open that door  and let the happy in.

And... be very grateful you have a door to open.

Edited to add: This is what happens outside MY door when I'm busy blogging! Yikes. Time to go help. :)
 _ _ _ _

Like wordy inspirational kind of posts? I have plenty HERE.


  1. I like this post! so honest, and a great reminder to be grateful. :) btw, what is your job?

  2. Hey Suzanna, I run my own graphics/sign biz and that was a firetruck install I was working on.


  3. so much to be grateful for! a wonderful way to look at bad situations. easier said that done i suppose. ... but powerful.

    great post.

  4. Great advise. I am thankful for all the people in my life that help me out.You be safe in that snow:)

  5. Glad you saw your glass as half full today ; ) I've been hibernating too-just didn't realize till I read this that whats wrong with me!

  6. Great post Donna ~ I liked your last sentence,
    be very grateful you have a door to open.

    I am.

    Enjoy your snow day.


  7. I definitely tend to hibernate and it's a tough habit to break, especially right now while our heater is broken in our car and it was 3 degrees outside the other morning when I needed to go out. Makes me really evaluate how badly I need to get outside! But I'm grateful for a car and gloves and a hat and a coat.

    Thanks for the beautiful post. I'm glad your day ended up better than it started.

  8. HI Donna-

    Lovely post. I am feeling the pressure alot lately and have way to much on my plate and sometimes I forget all that I have. Thanks for reminding me. We got 7 inches today in PA. My yard looks like the photo of your yard. Very calming.
    My best- Diane

  9. We live in a very old, cold drafty house and are graftful for our 1930's gas heaters! VERY SWEET POST.

  10. Thanks for the uplifting words! We have a raging thunderstorm here (Hawaii + Winter = harsh rain storms not snow), and I was poo-pooing today about what the house was going to look like (yesterday a lamp was blown off the table and totally broke and then the dogs got into the garbage and spread it around the area that the lamp missed. So I was all boo-hoo-ey until I read your post, and realized that we are graced with so many things that a little rain once in a while is welcome!

    Thanks also for all the great blog tips. I have implemented some of them and am in the process of learning/implementing others.
    :-) Barbara

  11. It's not what happens to us that counts, but how we handle it...the original quote is so much better but I'm too lazy to find it! I hope the magazine article thing works go girl!

    Kat :)

  12. yes, I am grateful to have a door to open too :-) and I am grateful to have 2 cars. when one breaks I just jump into the other one. and I am grateful that no one laughs at me when they see me driving these old piles on wheels!

  13. Oh Donna, you do have some great neighbors. I needed to hear these words of encouragement!
    And guess what, I got my burlap bags in the mail and just went to squealin'!! Thank you so so so much!! You know, they are perfect with all my "stuff". Can't wait to post about it one day :)
    Stay Warm
    Becky C

  14. Wowsa, you caught me hibernating....but I am creating..that counts doesn't it? But yes, I tend to hide and the negative talk starts to fill my brain! But I have a door and I still have what am I whining about....NOTHING!!! Thanks.

  15. Becky, yay! Thanks for your patience! :)


  16. #14 kpaints, yes, it helps! However it'll leave you with a lovely home and no one to show it off to. Ask me how I know. Keep that door open! :)


  17. I agree with you thankful and grateful for that 'door to open'.
    I tried telling my husband to be thankful that he has a driveway to snowblow...he didn't appreciate when he was freezing cold and covered in snow...but I think he gets what I mean now!
    Thanks for the reminder!

  18. This is the kind of post I really need to read on a dreary January day. Thanks, Donna.

  19. I agree with you that I love the snowstorms for making me cozy safe and warm in my home. I love it. I am grateful I didn't have to shovel! We got over a foot today.

  20. Great post! Neighbors like that are awesome!! I love your photos of the snow!! I miss it...we get very little here!

  21. Love this post...grateful for blogging friends like you who remind me to appreciate and never take for granted all my many blessings! :)

  22. OH Donna great reminder!!!!!! LOVE all your helpers!

    You're a great friend as well to them, I'm sure...good begets good!!!!

    Cozy all the way!!!! EC's snow blowing our place right at this very moment!


  23. Girl, you are blessed with incredible neighbors! It sounds like everyone needs a Gord!

    And the thing that brought me over to yours post...honestly, was your Ziggy pic. I love Ziggy. I had Ziggy stuff when I was little and I just always remembered these stickers I had and one of them was Ziggy holding a heart that said "I need love too" silly that I remember that!

  24. Thanks for the reminder, Donna! Car wouldn't start for my husband half-way to work this morning - plus the other car had to be pushed off the ice by three nice men I don't know. Thankful for them. Thankful my husband got his car to start within 2 hours of his problem. ugh.

  25. Great post. Hate the snow. In Arizona, with the high temperatures in the summer, I change my battery every 2 ifs, ands, or butts. Every morning I say my gratefuls and along the way as each day progresses. Hope that UR son did as well at school.

