Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Top posts and projects of 2010

We are officially nearing 2011 already! And what better time than to do a mini review of the past year.

These are some of the most popular posts and projects the last year has brought. I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed creating and writing them. :)

January - The Dark Side of Purging

During the Workshop Series on Creating your Own Workshop, this video was created to mock some fun out of what is actually a pretty tough job!

Workshop original post is HERE.

Beginner blogging tips are covered. The questions are addressed in the comments. Happy reading! 

March - Mattress Spring Bulletin Board

Attempting to create something in an 'old' theme, this little kitchen helper was quite a hit.

 March - Drop cloth hanger curtains

I was required to come up with a unique use for fabric in a contest, so I recreated the 'hanger curtain' using a no sew drop cloth.

This project isn't even a year old yet and these stairs look identical to what they do the first day I did them. I must thank the acrylic craft paint for holding up the way it has!

April - Vintage dresser staging

An old rusty gate was added to a very cool vintage dresser for a unique touch.

One of my personal favorite projects was this TV stand created out of an old palette. I had NO idea how to build legs but I muddled my way through it.

This idea lived in my head for a long time before I finally had the perfect reason to go for it. I had to learn how to work an air gun on this one which made this build an absolute breeze.

This was an inspirational story on how a mysterious illness brought some incredible changes to my life in the best way possible. Leaving a lifestyle was not only difficult, but very rewarding at the same time.
Part 1 - 44 comments
Part 2 - 64 comments
Part 3 - 89 comments

A double whammy here. An inspirational writing about listening to those internal voices, alongside  a beach photoshoot. 

The photo above proceeded to win a grand prize in a photo contest!

May - Ladder projects

A couple ladder projects were created for a ladder themed link party.

This 6 part series took you through all the steps in order to create one of the most simple and productive pieces ever.

A little table gets a major makeover with the simple addition of lettering.

October - How I make old signs

A full tutorial style post on how this multi coloured patina was developed for this Grocery sign.

November - Making a giant 2

A full tutorial on creating an oversized number out of scrap plywood.

A full tutorial on how an old gate was created out of scrap wood and hardware.

November - White twig chandelier

Willow branches and grapevines are attached to a chandelier to bring abit of nature indoors.

November - Making your blog more visitor friendly

Full tutorials on how to change aggravating and often unrealized default settings to make your blog much more contact friendly.

Can I say, this is a must read? I don't receive many of your comments in my inbox because of a setting blogger doesn't do for you.

133 comments confirmed the advice. :)

December - The WhoDroop feature on my junk Christmas tree

What to do when your Christmas tree is too tall for your room? Create a bend over with a hanger of course and label it something weird!
103 comments for tree #1.
 69 comments for tree #2.

December - full home Christmas tour

Junk touches tweaked with Christmas cheer fill my home this season.

December - How do you get through tough times?

Are you a flower caught in the snow? An inspirational post on how to cope during trying times.

Other tidbits to share:

Most asked question:

How do you come up with your ideas?

Out of pure need. If I need something, I start looking for the right components which are generally free or as cheap as anyone could ever land them. Then I just fiddle until something is made, is productive and looks good.

The biggest danger comes in having a full and compete house. I then stop. So the best thing is to sell or do this for others or have a reason to do it (tutorials for ?) so I keep going and inventing. I'm workin' on it. :)

What I desire to do with all this:

I'd love to write for online or real life magazines, creating tutorials. Or stories. Or write a book. Or write ebooks.

Are you a magazine desiring a writer/designer/photographer? Please hire me.  I'll surpass your expectations, I promise. :)

I still think there's a need for a full blown ebook on the topic of Taking Great Pics with a Point and Shoot. Not everyone (hand raised) can afford the biggest and baddest equipment out there. Would this kind of info interest you?

My dream purchases:

I'm saving every blog dollar for an SLR camera. And little video camera. Once I have these last two things, there's no stopping me. :)

2010 summary:

I have to say, I've learned an awful lot this year. It's been a nonstop whirlwind of trying things out with my fingers crossed. Asking online and personal friends for advice, borrowing tools, receiving encouragement and then kudos, honestly, I'd never accomplish 1/3 of what I did if I didn't have that. Or if I didn't bother to blog all about it.

Key to success: 

By not being afraid of failure. Many of my projects fail but I don't give up. I tweak them ALL until they DO work. Never ever give up on yourself! And take killer pictures so you can show your work in your best light possible. That indeed does help.

What I'd like to know:

Is there anything you'd like me to cover o the blog? A topic you'd like me to write a fullblown ebook on? Give it to me straight. I need a new challenge. And a way to earn that new camera so I can teach you how to use that too. :)

Thank-you for being the most awesome audience I could ever hope for. You've done more for me than you'll ever realize.

