Monday, May 10, 2010

2000 Followers Event - Draw #5 for a pincushion / pot party!

Welcome to the 2000 Followers Event Draw #5!

Thanks for helping me celebrate what I consider a major landmark. That there are at least 2000 of you that think this little blog is worthy of a visit THRILLS me! Watch the blogroll over the next few days. You'll see lots of festive happenings around here.

Games! Food! Presents! We have it all! 
Be sure to visit the sidebar to enter any draws you may have missed, or click HERE.

So let's start this party already!!

~ Games ~
The Clay Pot Party

Welcome all, to 'THE POT PARTY' you've all joked about and have been waiting for! :)

I adore clay pots! They're rustic, organic, can be left as is or fancied right up. And best of all, they hold stuff. :)

It's my bet some of you did some decadently fancy things with them! However, I'm going to show you a couple of examples of keeping them as plain as ever, yet still having some fun.

When I think of clay pots, I first think plants. So I spruced up my fireplace mantel and used the pots to enhance a few fake greens, as well as adding height and interest. The look gives the mantel a spring look without adding vibrant colour, which suits my own decor.

How about using them as a plain 'ol pencil holder?

Various sizes to the pots separate like minded writing apparatus, and stay organized on a small bookshelf. An antique baking pan sneaks underneath and provides the perfect 'drawer' for note paper in this busy area.

Clay pots left in their natural state add casual warmth to your decor, no matter how they're used!

So, I offered you a challenge. What would you do with a simple clay pot? I'd bet you can outshine what I did without much effort. :) I can't wait to see what you came up with!

The link up is at the bottom of this post, so join in! Posts can be older or brand new. To link back to the pot party, a text link, FJI button or the 2000 Followers balloon picture can all be used.

The pot post that lights me up the most, (heheh) will get 6 more chances to win the big kahoona prize! Good luck and enjoy!


~ Food ~

Oh my gosh. Wait till you see these.

Jellybean cupcakes ala corn on the cob

So funny! I'm not sure I'd be in the mood for cake though if I got my hands on these. Maybe a nice juicy steak to go along with them or something...

~ Presents ~

Oh my oh my oh my... I've been so jealous of all of you lately entering these draws, but this one takes the (cup) cake! (my jokes are getting so corny..) BAHA...

More like bah WAHHH! I WANT!

Sherry, from Creations from my Heart has many specialties. But one of her most endearing ones are her teacup pin cushions. And this gorgeous one is no exception!

A pin cushion VERY similar to the above picture is one of the items up for grabs, but with a surprise funky edge. :) It's made from a sterling silver vintage sugar and creamer set. It has a vintage sterling silver spoon, which is embellished with a pretty button. The pin cushion is nestled in a nest with moss. Valued at only $30, Sherry takes special orders for these custom pin cushions!

Sherry is offering you a choice of some other things to choose from, which you will soon see!

Sherry's ETSY STORE is also loaded with her unique creations, so don't despair if you don't win this round. There's lots to choose from. :)

Make sure you browse around Sherry's BLOG. You will love staying on top of what she's creating next!

Thanks Sherry, for this amazing giveaway!

~ How to enter the draw ~

1. Please visit Sherry's blog HERE.

2. Select which item name you'd like it you won.

3. Come back here to comments and let us know which one you simply must have!

Want more chances?

Follower or subscriber of Funky Junk? Enter again!

Follower or subscriber of today's sponsor? Enter again!

Twitter, Facebook or blog about the draw? Enter for each one!

Post your pot entry in the linkup to try for 6 more chances to win!

That makes up to 6 chances to win!

(and 12 chances for the pot winner!)

Draw will be held by at the end of all the draws held.
Your email must be in either your profile or comment area in order to win.

Don't forget to check out the sidebar for any previous draws you may have missed!

Happy Pin-Pot Day. :)


  1. I've been MIA for a few days so I missed the previous giveaway. I'll get a post about it up soon.

    I love Sherri's pin cushions. In fact, she's in the process of making one for me now. They are so original and I hear the quality is amazing. I love so many of them, like the little red polka dot one on her site. Whoever wins will be thrilled.

    No pots to show you right now - I came by thinking I was gonna high!! lol

  2. Just the ability to get high on clay pots here, baby! :)

    FJ Donna

  3. I think it will have to be the baby shoe pin cushion. So sweet!

  4. OMG they're all gorgeous! I've joined as a follower and if I won, I think the journal would be best for the trip Down Under.

