Sunday, June 13, 2010

"Gitter Done!" - volume 1

Welcome to

"Gitter Done!" - volume 1!

I gave you permission HERE to walk away from the computer to get some overdue DIY or non DIY tasks done and over with so you could blog allll about it. Get your work done, then blog about it. Doesn't get much better than that. :)

I can't wait to see how you made out!

My posts are always picture hogs, so rather than bog down this intro, I've chosen to simply link up alongside the rest of you. However, here's a teaser on what I worked on... can you guess what the bigger project is?

Rust. The New White. :)

Now, I have to tell you. This event made me MOVE. I did alot of of things I took pictures of, until I came up with something more fun to show. :) Trust me, you just don't have the time to see it all. But on the list of accomplishments were:

Cleaned out my shed.
Cleaned up my garage. AGAIN.
Revamped my boy's closet.
Took care of the clean laundry pile daily.
Plus, the project I'm going to reveal.

I'd like to hear if you'd like to see this event again and if so, how soon.  Lemme know below!

Alright then my busy and exhausted friends, I cannot wait to see what you worked so hard on! Link'er up! I'll keep the link feature open for 1 week so check back often! I'll highlight a few of you on the sidebar as the event plays on. We worked waaaay too hard to not show this one off for a few days. :)

Stay tuned to see if there will be a Volume 2!

Rules for the Gitter Done Challenge:

1.This is an exclusive linkup event. Please link up only if your project was inspired by GD.  
Please bring your general linkups to SNS (on every weekend) as we'd love to have you join in then!

2. In your post, please tell us how GD inspired you.  
This will help me determine which are GD linkups vs general DIY linkups not suitable for this event.  (which will be deleted.. sorry!)

2. Your linkup does not have to be DIY related, just something you've been stalling on. You'll thank me later. :)

3. Please include a before and after pic, so we can appreciate all you did!

4. Please link back to the event by text or button. (see BUTTONS section in header area if you desire)

5. Please keep the 'jest of your project' new to the net until your GD reveal. (teasers or shoot off posts are fine!) This will give us all a reason to wish to tune in to see what's brand new!

"Gitter Done!" intro post HERE.

Linkups that follow all of the above guidelines will have the chance to be featured! If your post got deleted, please reread the rules and link up next time!

So tell me... did the event deadline keep you a little busy too???
( I'm duckin' for cover )


  1. Ok my friend duck for cover. You not only made me get my act in gear, you also made me almost not make it in time too.
    But as you can see, I stayed up real late, got up ridiciously early and I have got a post up and linked. Ha, showed you didn't I.
    Blog looking good!
    Now if only I could find out why my followers gadget seems to be missing....

  2. I failed. But I have some good excuses.... #1 my hard drive crashed and I'm using hubby's computer to drool over everyone else's accomplishments #2 we had to replace our 10 year old car for something people wouldn't point and laugh at and #3 west central Iowa is about to float off the map with all the rain... really not good weather for my project. So, I voted to have this feature once a month so I can play with you : )

  3. I have ONE question. Where do you get your energy and (oops.. here is another question) your organizational skills. I guess some people are just born that way. But if you have a way to get into the mindset of "Getter done"... please share!
    Love your blog.
    Ladybug Creek

  4. HOpe mine counts. Mine is a project I've been working on for over 18 years. :)

  5. I had really good intentions. Perhaps I started too many projects, and have only a kinda of completed (but already needs attention) one.
    You need to do this again so I can come up with a better post and result.

  6. Okay Donna, I got part of my project done. Does this mean I have another week to work on it??? Or should I post what I have done now...then post more later? I did accomplish quite a bit, just not as much as I would like ;)

  7. "Rust. The new white." is my new favorite quote. It's just great.

