Thursday, June 10, 2010

Feedback on the new template.

You've come to the right place!

Blogger instigated all these new changes with template designs just today. Have you played with them yet? So naturally I HAD to try it.

But I'm finding the scrolling time has a little too much lag for my liking.

How is this template working on your system? Too slow? Is it ok?

It's kinda neat but it feels weird. I don't know...


Warning. You will want a new computer/monitor/whatever when you see this.

My laptop - settings maxed out at 1024 x 768
(couldn't get a screenshot)

My 23" monitor - settings maxed out (old video card) at 1680 x 1050

Oh my. See why I like it on mine?


  1. It seems alright..I don't remember having to move the lower bar left or right to see all your blog before..maybe it's me..

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. I have a bar at the top of your bar asking me if I want to translate the page from Czech to English. Um...I don't think I knew you wrote in Czech??

    I also find that the scroll time is lagging and it seems like it took the page longer to load. I like your old template. But that's just my little opinion! :)

  3. Oh oh... you have to scroll to see the whole thing now? I'm not liking that.


  4. It seem OK, but your background photo is a little weird, just part of a ladder showing...?
    I messed with it a little bit on my blog, too, but didn't like it so put it right back to what I had before. I'm sure if anybody can figure it out, it will be you! ;-)
    Good luck! ~ Jo

  5. They did this because I spent the last two days teaching myself html so I could reconfigure have my blog elements. *gives blogger the stinkeye*
    I notice it's a little slower too but...kinda fun, eh?

  6. Working fine for me, but I just got a new WIDE screen monitor. So..........shrugs shoulders. :)

  7. Jo, leave it to me to LIKE the template for the weird part of a ladder showing. LOL

    May give it a test run through SNS to see how it flies. I can indeed change it back if it gives us grief. Please keep me posted!


  8. I think it would be good for a new blog but when I played with it on my existing ones it just threw off my balance.

  9. I'm noticing the same thing with the scrolling time. It's a little herky jerky for some reason.

    So, just for grins, what is about the new template that YOU like? :-)


  10. Anne, I'm drawn to blogs that have a 'put together look'. I always felt mine didn't. And being the self taught hack that I am, when I saw this opportunity, I ran for it!

    Herky Jerky is the perfect term. That is exactly what it's doing for me.

    Hmmm.... Dear Blogger... please remove my herky jerky! :)


  11. That's so cool that you called yourself a self-taught hack. Me too!!!

    I sometimes think I'm the last hold-out in blogdom to get makeover via a blog designer.
    I just don't wanna do it, I think there's a same-ness to a lot of the blogs done by certain folks.

    It's been a lot of work, but I've found it infinitely more satisfying to take the time to learn to do it myself. I sense you're very much the same. After all, we want our blogs to look like US, right?

    Dear Blogger,
    Stop jacking with my photo placement after I've hit post.
    Thanks & smooches,


  12. Hmm, I just came over to your blog to check your old template since I am about to start messing with mine again. And here you go and change it on me.
    I am DIY myself all the way. I was kinda proud that I had figured all those hacks out myself with the HTML and all, and now blogger keeps making it easier all the time. I am afraid though to start using bloggers options again, because I am afraid it will mess up my DIY.
    And btw, I think that ladder thing suits you!

  13. I have had no problems with slowness with you new template! Love the ladder! How perfect is that?

  14. I tinkered with my blog using a new template today. I didn't mind the basic stuff I had on mine, but thought that new templates looked good, but how it is all askew so urgh. Plus I am new to blogging and half the time I don't know what I'm doing. So I visit here for a blogging tip :). So far your blog seems OK, except it takes a while to open all the pics and posts. But that could be my internet connection rather than the template issue.

  15. I like it, I just used it and found it very easy and fast. I have a Mac desk top.

  16. I just changed my Blogger template like 2 days ago, but I did it on my own in the HTML! So there was no way I was trying something new!
    My goal was to have a clean, original design and not succumb to Wordpress, because yes, I am that cheap!

  17. Nice! I have to scroll side to side also and I have a big screen... I wouldn't have noticed right away though if I hadn't read the other posts. The only thing I couldn't see was the ladder. Um. Do you ever sleep?

