Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer Changes - Part 3: The Reason

Summer Changes

and finally,

Part 3: The Reason

(All 3 Parts of Summer Changes are HERE)

Renovations are expensive! Having renovated for the past year and a half, even with all the generous help I received from the reno team, I tapped out all my own resources in an attempt to get things done.

So after the renos on my home were complete, there were no funds left to decorate my home. Top that off with a weird illness, and add in having to stay home with no place to go for a long time to come, I had to get creative if I wanted my newly beautiful home to show and function well.

I started up my curb side and thrift store hunts again which had laid dormant for many years. (Raising a baby, then living through a failed marriage, then finally learning how to start over does that to you.) I've always had a thing for decorating with ready made antiques as I wasn't a builder, so finding nice yet rustic things was a long lost love of mine.

BUT... I wasn't in a position to buy 'nice' things this round. So I started to venture into thrifts with other ideas in mind. I had started to read decorating blogs, which awakened my senses to seeing things differently than how most saw them.

I quickly discovered that I was capable of visualizing all kinds of cool things for any given item I brought home. It was right then that I knew, I had to start a blog about decorating a little differently. I named it Funky Junk Interiors with the premise being, Creative Decorating with Unique Elements. It felt right and it fit for what I had in mind.

At this point, staying home all summer had finally settled in. Taking my swimming head condition with me, I wandered outside into the bright sunshine. It was a beautiful day but I couldn't help feeling gloomy. My son was at his Dad's and I had nothing to do except look at an ugly yard, empty-ish house and the weirdo firewood stuffed greenhouse that wasn't 'me.'

Yearning for the beach in the worst way, I wandered the neglected yard in search of... something.

 And then I happened by a pile of wood I had captured from someone's burnpile plans.

 A flick of interest kicked in.  I picked up a board, glanced at the greenhouse, made an effort to find my cordless drill and one screw, and proceeded to mount the board on the framework of the greenhouse. Would this work?

All it took was one board. Something clicked. I tore off all the greenhouse plastic, giddy with my new plan. All the boards were pulled out onto the lawn and scrubbed down.

A neighbor showed me how to use my circular miter saw and I got to work.

Common sense just kicked in. A window was first mounted to the greenhouse structure as is,

... then the rest of the boards on the existing framework followed. I wasn't building a house to LIVE in after all. :)

My creative fire was officially lit. The next day I couldn't WAIT to continue. I ended up creating this cool door. Me. Building a door?!? Unheard of!

Well, let me tell you, my view of the world as I knew it started to change. Yes, I was still in mourning of where I couldn't be, feeling like crap, however I was lit with passion on the creative process of outputting something that had lived in my head for far too long.

And while creating, I forgot about my wonky head condition.

You see, for years I imagined all these things on what I'd like built, but didn't have the know how to even turn on a tool, let alone use it. In my past, I left myself in a place of complete and utter NEED never having learned how to use tools. So when I pushed away the fear factor and just got on with it with a few skills behind me, the sun literally shone down.

Imagine... if we make the effort, we get rewarded. Who knew.

2009, my first building project

In no time, I was proudly displaying my first ever building project I had done myself from start to finish. And all it cost me was a little creativity and enjoyable time. And less camping. :)

All the things I built the character building with were free. Lovingly collecting over time, I had all I needed on hand to create, in my eyes, something wonderful. All that was left to do was to get busy and just do it.

I was forever hooked from that day on.

After that project was over, I couldn't WAIT to get back out in the backyard and tinker around some more. The place was starting to feel like I lived there for the first time. The transformation process outdoors was also taken indoors. And the more I did, the more I loved it, and the more I blogged about it.

Blogging about my stuff was scary! My projects and style were indeed 'different', so how would it be received? I held my breath with each PUBLISH click and watched your reactions unfold. To my amazement, you grasped what I was doing. You validated me.

Still on a mission for the yard enhancement program, when my son's pool sprouted a leak, knowing we'd be home for the summer, I allowed an upgrade. I scoured the newspapers in search of a good deal. I found this one in a store that had them on for 50% off with just this one left. SOLD!

 summer 2009

The new bigger pool sealed the deal. Our yard was officially being enjoyed and appreciated. But not just by us. We ended up with a summer heat wave. My son's backyard pool was always filled to the brim with happy friends and neighbors. And we went for many hot summer night midnight swims under the yard light during the intense heat.

Honestly? It was one of the greatest summers I've personally ever had. We had our privacy (mingling in crowds wasn't something I was well enough for), all the comforts of home, I could create upon will, and if we were hot, we could go for a swim in our own private quarters. With a pretty cool view of a funky building to boot. :)

But the summer didn't come without bumps. My health took some weird turns. I had the symptoms for a good half a year straight, got some specialized neck treatments and gradually, things started to improve. I worked, played, built and carried on with life despite of my new limitations.

As for the rest of the summer,  we bonded with our newly renovated home and starting-to-get-nice yard. I continued on with other flowerbeds but not having a dime for new plants, kept them pretty empty. But empty was better than weeds! The plants could come next year.

 And that is why you're seeing so many recent garden posts on my blog lately. Next year is here. :) I'm in the midst of  completing another mission in reclaiming a beautiful yard, one plant at a time.

And, it looks as if we're home to stay for another summer. My health is not 100%.  I have nagging symptoms that flare up and am yet again seeking some new treatment. But there IS  improvement from last year. The debt I was dealing with is being delt with slowly. It's simply not time to spend wads of money on playtime.

