Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dreams, or reality? It's up to you.

Little of what I create is a direct copy from elsewhere. Much of what I happen upon mind wise derives from my own senses. I'm inspired by others, but much of what I love to do is push the project into the 'never been done' realm. A thought just arrives, totally unplanned. I'll look at an object, and have a need to create something out of it that's totally unique.

In most cases, I'll create out of necessity. But at times, I dream of creating just because, but hold myself back because I have no where to put it. (I need to fix that!)

This is simply how my mind works. I shut down life at times and allow my senses to take me where I need to go.

But when I REALLY take the time to close my eyes, and think about what really knocks on my soul, there is one image or dream that keeps coming back, over and over again. And it's identical and in full colour every single time. This dream started.. oh... a few years ago. And replays over like a broken record.

I'm sitting on a shabby front porch, with my hot coffee,  cross legged on a wooden planked floor, with a laptop propped in front of me. I'm writing. And the view in front of me is a serene lakefront. It's quiet, and I can hear the water lap up against the shore.

 Image from HERE

Behind my cabin is my flower garden surrounding my workshop. You walk through an arbor overflowing with climbing roses and you're now in an English garden setting. There are mountains of fragrant flowers in full bloom that are hugging my little shabby studio out back.

The studio has double french doors, that open WIDE so when I'm tinkering on something indoors, it feels like I'm really outside.

And interestingly enough, I live alone. My son comes home to visit, however when he and his family leave, I gather my things and set out once again on the front porch and start to write, telling the world of my weekend adventures. Me n' my passions of nature, creating and writing are like 'this.' (fingers twisted together) And when I've finished my story, I head out back and start pulling some weeds or pick up that perfect old headboard or old palette wood I just found and start creating again.

I suppose when we allow ourselves to dream, we take the time to seek out what we truly love about life and what we gravitate towards. Is it possible to live our dreams, dare to walk in a direction that in our mind today, is totally unheard of?

I know from experience, if I dream something, I can have it if I work towards it. A lakefront cabin strewn with patchwork quilts and a shabby white kitchen may not be in the cards today, but it also won't be there tomorrow if I don't implement small steps to achieve it. Or better yet.. can I make my dream a reality right where I am now?

A country dreamhouse story

I lived in a typical suburb some years ago. Brand new home, and it was beautiful. But my first love was to move to the country. So my then husband and I took occasional Sunday drives through the neighboring farmland just because.

During one drive we spotted a property that took your breath away. It was for sale. And the area was so quiet, it hurt your ears. A bee buzzing by was loud in comparison. Never in my dreams did I ever think I could move into a place such as that. The long winding gravel driveway, framed with a rustic wooden fence, the tallest ancient trees ever, leading to the 2 story 12 year old 1800's style home with a wrap around veranda, on 5 acres surrounded by mountains. Two barns out back. Dream talk.

But we decided to bite the bullet and TRY. We put our house up for sale trying to beat the system of selling first, then buying. It was such a longshot. But... the odds were working in our favor! And.. WE DID IT.

Sadly, that particular dream wasn't meant to be, and the broken promise of forever still makes me ache, however the proof is there. You CAN have what you dream about, but only IF you implement the steps necessary to get there. I have to believe that triumph AND failure story was put before me to show me what is indeed possible and to learn how to better define if something is right.

~ ~ ~ ~

I dream of alot of different things. Among the list is the kind of work I'd like to do, the things I'd like to sell, where I live, and where I travel. Is any of it possible? I believe it is. Just not at the present moment. Because I haven't yet done the ground work in order to achieve it.

So, because all my dreams cannot be implemented today, what CAN I do today to take me away to that place of hope? Do I have to wait for the cabin on the lake, or can I make dreams come true in my own back yard?

~ Make your own dream check list ~

Cabin Dream:

When I close my eyes, I see old chippy doors with antique knobs, beefy lovely moldings, tall ceilings, and weather worn comfortable furnishings.

