Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lighting up my life with a white twig chandelier

How I made a twig chandelier


Some kind of wire, clippers, needle nose pliers, scissors, twine, spray paint (something for wood is good), twigs of choice, chandelier to work with.

1. Gather stock.

Willow and grapevine branches are abundant in my backyard, so they were the lucky chosen. The great news.. they are both very pliable to move in whatever shape you desire! And that was critical for what I had in mind.

2. Find a cute chandelier with just the right lines.

I know. It's adorable as is, but this thing sat in my garage for nearly 2 years! I didn't even know if it worked. The electrical part held me back. So I went for it anyway with my new idea. I had a deadline here! :)

3. Find a spot to hang the chandelier.

I started the project in the backyard. I elevated the chandelier, stripped the leaves off all the branches and started fiddling, not having a flip flying clue what I was doing. And then it started to rain.

 No worries! This is my photo shoot / work area that is outside yet protected from the elements. I found this view rather humorous with the cat sitting beside a birdhouse collection in decor transition. :)


4. Bundle up the grapevine branches in one hand.

 5. Slip them underneath the chandelier, using the table for that extra set of hands. (thanks rain, this was better!) Then fiddle around. Lots.

6. Tie the twine around the mid section to hold the vines in place.

 7. Bend the branches towards each light, following the lines of the chandelier.

8. Tie the branches to each light with the twine.

9. Applaud me for these amazing shots done with one hand. :P

10. This is what you're left with so far. Give the chandelier a haircut so it's all nice and pretty like.

 11. Spray the branches in white because the theme this weekend is white of course! Plus, the chandy was white which looked odd with the brown branches. If you want a woodsy one instead, prespray the chandy a similar colour to your branches so it fades away.

And this is what you have now! She's getting mighty cute like, but she isn't done with her makeover quite yet.

 12. Use the willow for in between the lights. Attach with twine.

While I did use both willow and grapevines for the main body, the willows are wispy enough to bend whichever way you wish for this part.

 13. Add some flourish with the willow branches to 'band' the ties. Simply wind around many times over, and wire them together where it won't show.  (my son the assistant came in really handy with this part) The extra detail really made a big difference. Spray one more time and you're done!

Finishing details:

a) protect bulb openings before spray painting. Whoops!

b) after spraying, lightly distress with the edge of a stick to bring some paint off.. it looked better.

c) using frosted bulbs are easier on the eyes.

d) wire it up to a plug until the electrical can be officially connected properly. I was impatient. And a plug worked. I'll show you that technique in another post soon.

e) You will need to tweak the twigs once it's hanging in your home by simply pushing things here and there until it looks right. 

f) My son didn't appreciate me doing that over his chicken soup. It's abit messy like. :) 

14. Freak OUT because you actually have a kitchen island light that WORKS for the first time in two years! That's rather on the quirky side. :)

It really does look cute in the house against all the rustic whites in the kitchen area.

 Remember my very expensive to die for inspiration?

I still love it.. but mine was pretty much free.  AND it's white! :)



  1. This is my new FAVORITE chandelier make-over! You totally nailed this one!

  2. I just love all your projects! :)

  3. That is soooooo fantastic! Looks exactly like the original brown one, but white and so much less $$$$.
    Good for you, I'm showing this one to my dh....

  4. Oh my gosh...I love it! So cool and I love that it's white! I want one! ~Deb~

  5. Oooo... I remember when you posted the original picture and I'm so excited you figured it out! & I think the white is a neat touch. <3 it!

  6. Oh my gosh! YOu have done it again... amazing! Thanks for sharing, Theresa xoxo

  7. Donna! You did a great job!
    What can't you do or not do is my question!

  8. Hi, Just found your wonderful blog and I'm a new follower...I absolutely love your chandelier and of course it's so much more lovely in white!! Can't wait to see your next project!

  9. I love this... I love this... I love this!!!!
    I know I am collecting all my sticks and bits and pieces to make something amazing like this one day (sooner than later I hope)... My new house is screaming for this "branchy" touch.... Can I find a chandelier is the question???