And I also know, the reasoning is right to stay put again. I accept it, will make the best of it and while still mourn what was, I look forward to seeing what's in store.

For it feels like it's time to build towards other more important things while still capturing a lazy summer with my son. And so that is exactly what we are doing...

... in the comforts of our getting there beautiful home...

... and our nearly there awesome garden. :)

We will be ok. Because we'll make it so.  With His help.

~ ~ ~ ~

Why share this story?

One can question why something happens to them. And be angry and upset and mourn. But at the end of the day, do you ever stop and really think about why? And I don't mean in the sense of, why me. But more, in search of the bigger picture?

If you've ever had a life changing experience, try asking yourself... 

Why did this happen?

For me, I think it had something to do with needing to change direction as I wouldn't have had the willpower to do it on my own. Poor health stopped me dead in my current tracks and brought me elsewhere.

For you see, I resented this house and all the reasons I landed here. Running away out of habit was just easier. I wanted to run.

It was simply time to break old habits, and venture somewhere new in order to grow.

Was I condemned or was Someone looking out for me? 

What you choose to believe will indeed determine how you continue on. Stay positive, and positive will come to you. I'm choosing to believe the latter.

Embrace the reason and make the best of it.

Only when I stopped fighting the changes, but rather embraced them, did I see progress in myself. Resigning to the fact that this was most indeed planned, I started to invent and create and try new things. And with practice, I am now capable of implementing many ideas I use to only be able to visualize a short year ago. I admit I have a long way to go building wise, but idea wise? There's simply no shortage any time soon. I will figure out how to build what's inside my head yet! Watch me. :)

Part 4?

Do you also have a Part 4? I'm living mine. I'm inventing, creating, building, sharing, learning and writing about it. What happens next is your guess as well as mine. And I have a feeling you'll be right in the thick of it alongside me. :)

All I know is, this feels right.  1 hour feels like 1 minute. That speaks volumes.

Still need help?

I've had alot of help from others getting where I am today and continue to get it. I often reflect all the good that came upon me, and how can I give back. That is why I give what I can here, by way of my experiences, in an effort to help others going through similar trials.

Can't build? 
Learn along with me. Watch, then try. You CAN do it if I can!

Got some bumpy life situations that are hard to live through?
It isn't easy sharing the unglossy areas of my life. But I'm sharing mine in order to give you hope for your own life's quirks.

Have no funds to do things with?
Watch how I decorate my home with no funds and give it a whirl yourself.

Can't see a junk object as anything beautiful? 
I'll keep showing you what I do with normal schnormal, turning them into must haves. All on a dime.

This blog isn't about popularity or fame. I don't feel a need to compete with anyone. I don't even copy anyone. This blog is about sharing new creativity and soul searching posts, that will help inspire your own home situation, whether it be personal or DIY related. I just love doing it. :)

Other plans

I'm working on bringing some income from all this along the way. Because I simply believe we ought to be doing what we LOVE to do for a living. I hope you are striving for the same no matter what you choose to do! Thanks for your patience as I experiment along. Watch for some new exciting things to come, in real life and online!


Thanks for your interest in this story and what I do here on FJI. It's my sincerest hope that by sharing what I love to do and what transpires in my life, you can attribute it to yours in some small way.

And know, without a shadow of a doubt, by putting your faith where it belongs, you too shall receive. In His time.

~ This 3 part story was featured by Melissa on ~

~ and Bonita on ~

Encouraging Words for Writers


  1. What a lovely, inspirational story. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Donna, you're not only talented but brave as well.
    And now you're found a way to inspire our spirits as well as our creativity! I hope you receive all the goodness you deserve (and soon too).


  3. I have found your story very moving, and inspiring. I wish you only good things, and I do so enjoy reading your blog!

  4. I loved to hear more of your story...your journey is faith building! Your blog is one of my favs...I love your funky junk decorating!

  5. Wow! I started reading this thinking it was going to be a cutesy story about how you redecorated your campsite with old cast iron cookware and a rusted hatchet head.

    Boy was I ever wrong! I felt like when you pick up a really good book and can't put it down.

    Since my accident I have had to learn how to do so many things a new way, at a different pace, and in doing so I have developed a whole new appreciation for so many things I took for granted.

    Your story made me reflect back over the last five years and the changes in my own life.

    What an inspiration, I can't wait now, to see what you do with your garden.

    And I hope you saved the picture of the cows, that was a cool picture!

  6. Donna, It is because of your 3 part story that I blogged about my garden/yard today. It is about your gitter done, project that I missed out on, that I blogged today. My gitter done turned into a mess that I will be working on for a very long time. I too have had life unfold on me in a way that leaves you on your knees, praying for something good to happen. And it does. I so appreciate what you have said and how you have inspired me and others to do more inspite of life. My hat is off to you! And I just about died when you first looked at my blog. Serioulsy, my heart skipped. Look again, and chuckle, (hopefully) because you know as well as I that laughter is everything even when you drop your drill bit into the grass.

  7. I found your blog when it was just a baby and wrote a really long post about your junk for all my viewers (which was many at the time.) I knew when I saw your blog that you had a talent that was rare, natural and outstanding. I'm sure that 100's of "junk" blog have started because of your blog. Not only have you inspired me, you have literally changed the blogging world. THANK YOU for sharing yourself with all of us! You are refreshing and beautiful!