Possible now?

I can certainly bring some of those elements inside my current home. (and I am!) And I'm looking beyond the accessories. I want the permanent features of my home to simulate the feel. And home character can be accomplished affordably with feature walls.  Possible? Within reason, yes!

Workshop Dream: 

I need a workshop that inspires me and is large enough to morph it into a little weekend store when it's time to sell. Is it a barn or a shed? I have the yard and the view, just not the building.

Possible now?

 A shed kit customized. Possible? Yes!

Outdoor Dream:

 I see weather chipped wooden furniture against the English flowerbeds and a special sitting area where I can enjoy the sunshine and wind against my face.

Possible now? 

Without the lake, yes! (the river IS at the end of my road after all LOL)

An Author or ?

Possible now?

Only if I work at it! Search, and submit is the only way that will happen. Possible? Absolutely!

~ ~ ~ ~

So what's with all this sudden dream talk?

This story moved me. I found this link first on Stories of A to Z. This sweet gal had a dream and created this heavenly getaway ALL BY HERSELF. This little shabby retreat caught me off guard because it so closely resembled the lakefront cabin in my own dreams. The feature story is HERE.

She dared to dream and throwing her passion in the mix, created what her heart desired. And refurbished a woodsy cabin into her own haven with her own two hands.

This story impresses me.

Where does this take us dreamers?

It made me realize how many steps I've already taken towards my own dreamland.  And that's without true effort. Can you imagine what's possible if I actually concentrated on making them a true reality? What about you? Is the same happening to you without you really aware of it?

When we gravitate towards something, we can unknowingly take steps towards it. For example, when my last cell phone died, I knew I had to have an iPhone. Today, I love to check in on the blog in the middle of my workday on my lunch. It just works! And that's just one small example. I have 100 more.

I know I'm being slowly led to a special place, yet here I sit not even knowing what that is most days. But I KNOW without a doubt it has something to do with JUNK. :)

Every day I open myself to watching, listening, learning and doing. And it's my belief that no matter what I learn, it's something I can take with me on my eventual trip to wherever I'm going. The key here, is to move forward, even if at an inch at a time. (right D?) Keep learning, trying, don't be afraid to fail, and keep the faith in yourself. YOU are the reason you are where you are today and YOU are the reason you'll be elsewhere in the future if you wish that to be.

In other words, keep dreaming and following your dream.

I'm going to go grab my coffee again, wrap myself up with a warm patchwork quilt (wait till I show you this quilt!!) and sit outside in front of my gardens and listen to the wind. I have a feeling it'll take me exactly where I need to go. Now, all I have to do is listen.  And follow my heart and implement.
 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm back. I listened and made a call. A long overdue staging project is going to start up again. Rust isn't the only thing I can do. :) A country home reveal is in your future. :)

I don't pretend to know all the answers, including for my own life. Most days I carry a big ol rustic "?" above my head. But I do know, if I listen to what speaks to me, in the long run, how can you go wrong?

Go ahead. Make your dream list, then see if you're making the right moves to follow your own heart.

What do you dream of?  Are you waiting for that perfect 'cabin on the lake' first? Or are you taking small steps to get there today? 

Go ahead, write it down, no matter how crazy it sounds. That's the first step needed towards making your dreams come true. :)


  1. So great and inspirational!

    It reminds me of what my mom always told me - why wait? Don't put things on hold - you never know what tomorrow brings - even if you can't realize the FULL dream - realize parts of it and work toward the rest.
    And the disappointments? We all have them and can use them to motivate. Easier said than done of course but you have a great attitude!

    And the little cottage she made - I've seen that before and I was impressed too. I've been wanting to make my own get-a-way. Wouldn't that be the best?? Like a grown-up playhouse. I'm doing it!

    Love your blog!