  10. What a terrific idea! You really nailed it! Thanks for sharing!


  11. I may just have to try this one!! Love it!

  12. I love this project! It's so great that you just went for it. I love that about your posts that you share your process and not just the pretty results. And what a great result!!
    ~Angela :-)

  13. &*()()&^(__ frieken kewl Donna........i knew after you posted the inspirational piece you would come up with something and its just perfect over the island let me say again $#%*(&)^^!!!!

  14. I am LOVING it!!!!! I think pretty much anything good is even better painted white. I love that its rustic but pretty too.

  15. Love it! It's great and cheap too! Thanks for this post. Now add twinkle lites for X-mas.

  16. Love this chandelier idea! Looks great in your house!

  17. Loooove it!!!!!And the fact it is white is fabulous! Love the tutorial!

  18. Hey Donna, Cool cool cool! I love that white twig chandy. I have always loved those twig chandys since I saw them in Jackson Hole Wyoming. I haven't linked up lately but I will be this weekend with my own white chandy makeover with parts from my local dump!

  19. Whoo Hoo - loving it! Thanks for showing us how you did it. Looks awesome over your island!

  20. Oh that's great and it didn't look as hard as I thought it would be. I do like it white! (that Grocery sign in the background still catches my eye everytime!)

  21. Wow! Donna, you really did a great job on this chandelier...the texture and color are terrific! It looks perfect in your fabulous kitchen!

  22. really great job! love the way it looks in your kitchen. you, are the bomb! thanks so for the tutorial!

  23. Okay, that totally ROCKS! I love it and will promptly be searching for twigs and branches, and a chandelier, and willows......can you just send me that one????

  24. That is awesome. You nailed it. I think it looks better than the original.

  25. Adds amazing texture and looks great in your space!

  26. donna as per usual you totally nailed it ;). i sooooo want one but in my home at the moment wont work, great tute ;)

  27. This is very cool, Donna. You are on a creative roll!

    You think this would work in my dining room? Ha! Maybe not... :)

  28. You have got to be joking!!!!
    As if you made a chandelier from twigs?!
    This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!!!!
    I love your style..its simply amazing!!!
    Oh and how was your sons soup? lol

    Deborah xo

  29. Fabulous!
    You just totally knock my socks of. Donna you are amazing. That light fixture is unfrickinbelievable.
    Come link up to the fabulous friday favorites~

  30. You're crazy. In a good way. Fabulous job on the chandelier!

  31. just found your the chandelier, its looks amazing!
    I will be dropping by again to see what you get up to.
    Trish xo

  32. Absolutely stunning! I love it...grapevine is one of my favorite natural elements to use in decor.

  33. WoW! That is fantastic! Excellent makeover!

  34. Fabulous - I love your Chandelier. I love it more than the inspiration chandy.

    You always amaze me -
    Enjoy this day -

  35. What a fabulous idea!! TFS the tutorial. You make it look so easy:) I may just try it for Thanksgiving.

  36. What an imagination. I wish I had 1/10 of that imagination. Great job.


    OH MY.


    Donna, I can't think of any adjectives to use anymore....we gotta start our own dictionary of words for creations like this!!!

    I'm so happy about it because after you shared the one in the restaurant I have been dreaming of making one and didn't have the nerve (or time!) to spend on it!!! Hanging above your island, it's so earthy elegant!!!

    It's simply TWIGILICIOUS!!


    ps - a little twig in a soup never hurt anybody, right? white paint flecks, now, that could be a little different!!

  38. Oh my word, it is fabulous. Love it. Great tutorial also. Hugs, Marty

  39. oh and the photo with the cat? LOVE!!!!

  40. Oh, yeah. The cat photo is priceless. You should print that out in sepia and frame it in your kitchen. Your cat is gorgeous!