  18. I love the labels feature but it is lagging when scrolling.

  19. I agree with most of the is jerky. And I can just see a tiny piece of the ladder at the right bottom corner.

  20. Every time I mess with mine it goes out of wak! Now this? I have a headache!!!!!!!!! :(

  21. waaah. i hate that damn thing! it does not go out of my way and i don't need/want that.

  22. I'm getting the herky jerkiness too! Ah, bugs my eyes!

  23. No herky jerky for me (maybe blogger listened to you) and it loaded much much faster than usual for me. I like the look - very clean and fresh. And the ladder completely suits you. I guess it's a thumbs up from me.

  24. Slow and dragging for me. Your blog was great as it was, it didn't need fixing up.

    The rule always is, when something just comes out, ya need to give it some time for the kinks to get worked out. I think that's probably the problem here... it's too new.

    P.S. that ladder is too new for YOU! LOL

  25. I am such a Neanderthal & couldn't design my own if my life depended on it.

    Sooooo - having said that - I woke up in the middle of the night after about 3 hours sleep & started playing w/the new templates. Yikes!!!!!! It is not for the sleep deprived! LOL

    I've cleaned up one of my blogs, but the other is still a nightmare.

    And I never was able to go back to sleep! LOL

  26. It loaded faster for me than it usually does. Although, I'm used to seeing your sidebar items right away and it seems now I have to search for things because they're so small once you get below the labels.

    It is clean looking, but to me it feels a bit more commercial than personal. Does that make sense? I'm on board for anything you do, but I think it'll just take some getting used to.

  27. I am terrified to even try it - last time I nearly lost my entire blog. It was like there was a nightmare in my blog!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  28. Oh, thanks for all this feedback! It makes me realize we all have such different settings for our screen viewing.

    I have a 23" monitor and my screen shows LOTS of room on either side of the content. I have to wonder what you gals are having to do when you have a REALLY wide blog you come across that utilizes the entire screen.

    I really am not liking how you now automatically land in the template changing area instead of in the layout place. You have to click a couple times to get where you need to go.

    And how 'preview doesn't work right', if you preview your post, all the spacing appears messed up, but it really isn't. (I test alot of of stuff on my test blog).

    Yeah, I'd love to jack up the size of the text on the sidebar. Not sure if this template will allow that. I'll mess with it more, but I'm fearing it'll have to go back to the 'old' look. I like my speed. :)


  29. I am not touching it again! As soon as it appeared I started playing with it! Not too happy with it. Yes a lot of choices but not what I am looking for. Ciao Rita
    P.S. regarding the 23" monitor comment. When I check on blogs with wide layout I can't see the whole thing.

  30. Somewhere I read to not go wider than 1000 pixels with your blog outer wrapper. This blogger template will only allow 1000 so I guess that in itself is good.

    But blogs that take up the entire widescreen, please know, you are causing smaller monitor people to have to scroll to see everything.

    That's it! I hereby announce that every blogger get a free 23" widescreen for your viewing pleasure!

    I have to admit, the wider screen changed blogging as I know it. I could never go back to something smaller. For under $200 you can do it too. I highly encourage you to take the leap! By golly you deserve it. And yes, they do plug into laptops. The only downfall I've found is, a newer monitor may not give you all it can if you hook it up to an older computer with an old video card. That's what I need too.

    How I want a new system! ARG. I'm getting weaker by the minute.


  31. It is working fine on my laptop. I have no trouble seeing your whole blog and no herky jerky motions. I can see (half) your ladder. It actually seems faster to see things. Hopefully you or Blogger will figure out all the glitches for the rest of us.

  32. I like it but I'm having to scroll as well. There is a tiny lag but not much. I saw this yesterday for the first time and almost went to play around with it but didn't. :)

  33. I have not had the time to try it yet. I hope to have a chance to try it out on my test blog on Sunday. As for viewing your blog, I have a wide screen so I do not have to scroll L/R to see your entire screen and I do not have a scroll lag time. As soon as I saw the ladder, I thought that it was so you! So, from my point of view, it seems perfectly fine.

    ~ Tracy

  34. I played around with it last night. Don't like it so far.

  35. I played with it last night, but wasn't sold, so I didn't change anything... it's kinda MEH... not enough of what the people want!