  8. Michelle, I remember that day VERY well. You thrilled me beyond belief! :) I was so excited that everyone that commented on my feature post got featured themselves. :) Great memory!

    To the rest, thanks so much for the kind words. You make this little blogging trip worthwhile. :)


  9. i know, i old, worn out cliche, but true nevertheless - when God closes one door, He opens another! :)

  10. His time is never our time and what a blessing to see what happens to those who wait! Your story is refreshing and inspiring!
    I love your work and your blog! I always enjoy coming here to visit. Even the coffee is good! Ha! And I believe too you should do what you love..the trick is finding out what you love...then look fear in the face and say..."I am going to do it!!"
    Thank you so much for sharing your love and life with me!! I do so appreciate that!
    Hugging you

  11. Your post was so inspirational!!! I have had a difficult year healthwise myself. I looked at your profile and you are probably waaay too young to be experiencing peri/menopause type symptoms, but I just wanted to say I have had the weird head symptoms the last year and have attributed mine to changing hormones. Thought that info might help you. I found a message board that other women had posted on about the weird head feelings and it was very enlightening! Thanks again for sharing such personal thoughts with us!

  12. I'm about a month new to your blog... absolutely LOVE it! Awesome ideas, superb photos and beautiful writings! This latest post is so inspirational, I can't begin to describe the energy you have given from your words! I'm looking forward to today being the first genuinely happy day I've had in years! Thanks much and big hugs to you!

  13. Thanks for sharing your story with us!

    About 2 yrs ago, I went thru a rough patch, months and months worth of pointless testing, all kinds of medicine and in the end, accepting changes that I didn't want. It was hard. Still is. I don't like change that isn't of my choosing. That's the bottom line. But, I'm learning to accept that I am NOT in control, no one can live up to the perfection of Christ and that I am ME. Loving myself as I am is hard sometimes. But I am doing it.

    And I've slowly been bitten by the frugal decorating bug! I'm not sure if I'll be brave enough to build but I have all kinds of plans saved!

  14. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles: they shall run and not be weary: and they shall walk and not faint". ISA 40:31

    God's word is true and perfect. You waited for Him to unveil the plan he had for you, and now you are indeed soaring like the eagle.

    Isn't it amazing how God reveals our own talents to us, and then how He continues to work them for good. He had to get you to a place where you could be accepting of your own talents, and my oh my, what a work He's done in you. He must be truly proud.

    You ARE an inspiration to so many people, and not just those who have been down and out in their life. You inspire people daily to push beyond their normal boundaries. I remember when I first discovered your blog how it drew me in because you were so "everyday" and yet so fun. I knew everytime I came here I would find yet another new and creative idea. You never disappoint.

    I bet you never thought you'd have people lining up to see inside that little house you once resented, huh? Look how far you've come Donna. You never cease to amaze me. You know how I feel about your talents.

    I can't waitt o see the new things you have in store. I can't imagine it getting any better than what it is, which makes me excited for you that you know it can.

    Big hugs and blessings to you my friend. I wanna be like you when I grow up. :):) (squeeze)

  15. You are just so amazing! I just knew part 3 was going to be about the turnaround from despair to delight and how unexpected loss created beyond-your-dreams gain, because it is written between the lines in all your posts. Now only are your projects over the top creative, they are spiritual in a way too because you never brag and that is what keeps me coming back... I need to be more like you and be amazed at what can be instead of trying so hard to create something that says, "look at me!" When we first moved out here I had grand plans for fixing up this place. Then the grandkids came and put a leash on the plans, financially and with time to devote to projects too. Then I found your blog. Seriously, it opened my eyes to all the junk we had laying around out here. Instead of piling them up for the landfill, I started screaming, "save it!" (they still think I'm a bit touched, but I don't care!). Because of you, my style went from new and beautiful to eclectic and awesome. I have a long way to go. There are time and money restraints, but I'm soooooo happy for every ounce of homemade progress I make. I cannot thank you enough for the inspiration.

  16. I want to thank you for sharing your story with us. Change is not always easy. Okay, it's rarely easy. But I have learned that fighting it just makes it worse. For you and for everyone around you. Once I let go of the fight, accepted that it was here and then worked within it, things started to feel right again. Coming here and reading all of your positive energy has helped push me to do more. Getting back to doing things that I have always loved doing. So, thank you!

  17. Donna, I have found that when life leaves you struggling that if you look hard enough there is something in it that will change and mold you for the better if you look for the positive. I have had many struggles and I will tell you that in the depths of them it was hard at times but as I looked outside of myself I found I could help others around me who were struggling. God bless you for sharing. You never know just how many lives you have and will touch!

  18. Oh Donna! Your story thrilled me to no end! I know all about the plans we make for ourselves and debt that comes from playtime that helps to escape hardships and I, too, am finding that letting HIM show me the plans HE has for me, is by far, the most amazing! You are so talented! You have the ability to make something out of seemingly nothing and that is very God like! HIS paths for us also bring peace, don't they?!

  19. WOW! You have only been doing this for a year?!?! You are one amazing lady ! Your blog was one of the very first that I added to my blog roll not only because I think you are extremely talented but I absolutely love the positive attitude that comes through in every one of your posts.

    I have never been crazy about distressed/shabby style until I started following your blog. Now I incorporate some of it in to my own decorating.