Here's to a very funky and equally junky 2011. :)

Linking up to Rhoda's party Dec 29

Merry Christmas from me!
Enter through HERE


  1. Since I just joined the blogging world a few months ago I am glad you did this. That spring mattress message board is GENIUS! I want one :) All the posts were great. I am looking forward to what you do in 2011.

  2. These were some great posts, Donna!! It was fun seeing the pics again... I LOVE the October post with the vintage sign table top... awesome and beautiful! Love your WhoDroop Christmas tree, too... too cute and sweet!
    Thanks for all of the wonderful inspiration you've given us in 2010, my friend! I look forward to seeing what you have to offer us in 2011!
    Happy New Year!!
    Jo :)

  3. Thank you so much my friend for always inspiring. Your posts are always a joy to read - I can hardly contain myself for the next one!
    Wishing you the best new year ever!

  4. So cool to see these posts....i am new to the blogging world - so it was fun for me to see you inpiring ideas....happy new year & look forward to seeing what you come up with for 2011! xoxo

  5. That palette desk is to die for. Great projects. Love your blog!!!

  6. Well, I've only quickly scrolled through this post -- realizing I will need to fix a cup of tea to sit back and take it all in. Be back in a few!

  7. Donna,
    I started blogging in October. I love following your blog! Thank you for your inspiration and your generous heart! I plan to be a regular "pop in"! Happy New Year! *L*

  8. Wow, what a year! Congratulations on all your fine work, Donna!

    : )

    Julie M.

  9. Sigh, I've been through it all with you, if only vicariously. What a fun ride this year has been. Sorry I don't have any challenges to throw your way. You're continually an inspiration ;). Hugs, Kim

  10. I don't have a blog..whenever I see a post from you, I have to check it out! You are so creative..I am so loving that wonderful stick chandelier!! and so many other projects.
    Next year when you do your live Christmas tree, try this..make a fresh cut on the bottom with your saw..then get a big bottle of 7up and empty out half and fill with water...then you water your tree with the "sugar water"..you won't believe how fresh it will stay!
    Keep creating Donna..you have great ideas!

  11. What fantastic projects! There are a few that I am tempted to recreate. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a very Happy New Year!

  12. Wow, what a great year, Donna! I can't wait to check out posts that I missed (before I started following you). I LOVE the mattress spring wall board, that is just so fun! And I would really love to learn how to take better photos with my point and shoot! You would be awesome as a magazine writer, and of course I would buy any book that you authored! Have a very happy New Year!

  13. Your projects always make me smile Donna. The thing about your photos is that I can look at one and know it is yours. You have a style that is all your own and I think that is pretty cool :)

    Happy new year!


  14. Such creativity! Thanks for the recap.

    For the record, shooting good photos with a with a P&S is almost exactly the same as with any camera. Its all about composition and knowing what the camera can do - which has nothing to do with price tag. Good photos come from good photographers, not good cameras.

  15. Wonderful recap, I have so enjoyed each and every post you have done. Happy New Year!

  16. I have a box spring sitting outside my studio door just waiting from a call from the local antiques mall that I got a spot. They are fabulous for display pieces. Love how you did yours. I found you from Romantic Homes. Fabulous post and I agree on everyone of your blog tips. Except I am still kind of leery about just letting comments post instead of being moderated by me first. I just get too many spam comments lately which seems weird since blogger has their new spam thing now. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Anyway, absolutely adore your blog and all your tutes and home decorating on the chic cheap. ~ Miles of Smiles ~ Lynn @thevintagenest

  17. And, we R looking for a super great 2011 and I'm so glad I can be a part of it. Happy New Year.

  18. What a wonderful year you had with so many accomplishments! Here is to another prosperous year full of life, love, happiness and of course JUNK!!!

    Happy New Year to you and yours Donna!!

  19. My first year of blogging and I found you right away and have held on tight. You are a source of real inspiration, as you have your struggles and your triumphs like real people do~so it is always of interest to read your posts. YOur simple table painted in white with black graphics is one I missed, and I love it! Hoping all your dreams come true and the ones that don't will lead you where you belong.

  20. Donna, you have had a rocking year,friend! What a lot of wonderful projects. My fave is your bedroom & those funky stairs. You have such a way of working with the junk to make it so stylish & chic. So unique & you are a very special lady too. Have enjoyed the year getting to know you better! Happy New year!

  21. i just love that your projects are so "you." i am always amazed at your creativity and your ability to think outside the box. can't wait to see what 2011 brings.