  2. It is so easy to forget...or to give up the dreams. To move towards it one inch at a time is a good bit of advice. Instead of thinking in leaps and bounds...go slow and just like the turtle you can win the race.
    Thanks for the inspiration
    The photos are amazing!

  3. Hi Donna, couldn't help thinking of a couple of books while reading your post....Have you read Dan Millman's Peaceful Warrior books?

    Oh well, time to go see what awaits me today.

  4. I think this is a great idea - for years I have been able to "fall asleep" by walking through my imaginary dream house room by room. I've never actually gotten to the bedrooms! It really calms and relaxes me and I need to try to get some of those details into my current life rather than just dream about the day!

  5. You're the best! If you can check out my blog post about the comforts of home. Making a goal map is the best thing. I find that my right brain gets so scattered, but the name Boston Bee kept ringing in my brain and here I am today, blogging, doing fun projects, and learning so much from you and my followers! I'm creating my creative workspace to write and publish my children's manuscripts! You're right, it's all about taking the steps to getting there. ;)bb

  6. I can definitely relate! Last month I posted about "Deamin' With My Feet on the Ground". I know where I want to go and have conceded to baby steps to get there. After reading this post, however, I realized that I am a lot closer to my dream than I thought. It's still a way down the road, but the foundation of the dream is really shaping up. This post really helped me appreciate how far I've come instead of trying to race too far into the future. Thanks!

  7. Such good advice. I could see you as a writer. You do it very well. Love your dream home. It's gorgeous! Here is wishing your dreams come true soon!

  8. i loved this post !! i dont know how old you are...but...i am in my 50's now...i raised 3 boys by myself, so my dream took time, but i now work with junk for a living and you know i finally bought my little 'junk' house...which is going to look somewhat like that little white cottage when i'm done...and i will have the gardens you speak of..even if it takes the next 10 years to do it all...and i have a creek..(would prefer a lake...but???)....i have always had a 5 year plan...and worked towards it...i have not always accomplished what i wanted within the time frame, but i have always reached my goals......keep your eye on the prize...and realize that it all takes time, but it WILL happen....just relax and enjoy today, today....

  9. Great thought-provoking post. I read about that beautiful cabin too and was blown away by what she did. I like to dream and imagine and create but I don't see it as a goal I'm striving for. I live it now. Do I have my dream home? No, but I have an amazing little home that I am so grateful for and it has elements of my dream home and I'll create more for it. I think some life-changing events like the loss of my parents at relatively young ages made me start really living in the present. I am passionate about my career, my volunteer work and my projects and making all of that happen now. I have to add that you may not get inspiration from others but you are an inspiration to others. My friend and I go out junkin' and see the coolest things and we actually say outloud "what would that funky junk girl do with this? She would do something awesome." We just can't figure out what it would be.

  10. Every time I read your stories I'm in tears by the end...I believe God sent your stories to me. See I'm in the middle of a raging storm- battling the job I have and my hearts' passion for buying, rebuilding, renewing, and selling. Yesterday I heard a sermon that reminded us to worship God in the middle of our problem and one day soon it will be our miracle. Your inspirational writing and the sermon makes me believe God's saying just hang in there- joy is coming in the morning!!
    Thanks for always pouring your heart means a lot to me.
    Becky C
    Buckets of Burlap

  11. I really loved this post! You know I do have a dream but over the years it seems to have morphyed time and again. I'm not the same person I was then and I know I will be a different person in the future but some aspects of the dream are still the same. We don't live on the property but we do own it even if it is a day's drive away... The setting is loving w/ its big trees, remnants of shadowy gardens, the old orchard, and a babbling brook. We work on it when we can but until recently it was a 4000 mile drive so...

    Thanks for the inspiration and the gentle reminders! And most importantly, thank you for opening yourself up to others!

