Friday, December 31, 2010

SNS #63 brings you - your Christmas story (and giftcard winner!)

Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #63, the Happy New Year / Christmas Story edition!

If you're new here, join in! There are three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the 3rd themed link up. Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

~ your Christmas story ~

Two dead trees in one year. BEAT THAT ONE. :)

And then there was the one about the big mall shopping fiasco. Getting lost in a mall of chaos... good grief....

But did I let it get to me? Far from it. You can read all about my own 2010 story


Link up your own Christmas stories in this weekend's 3rd themed linkup! 

What did you do? What did you get?!? I can't wait to hear aaaaall about it!

Winner of the giftcard...

Congrats nan!

No email in your profile so please email me with your shipping address and I'll get your card to you asap!

And what a sweet story nan shared! Did you read all the incredible Christmas memory comments in that post? Oh my gosh. Spend some time HERE when you can. You'll love it.

~ Upcoming  Themes ~

Jan 7 - cool storage solutions!

I have a funny feeling we're all about to start on a big cleaning frenzy. So why not share some of the creative and pretty storage solutions you come up with?

Be sure to check the themed linkups master list to add your newest creations anytime.

List HERE.
~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, then cut and paste that url) If your post has been deleted, please try again.

 2. Please put a link in your post (button or text) that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (see BUTTONS label under main blog header)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style.

4. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and/or within 1 month old.  This helps keep content fresh!

The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS and will remain open for your new additions at any time. Click HERE for the main list.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

Happy New Year, friends!


  1. I can't believe the 2nd one died too!

    Happy New Year to you and your son!!

  2. Hahahahaha! I post my lockers....THEN read the next theme...DUH. Might just have to post them again. heehee

  3. Hi Donna! TWO dead trees! Unbelievable! lol Happy New Year!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Thanks for hosting. I was glad to pick up our Christmas stuff a few days ago, and get our 1st floor organized. *whew*. Now I gotta work on the upstairs...yikes!

  5. Hi, Sweet lady..just wanted to wish you the happiest NEW YEAR..I have really enjoyed getting to know you this year. Hoping we can have a lot of fun thru '11, too.
    Hug your little boy and wish him a HAPPY NEW YEAR for me.
    xo bj

  6. To have two dead trees in one season is criminal! I have to de-decorate immediately then. So sad!! I keep my decor for the Christmas season up until beginning of Feb. Then it is all about pink and red and white...Valentine's Day! Woot!!
    Happy New Year to you and your son!

  7. Stopping by to wish you a very happy new year and to browse throughout the day clicking links and enjoying the creativity and enginuity of all the readers and bloggers.

    A cleaning party sounds perfect for me. I can use some added inspiration. It never ends...

  8. A very Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family Donna!
    Thanks for all your hard work!

  9. Living our first year in Arizona we discovered that a live tree only lasts for oh...about....4 days!!!! This year we got a fakey fake tree. BUT Alie didn't get stabbed with a gazillion pine needles while she opened her presents this year. Score one for Mom and Dad! Is a story about our first artificial tree and Christmas story? I also posted my top 10 (I have a top 10...that still makes me giggle) in the crafts and stuff party. I hope that was OK as it's a ALL OF THE ABOVE kinda post!!!

    Hope you and your family have an awesome News Years Day!!! :)

  10. Hi Donna, thanks for hosting today! I hope you have a happy New Year! I loved the shopping post,it makes me smile every time I think of it!

  11. That is such a sweet story Nan shared....Congrats to her for winning the giveaway....

    Take care,

  12. Happy New Years!! - loved your story - too funny :)

    Thanks for the party - i actually linked up two projects...its been a while :)

  13. Donna, thanks for hosting another fun party! Loved your Christmas story, your blog is always entertaining and inspiring. And I so appreciate the encouraging words you left on my post. Maybe the new year will bring something new and exciting! Take care. :)

  14. Loved reading about your 2010 Christmas story. And those beautifully taken pics. The idea of plates with little tag gifts is so charming. Happy New Year !

  15. Donna, your blog looks beautiful. Your pictures are so inviting and festive...your very own lovely and unique version -- so YOU! Have a blessed 2011! May many good things happen for you this year!

  16. Donna I have enjoyed your blog so much this year! You have blessed my heart in so many ways and I can't wait to see what you have up your creative sleeve this year! Blessings to you as you journey into 2011...thanks for sharing with us!

  17. Thanks so much for the feature on my Cafe Wall Art! You were the inspiration behind it! Also, I wanted to share how much your blog inspires me everytime I visit. I am not very good about leaving comments and that is something I'll be working on in 2011. New Year blessings to you and your son!
    Leigh Ann

  18. Hi Donna,
    Thank you for your nice comment on my memo board and for the sidebar feature! I really enjoy participating in your weekly party....I always walk away inspired by what you create and by what all those linking up create. All the great projects really keep me motivated to look at and use old objects in a new way.
    Have a wonderful 2011!

  19. Love the dad ringing the bells outside!!! Awesome!!!

    This is another great party, Donna!!!!!

    Thank you! I am so enjoying reading everyone's story!!!



I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!