  8. WOW! Some great get r dones!
    And I know how busy you always are!

    I'm afraid i just got bits and pieces of anything done, and not one whole project, except displays at the store. Seems it always gets done first.
    Oh, I did get my vendors paid. But not anything to take pictures of unless you want to see my books. =)

    Maybe I can get more finished this week.

    blessings and thanks for such fun events here.

    barbara jean

  9. Hi Donna,
    Loved your garden post (left a comment on that post, too)!
    I love Gitter Done! I may not be able to participate every time due to budget or time constraints (nobody wants to see posts about getting my laundry done! lol), but I'll enjoy visiting all the blogs who participate and may get to join in on the fun every once in a while. :)
    Hope you have a good week!
    Hugs ~ Jo

  10. Thanks for the push, Donna! Thanks to you, I have been busy, busy, busy trying to meet this deadline! ;)LOL, I even snapped the pictures while the paint was still wet on my table legs! Thanks for hosting such a fun event and for putting an end to my procrastination on this project! :o)

  11. Love all the things you got done. Thanks for hosting and I would LOVE to have it as a regular thing. I know I would and could use it over and over!

  12. OK, I completely forgot and went to work on my living room. I have a project in mind for this, so when is the next one? Your GD Linky will make me DO IT. Lisa~

  13. #10, I beg to differ! :) Take a before and after of your efforts, no matter what it is, and I'll be right on your doorstep high fiving you!

    #13, When is the next one?

    A. The poll in the post will dictate when we run it again. Date upcoming soon! I will post about it. It's never to early to start, so go for it!

    #3 Karen,

    Q. Where do I find the energy to get stuff done?

    A. I'm actually a procrastinator. I gravitate towards things I'm passionate about, not things I dislike. If I focus my project on something I enjoy doing, the process becomes alot less painful. Try that route!

    I'm really enjoying the befores and afters!


  14. I just found this one, but I would like to play again soon. I amin the middle of a million projects so I will move toward FINISHING one...

  15. Donna I can't thank you enough for issuing this challenge. I am always motivated by deadlines. My office is such a joy to walk into now! Before I just shut the door so I wouldn't have to look at it!

  16. I did not "Gitter Done" or at least take pictures of it anyway lol I think this is awesome and would love to see more of it!

  17. #16 Green Willow, I forgot to answer your question. Feel free to post again if you wish, or just hang onto it for the next round. We'll do another. Just think.. you could be ahead of the game! :)


  18. Tomorrow is the last day of the school year. I teach reading to the lowest first graders so they can get caught up.
    Do you want to know how I read, Gitter Done? I read, Glitter Dome and scrolled down, looking for the glitter and you were talking about rust being the new white. Do you think my brain is fried? Oh my, my!

  19. Not a glamorous Gitter Done project but it's now checked off my list! Yipee!

  20. I don't see the poll. Did you decide on the next time already? Oh and thanks Donna!

    I'm having scrolling problems. Can't figure out why.

  21. No problems here Anita. The poll is within the post above. I had scrolling probs earlier too and decided to reboot. Is Blogger misbehaving again??


  22. Gosh, blind as a bat I am! Now I sounds like Yoda.

  23. Donna, Thanks for highlighting my yard work! What a surprise, and it did feel more than a little nice to get some validation from you! Not that it helps my sore thighs and butt! I have never had more traffic to my blog since I joined your contests! So DOUBLE thanks my dear!

  24. I aimed low. Not much time here on the farm right now but so much to tackle. Have been wanting to try a linky party and needing to face the nasties I've hidden... So, THANKS to you, I quit stallin' with AND linked for the 1st time! Not sure I did it right - sorry! I love the idea of these parties for stuff that's not always pretty or fun but makes you feel great to complete. Will enjoy visiting others bigger projects too!

  25. Leslie, this link party is geared for anyone that was inspired to get an overdue procrastinated project finally done DUE TO THIS CHALLENGE. Welcome! You did just that. :)

    I'll be doing a post update soon on how GD will proceed, with a new date. I'm still assessing the event.

    So yes, continue on with a new project, all! We will have another. I'll give you at least 2 weeks from the announcement date to, well, Gitter Done! :)


  26. I am such a dork. I just figured out that it says "Get her" done. My brain has been processing it as "Glitter" done. I was a bit puzzled as to what getting things done has to do with glitter :). Blond moment, I know. I have so many projects I need to get done!

  27. Hey Donna!
    I just love your site OMG! I have been collecting items like your for years now and I just didn't know how to use them. ou have gave my a chance to try something new! Thanks again
    Melissa from GA USA


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!