  22. You have done so many great projects this year! I am excited to try several of them this coming year.

  23. I love the things that youhave done. Those stairs are really something. You are a fun person to follow.

  24. I am in love with that palette desk of yours! You are one creative lady! I'll be back to figure out how to make one of those painted tables for myself!

  25. You and your blog are nothing short of AMAZING Donna!!
    I love coming here and am in awe every time!
    Looking forward to 2011 with you and your SWEET junk!
    JUNK never looked better!!!!
    Thanks so much!!!

    Deborah xoxo

  26. Wowza Donna! I give you top prize for being the most creative. You make beautiful stuff out of junk. I can hardly wait to see what new thing you will come up with next. My favorite project you have done has to be the stairs.

  27. I'm a new follower,so it was great to see all of your wonderful projects in one post.I especially loved those steps and the twig chandy.

  28. Wow. This blog is super! When we moved into our house we didn't have money to furnish it and at the time there was a big dump pickup happening in a nearby town. So, I picked up all kinds of things, beds, chairs, tables, a wonderful old library table which has served my husband as his desk, and multiple other things so I am ONBOARD with your style! I've painted, stressed, and made cushions for all kinds of things through the years. Thanks for all the great ideas! Linda

  29. How fabulous is "paying it forward". I found your blog via Maria at Dreamy Whites. What a find. You're going on my blog list !!! You are soooo right about the "Taking good photos with a point and shoot camera" !!! Thank you again. Isn't it exciting when you find a fabulous blog!!

  30. Loving this Donna ~ I love looking back over your projects this year and of course my favorite ~ your stairs of course! Cannot wait to see what you pull out of your toolbox this year! Hugs to you and cheers to 2011. xo

  31. What a great idea for a year end post - of course I'm not at all surprised. Everything you do is purrfect! I had missed the January post on purging - LOVED it as I love all the other posts.

    You rock!

    "Her" and Romeo

  32. Oh, how I enjoyed all this, Donna. You are such an amazing lady..I admire your spunk so much.:)

    I go to bed dreaming of that little October table.
    I just wish I could paint like you. What do you think if I painted my top black, used vinyl lettering, painted table white, then removed the lettering? How would that look? I saw a chair somewhere that absolutely blew my sox off and she did this. Would it work on your table?

    Thanks for this amazing post.

  33. Well, DUH..
    I just read on how to do this table and see that you did use vinyl. Fantastic...

  34. Wow!! Everything is stunning!! I love each picture. Happy New Year!!

  35. I've enjoyed seeing the posts you highlighted. Some that I had missed first time around. The bedspring thingie is awesome. Love the look. I also enjoyed reading your Summer Changes series. Have a great 2011 - can't wait to see what you come up with.

  36. Donna, I can't wait to see what you'll dream up in 2011 to top your fabulous 2010. Sounds impossible, but I know your creativity will rise to the challenge!

    Thanks for the blog and photo tips. I've had several people compliment me on my(point-and-shoot)photos--thanks to you and Picasa!

  37. So, AWESOME Funky Junk Donna, THANK YOU so much for this post. I checked out at least 5 or 6 of your past projects from this post alone, and I learned so much! I especially loved the "new to blogging" tips - there were so many things I learned more about. Questions have been answered! YAY! I made my new signature oh, about 2 seconds ago, and it was so easy because of your great tutorial. Love it! Stop by my blog, if you'd like, and check out my sig! Thanks to you!! freestylinbeth.blogspot.com
    Happy New Year!

  38. Donna, I love your style and energy. You inspired me to make a gorgeous (if I do say so myself) sign for the "bumped out" beam over my kitchen table..it says "gather". I even made my own stencils for it. Everyone loves it, especially the 23 people that gathered under it for Thanksgiving dinner. Happy and healthy New Year to you and those you hold dear.

  39. You amaze me! I have loved hanging out in your junk pile~ Happy adventures in 2010.
    Come by and join the linky party. This is a friday's favorite for sure :-)

  40. Loved your top 10 posts then and now. You have an awesome, unique style that is identifiably YOU and I look forward to every post in my inbox.

    Happy 2011, Donna!


    I'd love to see a post from you using the Top 5 things we discard to make something very cool.
    Paper, Metal (you've got that covered), aluminum cans, glass bottles & jars, and plastic bottles. http://www.oberlin.edu/recycle/facts.html

    Just a fun idea.

  41. All of your recap is so inspiring! Isn't blogging the best ;) Enjoyed your recap and found you via Southern Hospitatlities link party. I've been blogging for three years and this is the first re-cap post that I've completed and it really makes you appreciate all that you accomplish in a year. Best wishes for the New Year. Fondly, Roberta


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!