    You are awesome!! Thank you so much!

  20. Donna, I am filled with joy having read your story :D It is amazing what you have discovered, and once you do, aren't you so glad? You truly inspire me, I am getting misty writing this(I am not a crier). I love reading your blog for many reasons(aesthetics, ideas, triumphs), but the biggest reason is YOU. You put yourself in this wholeheartedly and it is inspiring and motivating to see the things you go into and come out victorious. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for embracing your life and sharing it with us! Hugs to you(check out CranioSacral therapy!!!) and your family.

  21. a very old lady I knew said to s when we were very young and we wasted time and materials " have you not lived during wartime?".. and we laughed.. because we didn't..
    now that I am a middle aged woman myself, not lived during war still but experienced many hard times of my countryof the world and of the economy.. I truly understand her..

    you are doing great what you are doing and you are a warrior of a woman =).. I like so much all your crafts.. and know I do respect the story behind these crafts..

    I am a regular reader / non commenting but always admiring.. I wrote today because of one thing .. the mentioned "health condition..
    I am a physiatrist and a pain management medical doctor.. I do work professionally in my country.. I am very much interested in patients who have ambitions about gardening crafting as I love to do it as well and enjoy so much if I can give them some comfort.. therefore I study a lot about activities of daily living and ergonomics simple but comfort providing modifications and would like very much to help you .. if I could.. I used to blog about my crafts some years ago but stopped now.. still craft and read craft blogs but cannot finde the time to blog and answer and all things to keep a blog alive.. my e- mail adress is..
    my e- mail adress please write me an email about your neck problem ..
    I wish you go on doing those beautiful things for ever.. =)



  22. sorry for all the stupid spelling errors I made.. my english is better than the comment above =)


  23. Very inspiring! Thank-you for all that you do :)

  24. So this is how Funky Junk came about. How interesting and how fortunate for all that follow. Congrats Donna...

  25. Donna, a wonderful testimony and inspiration to others. Pray for you that your health continues to improve. The week before the SYTYD contest began I woke with paralyzing neck/shoulder pain. Could not lift my head from the pillow. Through many tests, nothing conclusive has been found. Started seeing a doctor who uses laser treatments and it is working wonders. Still far from normal, but so much better. At least I am back to driving.
    God is so amazing to show us what we need to see. The house you wanted to run from is now a home that hundreds if not thousands want to see. The inspiration you bring to others is amazing. Keep on Keeping On! Love you girl!

  26. Thank you for sharing your story. It's nice to be able to put a history to your blog and see all you've accomplished. I'm sure you are inspiring lots of women now and maybe that is part of HIS plan too.

    I can only imagine what you must go through.....I had a friend with Meniere's (sp) disease.

  27. At first, I read your blog for decorating ideas and pretty pictures and to say wow, look what she did with this or that. But now I find myself coming back for inspiration in my own life. Your story has inspired me to write down my own story and see where I can go next with hope and not fear. You'll never know how much your story has touched me, I thank you for that.

  28. thank you for sharing your story. Your hard work is inspiring others and you have a beautiful home and garden

  29. Donna, your story is inspiring. There are thousands of women who need to hear your message. God is using you just reached well over two thousand of them. You have been through the refiner's fire, the dross has been burned away...and you are pure gold. Does God have a purpose for our pain?...Oh yeah.

  30. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story. It was a wonderful way to start my day!

  31. What brings tears to my own eyes is seeing someone absorb what's written here to the point of making good changes for themselves. YES!!

    Thank-YOU for sharing what this has done for you. I am smiling. :)


  32. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I too have vertigo, a side effect of infertility treatments 8 years ago. I struggle to be happy with the new me. Many of my friends and family think that vertigo is being a "little dizzy" and don't understand how debilitating and exhausting this can be. Thank you again for sharing your story; I do not feel so alone.

    PS. Would the person who painted your cow painting consider doing one to sell?

  33. No two situations are alike, but I have the feeling that we share similar experiences. To make a long story short, I lost my husband some years ago and I had to move from our home into a flat. Last year I managed to buy a little house in the countryside where I had planned to spend my weekends and my summers. This is my first summer and I don't know what to do first because the house hadn't been lived in for four years when I bought it. But, it's going to be ok! I, too, love junk hunting, decorating thriftily and doing things by myself as much as I can.
    I'm so glad I found your blog!
    Keep in touch!

  34. Donna,
    These have been amazing stories, and have hit home to me in many ways. (like, I am a runner too. Easier to try to avoid, tan deal with. That only works for so long.)

    I love your positive attitude, and know it does not come over night.

    Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself, and for encouraging and inspiring us to make the best of things, trust He knows what He is doing, and keep moving forward.

    Blessings sweet girl!!

    barbara jean

  35. Thank you so much for sharing your story Donna. I love every one of your posts and it was your character building that drew me to you and here I stayed! Happy Canada Day to you ~ enjoy that back yard and kick back and enjoy the haven you have created in that yard of yours. xo

  36. I just want to say congratulations...sounds like you have made leaps and bounds advances in all areas of your brought a tear to my eye and an appreciation for things I take for granted....thank you. :)

  37. Wow, thanks for opening up your heart and sharing! What a courageous thing to do. I too have had personal and physical struggles that at times I feel can paralyze me. We were hit by a drunk driver 2 years ago and I had spinal injuries (so I can relate to on going neck pain) then with the downturn in the US economy our family made the painful decision to uproot our family from a most wonderful life we were living in Virginia and move back to Canada. We went from living in a 5 bedroom colonial on a acre to a 5000 sq ft lot rental home the Lower Mainland. It has been such a struggle not to get sucked into having my home look new and renovated with the latest floor, etc. I started my blog to help me and to hopefully inspire others that our homes don't have to be perfect in order to make it a home for our families. I try to be resouceful and creative. It is your blog that I stumbled across and it was you who inspired me to start my own and to keep on holding my head high! Thank you for sharing and inspiring others along the way.