  41. Oh, i love the chandelier--living in Texas, I use ceiling fans - IN - EVERY- ROOM. So except for my swags... I have no place for a way cool chandelier like yours.
    Thanks for sharing-- now I feel like I have a part!

  42. You just continue to amaze me!! It is beautiful! Love your little furry helpers too! Every time I busts our sticks, string, and greenery my helpers are right there too helping every step of the way, even sampling some just to make sure that it will be worth their time trying to reach it once it is all hung up! :)

  43. This turned out amazing, you did such a great job!!!

    You have inspired me, I went out and found a junk door that I will be turning into a headboard and I found 4 shutters at my local thrift store that I will be using soon aswell!!!

    I just love your blog!!

  44. I think yours looks much, much better than the inspiration. And the white looks so much more awesome!

  45. Love it! Great Job. Now, if I can just find a place to put one of those! Thanks for sharing!

  46. It's lovely, Donna! What an awesome project! You never cease to inspire me. :)

  47. This is beyond amazing.......and you made it for FREE!?!?!?! It looks stunning above your kitchen island!

  48. I NEED one! I wish I had a fabulous chandelier in my garage, I guess I'm going thrifting today. Thank you so much you always have the best tutorials.

  49. Can you send some of your creative juices in my direction?! This is so cool! It looks perfect above your island! These are really "HOT" in Colorado. Love it!

  50. Love love love this! I've always wanted to do this and now I have instructions - thanks!!

  51. Your comments are killing me! In a good way. Thanks all! I can't reply to each of you so please join me on facebook if you'd like to yak! :)


  52. Oh Donna, this is fantastic. I knew you'd come up w/something soon! I agree with Pattie, it would look so cute w/some little white lights for the holidays! I know you'll find a way to add those, too. Those are priceless pics of the cats helping.

  53. oh Donna that turned out great, I love how it looks in your room!

  54. How to Know That You Live in Paradise:

    1. Have green grass in November.
    2. Have grapevine & willow 'on hand' in the back forty.
    3. Have two feline model/assistants fluffy and available.
    4. Have scrumptious shed in back yard for that corner chandy pic.
    5. Have happy happy insides with the creation of twiggy goodness.
    6. Have light in kitchen now all by yourself.
    7. Have additional fibre for soup plus soup eater to make you smile.
    8. Have made many friends oooh and ahhh with above mentioned twiggy creation.

    Thanks as always for your inspiration!

  55. are you kidding? i love your version so much better! it looks so hot! i post it up on my blog to try this out ( hope you don't mind. shout if you want me to remove. keep on with the good stuff!

  56. it is stunning love it.
    Thanks for sharing how you put it together.
    Happy Day

  57. WOW! Love it!!! Thanks for the how to inspiration!

  58. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!
    I love it!!!
    And I still just love your shed!!!

  59. Good gravy Donna, that is awesome!!! You continue to amaze me!

  60. Donna, This is fabulous! I knew when you posted a picture of the inspiration chandy that it wouldn't be long before you made one. Fantastic!
    xo, Sherry

  61. FABULOUS!! And I like that you fixed the hanging lights over your sink. :)

  62. OH MY GOSH!!! DONNA!!! YOU DID IT!! and you thought we were all so silly for thinking you did that one you first posted!! I love it!! I SERIOUSLY LOVE IT!!!! :)

  63. Love, love, love it!! You could sell tons of those you know!

  64. O, Donna...this is so cute I could just spit.
    You just blow me away, girl. You are so good!!

    I just ran out of time and didn't CRAFT anything just showing white dishes. Pretty pitiful, I know. but......
    I took my friend that is still on a walker from a stroke Christmas shopping and nearly pulled my hair out...then one of my grands got hit in the head with a golf club and I was freaking out..then I was late picking up hubby...I need wine...and chocolate...
    I'm finished whining....:)
    I do love your chandy..

  65. Hi Donna-

    It is perfectly YOU and perfect for your kitchen! I love it, especially the free part.