  12. I enjoyed your post!'s great to have dreams right?! We all have them. It has been our dream to have a shop to build and refurbish out of and to sell out of for our occasional sales. After 8 years of doing it out of our basement we are making it a reality this summer. I haven't posted much lately because we've been really busy getting it ready for our July occasional sale. I will post all about it soon. Boy, lots of work, but it's going to be fabulous and the best is that we will be able to park in our garage again! Keep dreaming Donna, you are an amazing woman!!!!

  13. So well said. Lady you are not only creative with your power tools, you have quite a way with words too! I am recently divorced and find myself thinking along the same lines. {although, I’m not nearly as eloquent as you} My children are grown and I feel like I finally have the time to do just what I want to do. I am now beginning to dream about what comes next for me. Years ago during a Sunday sermon our Pastor reminded us “If you don’t have a dream, how can you have a dream come true?” Amen. Here’s to following your dreams!

  14. wow Donna!
    I have that NYTimes article on the lady with the little cabin that she redid herself...carrying everything across a little stream, ripping down the porch and building a cute one and putting up the fancy trimwork etc. She had such a sad life and totally changed it. She was an inspiration. My dad brought me that article and said he thought she was my clone!
    I totally agree with you that visualizing where you want to be brings results! I have done it many times with success.

  15. Donna... I have too many creatively ambitious dreams... I'm all over the place...LOL!

    It seems I'm always focusing on my ideal "career" because I think that all my dreams would fall into place if THAT would fall into place!

    I've been blessed to have a couple of dream jobs but either they didn't pay enough to make a living or the job shut down. I want that dream job so I can have that dream place.

    My dream job is one that creates (you know!!) and then to be surrounded by a creative place I can call home. BUT all that said... I am blessed to have what I have (and create with what I have) and a hub who supports me in my adventures... and I still have hope that at least some of my dreams will be realized.

  16. We all have dreams that we one day hope to come to fruition. What separates us is the drive to make those dreams happen. You are one of the ones we will all watch reach your goals, all the while cheering you on.

    I have a friend that I have watched achieved every one of her dreams/goals for herself over the years,and when I asked her how she does it, she says she "speaks in into existense". She decides what she wants, she makes a plan to do it, then she tells everyone about it. The way she looks at it is that if she tells enough people, she'll go thru with it and make it happen. And she does. She said that when she makes her mind up about something, she changes the "if's" in her sentences to "when", and it makes all the difference for her. She's a die hard 'The Secret' fan.

    I just have to tell you this story. A few years ago, (when she was 70), she was driving from one state to another to visit her kids. She decided to get off the interstate and drive around this little town she'd passed by many times before and always wondered about. While driving thru there, she spotted a small adobe house (original) that was vacant. It still had dirt floors! She fell in love with it. She decided right then that she was going to buy it. (It wasn't for sale.)

    Over the next few weeks, she tracked down the owner of the property, and over the next few months she talked him into selling it to her, and then convinced the bank that she was going to turn it into something wonderful so they'd give her the money (they turned her down twice before they finally gave her the loan just to shut her up:)). She bought it and then proceeded to make plans to remodel it and move there. It took over a year, but she did it, and it's beautiful.

    Everyone told her she was crazy to do it because the town is in the middle of nowhere, there's no industry of any sort there, and she didn't know anybody. Well, let me just tell you, she already has a group of friends that have spectacular dinner parites, take walks together, and now she's joined a writing group. Every time I talk to her, she tells me how happy she is and how much she loves sitting on her porch with a good book, eating pomegranites she picks off her own tree. And now she's built a guest cottage from a small outbuilding that was on the property! I'll be staying there soon.

    So yes, you can do anything if you set your mind to it, no matter what your age! You just have to want it bad enough.

    I fully believe that your own dreams will be realized, and I will be so excited to watch it happen for you.

    Thank you for such an inspiring read this morning.

  17. Such insightful replies! I'm really enjoying this. :)

    And to clarify, I do indeed get boatloads of inspiration from others! You get me out of my chair and get busy on something. But I tend to sway towards my own designs.

