Friday, May 21, 2010

SNS #31 brings you - ladders!

I need your opinions please. Are the photos super washed out on your monitor? Computer issues here today. :(


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #31!

If you're new here, join in! There are now three categories to link to. Home Decor as well as Crafts, Sewing, Recipes, plus the themed link! Check below for this weekend's theme.

Party starts Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm pacific, so you have all weekend to join!

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

~ This weekend's theme ~

For some reason, I ADORE ladders. I think it's their super simple lines. They are whimsically rustic, can be any finish you desire, and they take up virtually no space at all!

Why, here's a little creation I whipped up today in fact! I call it the room divider picket fence side table lamp ladder. Yup! You saw it here first. :)

It's nothing more than a wooden step ladder utilizing boards cut and painted out to look like pickets. Nothing is nailed in place.

Oh, it's such a great place to stash rustic accessories! I haven't had much time to play but maybe one shelf will hold books. I need a place for books.

And the coolest feature is this old something or other galvanized light I mounted from the top. Isn't this crazy?!?

And I should mention, it's double sided. :) I love it because not only does it house a light, you can see right through it with no light obstruction. Yup! I like my funky side table ladder thing. :)

Here's a ladder I snazzied up today too. This one's in my bedroom.

A ladder here is such a great place to display utilizing height, rather than typical shelves or just nailing stuff to a wall.

This corner is right at home for these pretty things in my bedroom.

Here's another I have grouped with an old barn gate in the living room. I like the smattering of bringing up abit of white. It ties in really well with the old gate shutters on the picture windows.

So, what have you done with a ladder lately? Link your post up below in the themed category!

Next week's themed linkup is ...
~ junk ~

Got a piece of junk that you turned into something magical? And by junk I truly mean, something you never thought in a million years you could save. I wanna see a real piece that was destined for the burn pile. Bring it along next weekend, or, get busy already. :)

What would you like for a theme?

I'd love your opinion. If you have a special request for a themed linkup, please share in comments! I'll choose one of your ideas for the following weekend after next!

~ SNS blah blah linkup rules ~

1. Please link up your intended post, NOT your blog homepage url. (post, then click the title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

 3. This party is geared for DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

5. For Home Decor and Crafts, Sewing, Cooking, please link projects up that are new to SNS and within 1 month old. The 3rd weekly themed link may have older posts and not brand new to SNS.

If you can't decide which category to enter yours in, please just pick ONE and go with it. It's all good!

Happy ladder weekend.  :)


  1. i'm a sap for ladders....especially old ones...and ones that function like yours!!

  2. Donna, Your room divider picket fence side table lamp ladder is awesome! I especially love the industrial light on top...super cool. The fact that it can come down in seconds and become something else is perfect for those who ove to rearrange =)

    Love the themes! Would love to see a funky junk garden decor theme. {{the warm weather has got me thinking outdoors}}

    Thanks for hosting - Hope you have a great weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  3. Love the ladders! I'm sorry to say, yes, the photos look a little washed out or bright on my monitor.
    Thanks for hosting another great party!

  4. Darn I wish I would have remembered it was ladder day! I have an old one that I am planning on using in my enclosed porch!

    Well I still linked up to your great party though not ladder link!

    bee blessed

  5. Love your new ladder room divider/shelf! So cool!

  6. I love all of yoru ladders. I have had a ladder in my entry for years. I spruced it up for the theme this week. Thanks for always hosting great parties.

  7. Hi Donna, I love the look of ladders too, terrific room divider! Thanks for hosting! I love the 3 linky thingies...potential themes: Front door decor(???)
    PS. I think the pictures look ok on my monitor.

  8. I love the ladder leaning up against the wall! It looks great!

  9. ARG!! My old laptop went super dark on the screen and my new monitor is way too bright... I'm stumped what it's suppose to look like at this point. :P

    Thanks for your input! I'll mess around abit more.


  10. Lucky you to have so many cool them all! Thanks for hosting a great party!

  11. Brilliant! I love the light on top of your ladder, literally has your brilliance shining through! I have an old straight ladder out in one of the sheds, have to get the bird poop off it before I can do anything, but now, seeing that awesome folding ladder, you have my wheels spinning!

  12. I love all your ladders and just adore all the wonderful funky treasures you used to dress them up. I don't have room or wall space to do any ladder decorating....yet. But I think I'm going to work it in to the scheme. Love your inspirational cleverness.

  13. I think the colors are good. The ladders are fantastic. A tall one that I could lean might be a solution to balance out my bedroom wall! Thanks.

  14. I think your photos looked fabulous....funny I thought my pics where looking funny too tonight...thanks for hosting as always....I am loving the ladder, I have my eye out for one myself.

  15. Photos look great to me. I just bought a ladder at the last flea market still in rough stage...needs to be nurtured. Not in time for this SNS..but then you never know.

    suggestions for about old watering cans, or old windows!