  26. You are truly blessed to have such wonderful neighbors...I've always assessed you were grateful and full of totally positive vibes, loving and kind. Little glitches, speed bumps, huge boulders in our path are just opportunities that allow others to be blessed by the act of helping you. It all turns around the next day when you are given the opportunity to smooth out another person's wrinkle in their day...after your first cup of coffee that is! :)

  27. Open that door and let the happy in... Great post. I think painting trucks is not your ultimate job in life. You seem to be blossoming into a motivational speaker (or writer.) Your take on life is an example to us all. Is your son feeling better? Something to try for persistent sickness is avoiding milk( sorry) and wheat. Let us know if he is not better, and you will get a hundred ideas that have worked for each of us. Ann

  28. #27 Nutbird, my son is great! But we have cut WAY back on dairy and wheat per doc's orders, so who knows?

    And you are right! Remembering to open the door for our blogging friends to help is a big one too. I tend to wait until I resolve it so I can help YOU, not the other way around! I will remember that one, thanks!


  29. I'm grateful I live in Florida, I just returned from Lakeside Montana for Christmas. Had the best snow a Floridian could want. But each morning I thought about anyone that had to get up and go to work each day. You are stronger then Iam. Be safe and warm.
    Hugs from Florida,
    ps...are you close to lakeside?(kaleispell)

  30. Wonderful post. We do have so much to be grateful for if only we look around us!

  31. Sorry you had a bad morning yesterday Donna... but so happy that others pitched in to help!! Sounds like you have some very caring friends and neighbors!! Great post!


  32. What a great post and a great reminder to us all. Thank you!

  33. You and I are on the same page. I posted on facebook about how fortunate we are to have a warm home, food to eat and people that love us because there are sooo many that do not! Many of my friends( I'm a teacher) that are teachers were complaining about being off from school because of snow. Let's appreciate what we have.

  34. Sending a loud AMEN from down here in Podunk!

  35. Wow .. thanks goodness it all worked out! I agree with Ann ~ you could be a motivational speaker! You inspire your blog followers (im fairly new one), and Im sure a book would be a best seller!

    Our town closes down in snow...we would never make it in serious snow like yall have! An embroidry picture we have hanging in our house says this: "Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, but about dancing in the rain" So true....i smile every time i'm reminded of that saying. Stay warm, stay safe, and may the truck always start, but if not ... God bless kind & caring neighbors!

  36. Such a great attitude to have. Looking at things differently at the start of the day usually helps to invite positive things into your daily routine. I very fondly remember a particular day of positive chain reactions for myself while trying to get to the airport in time for my flight home after attending my dearest friend's funeral. I'll blog about one day, but I remember that once I got in my seat on the plane I started to weep over God's provision that day. I will never forget it.

    Being surrounded with caring people is a bonus too, and it's obvious that you are lucky in that respect. I'd like to live in your neighborhood. :)

  37. first, i love the Ziggy pic and that's kinda me too in the morning:)and second,i live in a little town with caring neighbors too! the guy across the street always comes over with his snowblower and saves me lots of shoveling.being a single mom certainly isn't the easiest thing in the world but i've found if i'm not too proud to ask when i need help.people are usually so willing and THEY feel blessed:)

  38. Thanks for the wake up post Donna ~ we sometimes just have to stop and realize how lucky we really are. Loving the shot of your shed ~ it looks like the perfect winter day ~ gotta love the calm after the storm. We are in the midst of a n'oreaster right now ~ as long as I have power ~ I will be just fine.

  39. This is a great post Donna. Sometimes we all forget to just take a minute to reflect on all the blessings we do have and how we tend to shut so much out of our lives because we're just "to busy". This was a great reminder ~ Loved it!! Stay warm sweetie and enjoy that cup of coffee :)


  40. Great message Donna! We are in Atlanta, and the leftover snow and the ice have us out of school for 4 days now. I photographed our first day playing in the snow and blogged about it. As I was looking at a photo of my daughters, age 17 and 20, I thanked God for days like these...rare at their ages to have them in the same place and having fun together. I am adding the link to my blog post if you are interested.

  41. I'm just guessing here but the people that I know that get the kind of help that you get are AMAZING people that everyone loves! Yep you are blessed!:)

  42. We are so blessed! i love the way so many bloggers are naming their blessings and favorite things... I did that and had know idea so many people were. New Year though so I guess we all are grateful for another year in our lives... and the little things...the most important!!

  43. As I sit here snowed/iced in at my parents' house for the fourth day in a row, I find this post very comforting. I, too, am thankful for a warm, comfortable home to stay in, even if it isn't mine and I could be accomplishing so much more at home (250 miles away). I'm thankful that I can borrow a computer for small tidbits of time. And I'm thankful that we were able to help a homeless family living out of their van on our way here.

    And, today, I'm also encouraged and thankful for your friends and neighbors who have helped you out and I'm ever so thankful that you are not perfect. I wouldn't visit your blog if you were because I can't relate to perfect people.

    Enjoy your snow day/s.

  44. I am grateful that you blog. I check, every day, for a new post. You and Miss Mustard Seed are the top two as far as my reading is concerned. Love the copycat idea.

  45. I love your thoughtful posts, Donna! Thanks for sharing! I always feel like we walk a similar path - simgle moms, too much to do, leaning toward being a hibernator - so it's a great reminder to shake things up every now and again!


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