  38. Donna, Thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing your story! I have enjoyed following your blog for months now because of your talent. But getting to know you through your personal posts has allowed me to enjoy it even more. (There may be more than one lesson here!) The sharing of your journey is blesing to us all!
    May the Lord richly Bless you and your son!

  39. Thanks for the inspiration! I love what you did to the shed and while you were at it your worked on yourself....what a great is a struggle but if you just keep working on it everyday, it gets better. Congrats on a great come back.

  40. Your blog is like a breath of fresh air every time I read a post, and now knowing your story behind it makes it more so! Hugs!

  41. Donna, I’m beginning to think you should write a book!!! You are so inspirational and you have a way with words that keeps a person wanting to read more!!!

    Can I move in with you? Just so I can wake up in the morning and step out into your back yard and enjoy the beautiful view? lol ;)

  42. Donna, you are such an inspiration! Not only with your wonderful decorating ability, but also your ability to learn and love through all of life's trials. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story with us.

  43. Thanks for sharing your story, Donna, and in turn for inspiring others.

  44. You sound like an amazing lady, Donna. Beautiful post and great blog altogether.


  45. Thank you for sharing your heart. I've heard that a difficult situation will bring forth a person's true character. You have courage and hope. That will also feed your son's character as he watches his mom triumph. Follow your heart and we will all go along for the ride. Blessings!

  46. Thanks so much for sharing your story. Your blog, along with a handful of others, has served to wake up my creative side while home with three boys, one with special needs, on a very tight pastor's budget! As a result I am setting off on new adventure's and taking risks I wouldn't have taken a year ago. I attribute much of that motivation to you/your blog!

  47. Donna...I have enjoyed the short time I have been following your blog. There are so many great things that you have accomplished and I'm sure there are many more in your future. Keep up the junk creating!

  48. Donna, I have said this more than once and I'll say it again, you are such an inspiration and I'm so glad I found your blog months ago.

  49. Thank you! It was meant for me to read this post.

  50. Thank you for sharing your story, it is such an inspiration to me. In facr, this post inspired my post here:
    Thanks for being you.

  51. Donna,

    I have said it before and will say it again... You truly are in inspiration. I know it probably took a lot of courage to tell this story, but I know it will help a lot of people in many ways. I have had to make several major life changes in my adult life and it is very true that when one door closes another one opens. We just need to be receptive to going through it. Sometimes we have to be brought down in order to soar.

    What did you do with the picture of the cows? I was so drawn to it and kept looking for it throughout the remainder of the story. I would really love to know more about the picture, artist, etc.

    Warnest regards,

  52. I love your greenhouse/firewood house, it's amazing, as are you! Your talent is something to inspire others and I for one am really glad that I found your blog a while back. I loved reading your post, I too struggle with daily demons, but as you say, we just have to keep moving forward and thinking positively. I have always believed that there must be a reason or everything. :)

  53. Thanks for telling the whole story. I am in the middle right now, with my retired hubby using all our money for a run down farmhouse on 2 acres. He is thriving, I was kicking! I am resolved to do the cleaning/priming/painting which is 80% of it. I am suffering with neck/back ongoing pains, & seriously painful sinus woes that just won't quit. So I can relate to illness slowing us down. But I know God has a plan with changing our plans, so I am keeping on, albeit slowly. I really appreciate your sharing your journey - and wish i had a partial shed on my land...but do have a plain barn so all is not lost. Let's all pray for each other so we can follow the road the Lord has set before us! I have so much to learn!

  54. What doesnt kill us makes us stronger, right? I appreciate your story and coming from someone who has been in your exact can only get better. Hang in there, you sound like a pretty tough chick!

  55. You've inspired me to start a blog of my own. Thank you for sharing your story. I found myself in tears as I finished reading Part 3. I'm in the very beginning stages of my own personal Part 3; can't wait to see what He has in store! If you ever need a free place to stay if you find yourself visiting our nation's capitol, c'mon! My guestroom is always ready :)

  56. Donna, as I read part three I realized that it was just as you started the wood shed transformation that I started following your blog. You are so inspirational. I am glad you are heading in the direction of your dreams now. Hopefully your health issues will clear up soon too.
    Thanks for the inspiration

  57. You are amazing. Your clarity of vision is remarkable as is the depth of your talent and your will to dream. Thank you for reminding me lemonade truly does come from lemons.

  58. I have enjoyed your posts on renovations and decorating, as well as your guest posts. Today I so enjoyed hearing your story and the insight it brought.
    It is so true that Someone is guiding us through a designed plan of our life. Maturity is giving up on our own will and listening to the master plan.

  59. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

    I often reflect on the fact that very small decisions determine the direction you go in life. It is amazing to think about how my life would be if just one thing had been different.