  16. Love the hanging light and really love your bedroom ladder, very pretty!

    I would enjoy a garden art theme?

  17. You have some awesome ladders. The only time I've ever used a ladder for decor was during Halloween, on my front porch. I'm going to think of other ways to use it now. Yay, another thing to decorate.

  18. Only you can "Just whip up a little something" like this! It is a fantastic! This is perfect. I really don't have many places to display the things that I love, and very little in my living room with any height to speak of.

    I absolutely love the galvanized light you incorporated into it as well. Yes it is crazy! Crazy good!

    I really love the ladder you have in your bedroom too! I must find another ladder to paint white...

  19. The ladder in the bedroom is my favorite of the three looks. You staged it perfectly!

  20. Great Ideas for your funky ladders!!

  21. Have I inspired these great ideas?! No, this has Donna magic written all over. I LOVE the lamp inside the ladder, that is over the top good! And I think the vase hanging from your bedroom ladder is a great idea!

  22. Great ladder ideas!!

    Love the way you just throw something together the day of.

    Right now all I'm doing is throwing together my bookkeeping of inventory every day.
    Is there no end to this?

    The solution, my sweet fella says, is to quit buying things.
    Yeah. Like that is ever gonna happen. =))

    Working on an outdoor garden sign to show you soon.
    you're gonna love it.

    hugs and blessings

    barbara jean

  23. Beautifully brilliant! I especially love the one in the bedroom - love the fact you can save your place in your book merely by hanging it over a ladder rung. Very beautifully creative!

  24. LOVE al the ladder displays!! Thanks for hosting :)

  25. I really want an old ladder to hang my quilts on - I have yet to find one! I would love one like in your bedroom - wish I could find one like that! Any suggestions?

  26. Photos may be pale, but could also be the colors presented.
    I think I will be using a ladder as a book shelf.

  27. Wow! I love everything you have done with the ladders!! Beautiful and so creative. And now to check out the DIY projects. Thanks

  28. Great ladder creations! My favorite is the one in your bedroom...I love white.
    Thanks for the link ups...lots to look at.
    Have a great weekend! :) ~ Jo

  29. Donna once again you throw a great party! I am loving the ladder love! I really need to look into getting one...on second thought I will enjoy yours, and maybe wait until my almost 2 year old is done being a daredevil...might not be too soon, but we'll see...that would not be good :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  30. Haha -- I think it's funny that you made a category just for ladders -- you do love ladders!!! The photos aren't really washed out, but it seems like the saturation is kind of flat on them. There is less contrast than you normally have. I hope that is helpful to you! Thank you for hosting the party!

  31. WOW!!! The ladder in your bedroom looks like it was simply meant to be there! It's stunning!

  32. I'm on board except for the room-divider one - can't get my brain around that one yet :).

  33. I think your pictures looked great. So good that I could see how awesome that industrial light fixture is! How do you come up with these ideas that you just "whipped up"?. Love the themed linky party. Thanks for hosting!

  34. Donna, Now you have me on the search for a cool old ladder. I love the metal light you hung from yours, sheer genious! I just linked up and cannot wait for next weeks theme I mean it's a challenge to show our junk! It doesn't get better than that! Thanks for the party! Theresa

  35. Now I wish I had an old wooden ladder! Love yours! Especially that light!! That's so cool!

    Thanks for hosting!

  36. You are amazing! Seriously talented! Every time you create something my jaw drops to the ground. I love your use of ladders. I am featuring this post at

  37. I love the ladder theme this week. I think that may be just the thing to liven up my front porch. I like the other ideas in the comments for new themes. My vote would be for ideas for old windows. I just came across one I’ve had for a number of years, I would love some ideas for it. Thanks for hosting SNS, it really is my fav link party of them all.

  38. #34 Kim, I don't blame you. One bit. :)

    It actually looks way neater in person. My pictures were crappy this round. Too much stuff in the background to capture the unit itself properly. PLUS the ladder I feel needs abit of additional help to make it prettier for indoors.

    Some things look great as is, other things can look tired. I think a light stain to enhance the no finish left wood may be the answer. Or paint it out white and have woodsy shelves.

    Good news! I can collapse it at any time. :)

    Question: Where do I get my ladders?

    Answer: generally from thrift stores. Sometimes from friends that know of my addiction for old stuff. Ladders are a total hit and miss game but worth playing for. :)

    Can I just say how much I enjoyed SNS this weekend? I was in a tither over who to feature! Rock on!!

    FJ Donna

  39. You have such great style.

    And holy cow, there are a lot of entries!! eye candy for hours and hours.

  40. I LOVE the ladder in your room and the light on the one in the living room!
    Thanks for featuring my starfish on the sidebar!!

  41. Donna, I love your ladders! Especially the one in your bedroom! It'f fabulous!
    I never find laddes! :(
    and I'm too broke to buy any. lol
    great job!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!