Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Unique projects on FJI

The following links are a collection of FJI's own

~ Unique Projects ~

(please note this is not a public link party)


  1. They are unique and they are also very beautiful!

  2. Those stairs are my favorite. It's so unique and outside of the box. I keep thinking, where can I do that?! It inspires me. Lisa~

  3. In a word - WOW! Thanks for sharing your creativity and talent.

  4. I love it!
    I have an old house from the 30's we were going to
    recarpet the stairs, but that is amazing and so much more within my budget.
    thanks for the amazing idea!!!

  5. Donna! this is great! what a wonderful idea to host a link up part featuring you!! haha. love it!

  6. love your stuff Donna. You are exceptional for sure. Do you mind me asking what decal apparatus you use? I am based in Ireland, so dont think I will make your class!

  7. Hey Gemma, the cutter is a Roland PNC 1000A, and I use CorelDraw and Signlab to design and cut.


  8. I love them all! What a great idea to have them shared here! Thank you.

  9. thank you for sharing such great projects! amazing inspirations!!!

  10. Donna everything that you do is pretty much awesome!!

  11. I totally adore your uniqueness! I think nos. 2 and 3 surprised me the most. You don't have to worry about "thinking outside of the box," 'cause frankly, Donna, I don't think there is a box anywhere near you! Hugs.

  12. What a great way to share your creativity. I'm spending my Sunday looking at these. I love your projects...esp. the ladder ones (I'm still drooling over your ladder Christmas tree). Thanks for sharing with us.


  13. I LOVE this linky post of yours. Seeing all your goodies laid out like this really shows WHO you are and WHAT you're made of....and HOW your creativity shines. You're creations are unique and if I was in a shop like the one your friend posted the other day....I'd buy the wares. And I don't personally go for rusty, chippy, crusty things. In fact I NEVER do. But seeing them all hanging together...now that's a sight! Whether you etsy or warehouse them or dot com them...I guarantee they will sell and Cody may be able to have the college pick of his choice!! Hee!!! And in the meantime, you'd have a blast making and shaking all your creations out to the masses (the DIY blog world HAS become the MASSES, hasn't it?)


  14. Oh and #46 is my all time favorite!!!! Forever and ever!!!

  15. Me again. I was getting carried away at 'pinning' your projects so I just created a "Funky Junk" board on Pinterest for all of your stuff. I hope you don't mind. (I only use your watermarked photos).


  16. Wow Donna, you need to put these projects and ideas into a book! You are just so stinkin talented!! :-)) LaurieAnna

  17. You like the number 5 don't ya!


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