    Even though there are things I regret or wish had not happened early on in my life, the fact is that none of my children would even be here if things did not go exactly as they did. They are a once in a lifetime creation. And I wouldn't have missed out being their mom for anything.

    God's ways are not our ways, and the sooner we accept and rejoice in that the better we are. Thanks for sharing more of your story. You are my hero! BTW, I still think you should repost your skunk story. It is a classic. :)

    Love ya!

  60. Donna, Thank you for sharing your amazing story. You have been an inspiration to so many through your blog...including myself! Keep following your dreams.
    xo, Sherry

  61. Donna - I love your post. God stopped me in my tracks about 22 years ago - with a medical situation. It turned our whole family around - not that we were doing anything bad - but just did not truly know the Lord though we would have said that we did. I now work in full time ministry with my husband - something we would have never thought and our daughter Miss Mustard Seed is married to a Youth Pastor and serves in full time ministry. God has been there every step of the way - the hard times and the good times and we can see His footprint in it all. We are waiting to see how He uses my son and his wife. You have obviously touched a chord - by all the responses. May He bring you full healing and may you continue to follow His leading. Life is a gift. Your love of your son shines so clearly through your pictures and your blog - know that many are walking this journey with you. You touch our hearts. Keep writing - it brings us joy :).

  62. What a great story, you have an amazing talent and I for one, am so glad you are sharing it with us. God always has a way, different than we expect to bring us to our best. I love every idea I see here, thanks for the inspiration.

  63. Thank you for opening up and sharing your story. I'm relatively new to the blogging world; your blog was one of the first I found and my jaw dropped at your innovation, unique style and how CAPABLE you seemed. I had no idea that this was all new to you too! You're amazing, and I think you've found your niche!

  64. I'm so glad that you had the courage to share your story. Your blog is one of my very favorites and I truly enjoy your ideas and ingenuity. Now that I know more about you and your struggles, I am even more inspired, knowing that the beautiful things you create are really do-able and I can have those beautiful things in my home too. I don't know if I said that very well, but basically I want to say "way to go, girl"... "keep it up, girl"... and "hang in there with the One Who Can"... and I can't wait to see what you are up to next!!

  65. I haven't been here in so long....that the whole place has changed. 'Cept YOU!

    I can't even express what I want to about these posts.

    I just simply love you and am inspired by YOU over and over and over again.

    Good luck opening that box tomorrow...the MAC angels will be singing!!! hehehe


  66. I really don't know that I've EVER been so awestruck by a story before, until I read this...Junkologie sent me over to get into your Saturday Night event; but that idea was quickly blindsided by this beautiful "heart" story of yours! I've had a really rough year (lost my precious Mom to cancer). So I can relate to a lot you've said...But God has made a lot of changes in my heart and passion, which I share on my blog too. Just starting out, I have a long way to go. I always thought I decorated in a weird, different way. But since blogging I've found sooo many people like myself. Just want you to know that I feel like I know you and you are truly an inspiration not just in your creative work, but as a person. I'm thankful I came across your site today. Changed my life like you'll never know.
    Becky C
    Buckets of Burlap

  67. My friend, Anne, always reminds me to bring my pain to God and sit there with Him, until I hear from Him. Sounds like you have done just this. Blessings on you, Donna, and your son as you continue this crazy journey called life.

  68. I think it is no accident that I was referred to your story and blog from another blogsite. I read the three parts of your story, and am so impressed and inspired by you. This has been a really hard day for me today, and I have been trying to keep my head up. I have experienced more than a few major life events in the last three years starting with the sudden death of my dear husband at the young age of 51. Since then, I have downsized my home, moved away from my wonderful neighbors (but am fortunately still close enough to visit them), went from full time to part time at the job I had been at for over 13 years, only to be let go with the other support personnel in November. Finding another job at this point in history has been tough, and the setback I experienced today was job related. I am going to be fine - I know that, but I had to have an uncharacteristic "pity party" for myself today. The end of the day has definitely been better than the start, and I can't believe I am writing this all to someone I don't know, but I think I was led to your story for a reason. You are inspirational and I hope that your health improves every day. I personally love what you are doing with your home. I have always loved uncommon things used in decoration, and you have such flair! Take care of yourself and keep on following your heart in everything you do. And thanks for the time and space on your blog. I feel a little bit better, again.

  69. Donna, you are truly an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your story. You've made my day. May God bless you and your son on this incredible journey.

  70. You have no idea how this ministers to me. Yesterday I was hit with a brand new set of limitations and I felt so angry, hurt, and trapped. I prayed, "Lord, please, please, please encourage me." He used you to do it.

    I love seeing your transformation. I love seeing how you created hope where there wasn't much before. I love how you grew in spite of everything. And I love that you shared your journey with us and helped us grow too.

    I feel a glimmer of hope that God can work even in the midst of my current circumstances. And He might even make something beautiful from it just as He has done for you.

    By the way, your blog is one of my absolute most favorite decorating blogs because I sense your sincerity, that you're not in a popularity contest, and I appreciate the way you take junk and create something wonderful with it. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your manager either. haha

  71. I'm sitting here in complete awe. I'm reading and rereading your comments. I want you to know, YOUR comments are helping me in such a big way.

    I'm reminded of what was given to me. And it continues. I'm still getting and this time it's from all of you.

    Thank-you for sharing your thoughts with me, and for the benefit of everyone else! This is so amazing.