    Not because I don't like what I see, but because I enjoy walking into unknown territory. I like to twist what someone else has done in order to create something brand new. That's the extra push that motivates me to the end result.

    So, indeed, I get deeply inspired by YOU. Count on it! :)

    Now, I need to go tweak the above post to better reflect that.


  18. Keep dreaming let the magic in….
    Beautiful post !!!
    Sweet Blessings,

  19. It's been my experience that if we hold our dreams tightly inside of ourselves that they never have the opportunity to come true. When we put a voice to our dreams and allow them to fly free that is the moment that the dream has the chance to become reality.

    I recently wrote a post entitled "Opening The Door To Possible Fear and Failure" which is about letting dream fly. Since that time two amazing things have happened in my life. The universe is only waiting.

  20. "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom" - Anais Nin

    This beautiful quote sits nearby as I type this.

    My dreams change constantly. Some times like the wind or the seasons. Wherever I am I try to listen to God. I figure since He knows the desires of my heart I will be fine seeking His voice first in everything. (btw, I fail miserably!!!)

    The dreams I had as a young woman (many came to fruition) no longer apply.

    Peace in all things is what I go for with everything that I put my hands to - painting a room (OK, I didn't have too much peace while doing that!!), changing the look in my home, calling a friend and going on a spontaneous excursion, organizing a closet.

    However, the BIG stuff like where to live, what kind of house to have, where to travel, all these dreams are a work in progress. I believe I am a late bloomer in all areas of my life and my living.

    When I was a younger woman (gosh I don't like saying that!!!) I lived a more bohemian, gypsy lifestyle. It was in my blood!!!! Nothing I could do about it!!! My grandparents were from Budapest!!!!!

    Now believe it or not it is a RISK for me to be a more settled woman; a more committed woman; a more accountable woman in all that I do. And at the same time it is also a dream of mine. Come true!!

    I will sacrifice my dreams to keep life breathing and moving forward for those around me. The sacrifice is temporary.

    Here's an example:
    My dream for today is to paint. Let everyone know ahead of time. Put it on the calendar - so to speak.
    Get the kids taken care of. Get the hubby what he needs. Then go off and create.

    Not too spontaneous I realize. But worth every ounce of effort getting "there"!!!!

    You, dear Donna, are a constant reminder that blossoming is natural, progressive, and beautiful and quite necessary FOR ME! Even if it hurts, stings, burns a little. Well worth the effort!!! (ok, I have tears in my eyes again!!!!!!!! Girl!!!!!!!!!)

    But here's a dream of mine for right now:

    I'm scared to type this:

    That my husband and I share the music we have been working on for years with those who would like to listen to it.

    I don't care where we live. As long as we can travel to wonderful places together and meet and love new friends from all over.

    Ok, now I am officially crying.

    Love you friend. You bring out the best in us!!!!


  21. Lovely story. Dare to dream!

  22. This is terrific! I was inspired to start a blog(okay, it's one post, but I got thoughts percolating) in part because of you. You do have a gift to inspire others and it is amazing to see the process. I have been thinking here lately how I'd love to read a magazine based around the ideas that you blog about. I am a magazine junkie, but started reading blogs due to the fact that there aren't really any magazines that grab me like some blogs do. Anyhow, I agree with others. Throw your ideas(dreams) out to the universe, think about the positiveness from this idea and watch how it all transpires(course, like you said, gotta work a little;)). Hugs to you for being you(and thanks for stopping by the one post wonder, ha!)