  36. I'm sticking with my old template for now. Just finally got it DIY'd the way I like it. Will maybe try some subtle add ons later.
    I am having to do the left to right scroll too to see all your page, but I don't have a super wide monitor. Hmmmmmmm
    Have a good weekend! Pam @ Sallygoodin

  37. Please tell me... what are you scrolling to see? Just the decorative background or actual written content?

    I have the template set at 1000 pixels wide. My old one was about 950. I have so much sidebar showing it's not funny and had wished I could widen it more. Guess I'd better not!

    Another thing one can do because of all the widescreen formats coming out is to enhance your viewing area on your monitors. For PC's, Right click on your desktop, settings, and for comparison sake, mine is currently at 1680 x 1050 as it's all my current video card can handle.

    Fiddle with that setting, then beef up your text if too small and you may find you like the environment abit better.

    It's worth a try.


  38. I've had a blast figuring out the new template designer, but I'd have to agree with most of the others...I think your old template looked better and loaded faster-for me anyways. I've got to tell you though, you've got the best header! Don't change it! I'm a sucker for those old barn stars :-)

  39. I have to tell you. I just went on our smaller laptop. Oh my. It resembles nothing like what I'm seeing here. Everything is way too close up.

    But the laptop scrolled with ease. What gives?!?

    How odd. Scratching head here...

    Thanks for helping me with this trial. Hopefully it's helped you to stay away from the new blogger settings?? :)


  40. Please go see a screen shot in the main post on what I see vs. what you may be seeing. You will be amazed.

    Which one are you seeing on your monitor?



  41. I see a little bit of the ladder, but not as much as you see. I personally like the old one better because it was funkier =)

  42. I changed my template last night too - mostly because I couldn't resist the funky backgrounds! I still have to fiddle with the size of things (or maybe change my settings on my monitor) because on both yours and mine, I have to scroll back and forth to see the whole thing. Hmmm...I'll check back for tips:)
    Theresa @ justcakesandmore

  43. humm...I loved you other blog look, it felt like my favorite pair of broken in jeans. That said, I like the ladder, and yes mine is jerky when scrolling.

    Have to go check out blogger now, didn't know anything was new. Been awhile since I've blogged been busy reading my peeps blogs....good excuse ay?

  44. After abit of reading (yep, the complaints are coming through nicely out in blogland LOL) I discovered it's the size of their pretty picture templates. Removing the cute ladder seems to have been the main issue.

    I like the format of this so I vow to make it funkier in due time. :) But right now, I just want it to work. I'm getting there.

    I went to a friend's 29" monitor. That ladder picture has this awesome dropcloth all over the floor under the ladder. It's the cutest thing! If you have a 29" VERY fast computer.

    Dear Blogger.. reduce the something or other on those pics! Or we will have alot of slow scrolling blogs.


  45. Hi Donna! That is too funny! I changed mine up today too! Check it out. I really have no clue but I am learning as I go. Have a great weekend! C

  46. Hi Donna -

    I am seeing everything fine on my laptop and it is scrolling and loading fine. Whatever you do always turns out great so just do what feels right. I kind of miss the funky navbar and feeling, but following you for awhile now I know I won't ever be disapointed in whatever you end up doing. I hope you have a nice weekend.

  47. Me too Diane. Your fav Nav bar is back. :) I promise I'll get this joint like that comfy pair of jeans again!


  48. Hi Donna,
    It's looking much better now...good job! I knew you'd figure it out. ;-)
    ~ Jo

  49. I just found your blog, and I'm loving it. This post caught my eye, because I have a widescreen monitor, I didn't even realize there were different views. I don't see you ladder though, and there's no scroll for me on the bottom, just the side. I tried playing with the template too, but it was way over my head. I guess I should create a test blog, and learn some new things on there :-)

  50. I have a pretty big monitor too, and I don't see your ladder..did you remove it? My comment is that it seems clean and easy to navigate. No herky jerky..but no ladder either! I did not notice a loading problem. It must be peoples computers! Don't dumb it what feels right!
    I do agree with keeping it original and familiar, but sometimes a girl has to tweak her stuff!


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