  72. I've been an occasional visitor to your blog over the last 10 mths or so; due only to spreading myself too thin amongst the dozens of blogs I subscribe to. I am in the process of whittling that number down to a select few. Yours is certainly amongst those few that will be part of my daily read.

    You have decorated your life in ways that go way beyond prettying a space! I look forward to your continued sharing of the spirit and talents that grace you.

  73. This is my first visit & this is awesome. I've also been thinking about doing a blog but haven't gotten started. Congratulations on your accomplishments. UR site is bookmarked.

  74. Donna, I have two words for you: fearless and determined. That's you girl! Those qualities are good to have!

  75. I'm teary eyed reading all of this. Thank you for being such an inspiration and putting it all out there. I'm going to use that saw in the garage today and stop waiting for what I would like done! Pray I don't cut my hand off. JenT

  76. Along with all the other things you do so well, you are also an excellent writer, and I believe you have a book in you.

    There are so many, many women struggling out there with different things and so many of us who have no idea what others are going through. Women are such strong beings and capable of doing so much.

    I enjoy your blog because its inspiring, creative, fun, witty and personal.

    We are all blessed to have you to "follow."


  77. Donna, There is little else I can say but well said! You are an inspiration to me and my life and I am glad I stumbled upon your blog long ago! -Karen

  78. Thank you so much for how you spoke to my heart today. I have been blessed by following you all along, but now just hearing your story has made me respect you all the more. I love how you got out of bed and went to church in anticipation of something happening. God tells us to expect and even when things don't go exactly as we want, we still can be assured that He has a plan and His plan is PERFECTION. Even if we don't understand what's happening, it's wonderful to know that we are in the palm of His hands. I heard a quote one time that said, "We may not know what God will do, but we do know what He CAN do." You keep on keeping on, my sister. Keep doing what you are doing and others (like me) will continue to be blessed. As for your style, I think it is incredibly awesome and unique. I'm thinking that your style is just like you...God bless.

  79. I'm truly inspired by your energy... And I so needed this inspiration this week... with work being tuff and home even tuffer... Some weeks are just... just!!!

    Awesome.. awesome..!! I'm here from the Inspired room.. and I cant tell you how happy I am to find you... Thanks a ton!

  80. Donna~
    Just wanted to say that I will be praying for you and all that you are dealing with. I didn't get to read it thoroughly as I a am taking care of my 2 year old and 9 month old grand babies!! I will be back though!! Just know that God is in control! You are such an inspiration to so many others, myself included!!
    Have a wonderful day!!
    ~ Michella ~
    ~ ~ xoxo ~ ~

  81. Donna, I had no idea of your struggles & illness. What a sweet story it is of overcoming & hanging in there at the same time. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you!

  82. I needed this today. I read parts 1 and 2 yesterday. But set aside part 3 to continue with my original task that I had become distracted from. I got back to it today.

    I want that Joy that you found. Somedays I have it. Today I haven't. Yet.

    Several factors led to an emotional attack today. I came home and cried on my poor husband who was laid up in bed with back pain.

    After all that I sat down with my laptop and found part 3 waiting for me. Seeing another's fight for a better home and life was unexpectedly therapeutic.

    I had expected to love part 3. I didn't expect to find the means to make peace with the emotions that stormed through me earlier. You reminded me that God is taking care of us and provides hope for our futures.

    I'm still learning why I deal with the mental health issues I have. But in this moment, I look forward to finding out. Thank you so much for this.

    I intend to mention (and link to) your story on my blog. It's small and still in a 'new' state, even though I opened it in February. I want anyone who comes through mine to find you and your story.

    Again, Thank You.

  83. Your story has blown me away. You had me riveted! Thanks for sharing this with us--I know this has given a lot of people hope and inspiration!

  84. Donna... I'm so sorry that God did not heal you that day in church (at least not yet!). But sometimes when we are weak (He is strong) and finding strength in the middle of adversity has its reward...

    You my friend have pushed through your set back and have created some amazing pieces and a wonderful network of caring friends and admirers. People find inspiration through you, your work and your story...

    I am so glad I found your blog and please know that you have inspired me to create my own unique pieces... so glad you found strength to create in the midst of your circumstances and share your work and your story with all of us! Thank you!! :)


  85. I am glad you shared your story. It is so encouraging and real.

    I had the same vertigo situation two times in my life. Definitely hormone related. Weirdest feeling ever. Felt like gravity was pulling my right side to the floor.

    I love your style. Why buy new when you can create something that holds meaning and looks personal.

    Our camper is your campers twin. We plunk down too, but like you, we have had to create our own fun here at home as well.

    I am glad you never gave up and kept on creating. It gives me hope.

  86. What a beautiful post. I will continue praying for healing! I know that it can come miraculously and also through skilled doctors, I'll pray for both, because I believe in both. I love all the things you've inspiring. I can't wait to read more.

  87. Doing as I stated in my earlier comment, I linked to your story in a post on my blog. I just wanted to drop back by and leave a link for your reference.

  88. Thank you Donna, for sharing so much of yourself here. Words can not express how much your story meant to me. I hope the Universe offers you all you can imagine!


  89. Your life story is beautiful and inspiring! Please continue with sharing your experiences and projects :)

  90. Donna, I have been following your blog for a long time but just now took time to read this story. How inspiring you are and how brave! Thanks for sharing this. I look forward to many years of enjoying your junk finds and new treasures you build. You and your son will be in my prayers. You have brought joy to so many thru your "junk". I know when I have an idea but can't quite get it from my head to actually doing it, I can come here and find inspiration............thank you!