  23. Hi Donna -

    Lovely post - you are a very talented writer as well as creator of junk extraordinaire. Your post reminds me of Henry David Thoreau and his Walden Pond. His idyllic spot where he could nuture himself and his creativity in his own way. "Go confidently in the directions of your dreams, and live the life you imagined". You are on the right path.
    I love your vision of the studio behind your house that feels like you are outside - I want my whole house that way.
    My best - Diane

  24. I dream of multiple small houses each one situated and decorated in the ambiance where it lives. Beach,Cottage, coastal decor...whitewashed, distressed, chippy, white, tans and soothing blues. Woodland Cottage, rustic, flannel sheets, quilts on every chair, sofa and bed, huge rock fireplace...ahhh. Urban loft, clean lines and has to have a brick wall with huge windows and architectural elements out the whazoo, the city night life within walking distance, sidewalk cafes and rich melodic tunes floating through the air. An old town Victorian, a farm house on a prairie. Think I'm a hopeless romantic? I dream 24/7 and I love every minute.


  25. ...hmmm..I think you are right about dreaming....keep it up & I mine!

  26. You're such a motivator, Donna! Thank you!!
    My dream is getting my garden done. Every time my husband and I add another plant to the garden, I feel like we're getting one step closer to my dream garden.
    Thanks again for the motivation and inspiration!
    Hugs ~ Jo :)

  27. I am much the same place, and posted about a similar story this weekend~
    I love the potential for growth, and inspiration, and change if we just have a plan and set our minds to doing it!
    Fabulous post!

  28. Sometimes I think it's important to choose carefully who we share our dreams with.

    Not everyone understands why one might want to ditch the "good job" and figure out a different way of living.

    Or maybe it's just time for a new tribe! LOL!

  29. I am in the process of finishing the workshop of my dreams and it's great. I also have a beautiful garden and small but nice house in a peaceful place on a lake.

    Something you didn't touch on is having a special person in life to share those dreams and moments with. I used to dream about that, but fortunately I found a great man that has taught me that life can be difficult and then it can all change if you have hopes and dreams and decide to take charge of your life.

    "follow your heart"

  30. What a blessing for you to share your dreams with me, with us. Thank you for letting us into this special place in your heart.

    You, Donna, are a special lady. I believe what you share with us are gifts. Thank you.

  31. i've followed your blog for just a few months -- thinking all the time that you have been following your dreams : ) i am so very inspired by what you do in all of its originality! you are such a doer. i loved this post : ) thank you for sharing your personal thoughts.

  32. What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this! I'm always wondering a little bit, just how personal to be with my readers, or do they just love me for my projects? Just wanted to let you know, I read your blog for you. :) You are a tremendously talented lady and I'm so glad that you are finding ways to reach your dreams!! Good luck with all of your adventures, We'll all be reading along as long as you'll have us! :)

  33. Wonderful Post.
    My dream of having a store came true.
    And I continue to dream of it's growth, and commit it's use to the Lord.


    barbara jean

  34. How very BLESSED I have been in reading all of these BEAUTIFUL
    comments. I once read a lovely word that someone said that
    the LORD whispered into their heart... they said that HE said to
    TO THE FULFILLMENT THEREOF." Grant us all FATHER to have the
    courage and the daring to pursue the DREAMS that YOU have placed
    within our hearts and to know the JOY of FULFILLING YOUR WILL
    for each one of our lives. AMEN AND AMEN

  35. I just stumbled upon your blog today. Enjoyed everything on it. Then I just read this.... This spoke to me as I feel the same way. Always have. When I graduated college I carried around a "bag of dreams" that had all the inspirations I needed to create my own reality and I love it! I too believed I too could have any version of what I loved and looking back I did create and obtain all the things I dreamed of, including restoring an old 1870's victorian falling down. Love didn't work out and that dream I had to walk away from, but I was able to keep going and continue to create my reality in a lovely and beautiful way. I too have the same "vision" of what bliss looks like to me and As I get close to 40 I struggle with keeping all my passions alive and still working in the real world which sucks the creative life out of me. I appreciate you reminding me of everything that is alive in me. I wanted to Thank you for touching a very part of my soul that has been trying to talk to me for a long time. I am going to find my "bag of dreams" again and get on with my true passions. Thank you!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!