    My best- Diane

  66. You never cease to amaze me. Your white version is even prettier than the natural inspiration. Kuddos!

  67. That looks awesome...I've been eyeing one of those in a local store but it is priced over $1000...I was trying to figure out the best way to make it and what kind of branches they used...glad to see how well it turned out for you and the example of how you did it!

  68. YAY!!!!! You made one... I am doing this! Maybe six months down the road... but it's on "the list"!!!!!! I love it white!

  69. BTW... the lighting above your sink is fantastic! I will have to search your older posts to see how it was done. ;)

  70. Oh, you have GOT to be kidding me!!! That is brilliant! Fantastic! Amazing! Honestly, I like yours much better than the inspiration chandelier. I just love the coat of white paint on it, and it looks so good above your table.

  71. Great creativity. I hope with the heat it doesn't turn into one big flame. When I do something like this it backfires. I love the rugged look.

  72. Absolutely GORGEOUS! xoxo malia

    ps I do applaud your one handed photo snapping skills..

  73. Sorry, I'm late Donna. I just gotta say, "only you!" It looks perfect in that spot.

  74. HOLY COW!! This is gorgeous!! Yours looks way better than the inspiration. I have seen these chandeliers in catalogs before and drooled over them but now I have a new favorite to drool over! Awesome job!!!

  75. You have done it and in grand style! Totally love the way this came out and the little candelabra I've got in storage is looking more and more like a twiggy candidate. You make me more motivated and more humble, how's that you clever woman?

  76. Oh, Donna! I'm so happy you tackled a twig chandie! It looks gorgeous. Go you!!!

  77. I.AM.IN.LOVE. Completely stunning!!!!! I'm the little pig that would build a house of sticks anyday, especially if they're spray painted white!!!!!

  78. Totally Fab! I like yours better than the inspiration piece.

  79. So, I've been anticipating this tutorial ever since you posted the original picture and that also means that you're getting featured tomorrow on my blog! Stop by at about 10am to check it out!!

  80. Love it! It's brilliant! no pun intended ;-)

  81. Every house needs one of these. Just perfect.

  82. LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I wish I had seen this a while back when thinking about lighting for my girls woodland room.

  83. Hey Donna, wanted to let you know I featured this chandi maker over today on my post about chandelier makeovers. Please feel free to come by and check it out.

    Take care.

  84. Oh, you are so imaginative!! New here, just found you and will follow and join your memes. I'm just re-starting and invite you to my blog. I look forward to learning a lot from you!

  85. Holy frickety-frick! Thank you! I was thinking about updating an old, generic chandelier in this very way and POOF, there was your blog in my google search! I'm going to have fun checkin' out your blog. I think you and I are cut from the same funky cloth. Thanks for the great inspiration! I actually prefer the white.

  86. Amazing transformation! I was thinking about taking down a white painted chandelier & throwing it in the yard sale pile & then saw this! LOVE it! :) chris

  87. I LOVE this! This is so awesome. I live in a log cabin with all kinds of rustic stuff that needs some tweaking and updating! i can't wait to try this out. Great job.

  88. This is one stunning makeover! Your tutorial is also very detailed and easy to follow :) And I must say, I honestly prefer this more that the inspiration chandy ;) Good job!

  89. wow that looks really amazing and soo easy too!!

  90. Wow it looks amazing thanks for the tutorial xxxx

  91. I have just this week 'rescued' a tacky chandelier from our neighbor's trash (under the cover of darkness) to use in our summer home. I shall NOW be adding twigs, grapevines, etc., to the thing. One question: I want this for an outdoor fixture (it will be re-wired to accommodate an extension cord w/plug). What do I need to do to make it fit for outdoor use?
    I realize this original post is over a year old, but I hope that you will see my questions. This thing is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

  92. Hey Nancy! For outdoor use if in the weather, you'd totally need to find a chandy that was outdoor compliant for certain. I'd just use a clear matte sealer for the wood part and it should be good to go! :)

  93. I absolutely, positively, LOVE this! I may have another project on my hands!

  94. I love your idea. So original and perfect. Great job


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