  91. Wow! I can't believe I happened upon your blog today. I agree with the many who said you should write a book. When (not if) you do, please post the info in your blog so I can be the first in town to buy it. You are such an inspiration. I am a believer but I am not a very religious person. Over the years I have often felt that faith is what I am lacking. I too have one son and raised him on my own. He is now 25 and together we are dealing with the suicide of his father.

    You have given me hope! I have the use of probably every power tool I could ever need and I never thought I could do it. Now I know that anything is possible.

    I absolutely love the window treatment in your living room. It would be absolutely perfect in the rustic house my son's father left him. (My son cannot live here as this is where he found his dad and there are too many painful memories. I moved in here rather than rent somewhere else, I thought it could help us both.) His dad did many upgrades to the outside of the house but the inside is in shambles. The livingroom and kitchen floors are concrete. There is so much to do, but I told my son that his dad did the work to the outside of the house and it was my turn to complete the inside.

    I have no budget as I am living on unemployment. There is, however, an abundance of "building materials" in the yard if I can learn to look at things differently.

    I will follow your blog and look for more great ideas. You truly are an inspiration and I want you to know that you are helping others in ways you could not have imagined. You have found your calling!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    PS I am such a newbie to this blog thing that I have no idea what to set the "Comment as" to. I guess I will use anonymous for safety reasons.

  92. Donna, Thank you so much for sharing this and for all your encouragement. I really needed this right now. God bless you and your terrific son! Mary

  93. Donna, I have been checking into your site alot after linking to it from another.. thanks for sharing your story. I can somewhat relate, as I raised a son, and thru the years it was hard as a single mom. I recently started thrift shopping again and am loving the furniture redos. Dont have a blog yet, but love reading yours and others. Also, dont know what you have had going on physically, but, have you ever tried cranio-sacral therapy? Blessings, Karen

  94. wow !! you truly are an inspiration....i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason...i have come to the autumn of my life and, in retrospect, can see how every event led to creating the person that i have become....

    in this life, we can either rise above every challenge or fall in defeat. you are a survivor. whether your life's journey is meant to inspire others or take you on an unknown adventure is in the hands of the creator. thank you for sharing your story.

    i found you thru a collage of other sites and really can't single out the one that led me to you. i have recently acquired a love for "junque" as well. i am learning from you, dear donna....thank you again.

  95. That is one hell of a journey you've been on. I completely agree with you - if we are in danger of not following a path we were meant to take then a door will be slammed shut right in front of us, forcing us onto the alternate path that will eventually lead us to some kind of contentment and peace.
    I have Narcolepsy & chronic fatigue so I understand completely the fight you were undertaking every waking moment. Depression unfortunately is often an inevitable side effect of such debilitation but once you come out the other side you realise you can actually survive and flourish despite your life having changed so dramatically.

    Have you ever had a diagnosis of your symptoms? There are many illnesses with such symptoms but I suspect you may have come to a physical and emotional deadlock and your body simply could not take any more, forcing you to take the rest you so needed and rethink where you wanted life to take you.

    I've followed your blog for a while now and I think I was drawn to your love of tool useage lol. I too am an avid fan of ladies having a go with those tools we tend to think are beyond our ability and there's now nothing I wouldn't or haven't used (except for the table saw, I hate them for some reason).

    Just know that your blog, your life story and your projects are an inspiration to many others in blogland. Such a shame we live opposite ends of the earth as I feel we would have so much in common.

    Take care and I look forward to reading more of your projects.

  96. I am so thankful to have "stumbled" upon your blog. I just read you whole story. WOW! You are being used in a way that I am sure you can sometimes feel, as people who are vessels for the Lord must. I have been struggling in my own life with a very great loss and health. I often find myself asking why, not in the why me but as you said what is the purpose. I have yet to find that. So I still am not sure where this is all going to take me. We are in the process of buying out first home. Its a little out-dated and still belongs to the first person to ever lay their things here, as no one how lived here as put their mark on it. There are so many plans in my head, so many pictures of how great this could be as our home. Just no founds to really make this all happen. So that lead me to looking for inspiration, where I found diy blogs on home decor. Where I found you. Thank you so much for being brave enough to share your life story....may it help me to see where I am going and inspire me, not only with things but life.

    Misty K, WV USA

  97. I would like to say to many women going through the stuggle of a broken marriage. The mountain that you are climbing is so high..but the view from the top is amazing. I cannot imagine my life without the triumph of a horrible marriage. I am so blessed to have found the strength to put one foot in front of the other, even when you cannot see the road ahead.I am a better mother, friend, daughter, for walking, sometimes crawling, sometimes running, up that mountain.

    Tammee RI

  98. Please update us. Your story Ned's another chapter!!!

  99. I have just finished reading about you first and then about the 3 reasons. You are amazing, inspiring and you have given me back something I've lost - HOPE.
    I am years older than you and my circumstances are not exactly the same. But sinking just the same. Thank you for sharing all that you've gone through.

  100. I did not know your Extreme Makeover story or any of the twists and turns your story has taken. I so enjoyed reading your story and getting to know you a bit better. You are such a positive person and an incredible help on blogtalk. I love that it feels like I could just sit down and chat with you any time. That's a great gift. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Marty@Marty's Musings


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