  5. I'm a follower of Funky Junk, I get another shot right?? ;-)))

  6. I follow your blog.

  7. I can not live without the Pretty Teapot Pincushion! I think I might need to buy it right now actually! lol

  8. I already follow Creations of the Heart. Love her stuff!

  9. The pincushion nest is my fav!!

  10. I am a follower of your blog!!

  11. I am a follower of Sharon's blog too!!

  12. I must have the baby shoe pincushion, Donna! With a grandchild due in July, this is just perfect.

  13. Follower? Oh yeah, I'm a follower! Thanks for sharing all this with us!

  14. Love the tea cup pincushion! Thanks for the opportunity.

  15. Your mantel turned out great! Gosh Donna, these events are really going to help me get my projects done. I may be back this weekend - my hubby just pulled an old headboard out of my neighbor's big trash!

  16. i like the sweet baby bootie pincushion.

  17. i'm a follower of Sherry's - all her projects are great and I love her TV show :)

  18. I would love the journal-option 3 if i won,, but the sweet little baby shoe pincushion is adorable.

  19. I'm a follower of Funky Junk.. ha,that sounds like a great tshirt idea, I cant believe you havent thought of that Donna.

  20. Also following Sherry now,, cant wait to find time and check out her videos. Thx

  21. I'm a Funky Follower! Say it loud and say if proud! hehehe

  22. I would love to have the baby shoe pin cushion. Thanks for the opportunity.

  23. I am a faithful follower of Funky Junk!!!

  24. Marvelle: I would love Option #3 - the journal. It is beautiful!

  25. Marvelle: I am a follower of Funky Junk.

  26. #22... quote:I'm a follower of Funky Junk.. ha,that sounds like a great tshirt idea, I cant believe you havent thought of that Donna.

    Me - yeah, but would you actually wear it?!? :)

    FJ Donna

  27. Oh, the nest/teapot pincushion would be my choice! Sign me up please!

  28. And I follow Sherry! I WILL have one of her pincushions!

  29. I LOVE the nest pincushion!! ooh...but I also like the journal...very cute!!!

  30. I am a follower of this blog!!! It's awesome!!!!

  31. I am NOW a follower of Sherry!!! She is very creative!!!!

  32. I am loven me the Friendship Journal!!

  33. I am your follower!!

  34. I am following Sherry!!

  35. I love that sweet baby shoe pin cushion! Adorable!

  36. I would choose the silver pot pincushion, its so fun!. Thanks for the fun giveaways!

  37. Enter me into to the draw. I haven't worked in the yard to show any pics of my pot creation. Am already a follwer of your blog,

  38. Oh, wow! I just love Sherry's teacup pincushion.. how beautiful!

  39. And I now follow Sherry's blog.. what an inspiration!

  40. The silver pot pincushion is pretty. That's my choice.

  41. And I'm now a follower of Sherry's blog.

  42. I signed up to be a followers......really like the journal!

  43. I'm a Funky Junk follower and proud of it....

    #22 post...I would wear a shirt that say's that! Considering I've worn one before that said "I have junk in my trunk" :) *rofl*

    I'm also following Sherry's blog and my pick would be...

    Option #1 sooo adorable!

  44. Everybody needs a cute pincushion but my favorite is the little baby shoe!


  45. I love the baby shoe pincushion! So cute!

  46. I am now a folllower of yours as well ... love your blog!

  47. Forgot to mention I have been a follower of Sherry's.

  48. I love the teapot pincushion, option #1. I'm also a follower of Sherry. Thanks!

  49. I'm a follower AND I subscribe through Bloglines!

  50. Im a follower! I love me some Funky Junk:)

  51. Whew, took me 5 tries to get my pots linked up! But I'm not a quitter! I am a subscriber though!

  52. Oh I would choose #1 in the silver pot! So pretty!

  53. I would like the baby shoe since our pastor's wife is having a baby this fall. :)

  54. I am a subscriber and a follower :)

  55. I like the is it a pin cushion or is it a nest one.

  56. Just wanted to pop back in and say that I love the themed links. All these clay pot ideas are great-and just in time to inspire me to spruce up the deck. Well, when it stops raining that is.

  57. I would love to win the nest pin cushion . Your blog is so nice. Nice ideas .Come Visit.
    Laura Q

  58. Ooh, My favorite is the nest pin cute. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  59. I finally posted my Pot entry on my blog.
    Hey and today is also the day I figured out how to get that celebration picture of yours to post WITH THE LINK!
    I'm slow what can I say.

  60. Of course I follow ...I'm your devoted bloggy friend!

  61. ...and Now I'm a follower of Creations from the heart...
    If I won one of her fabulous treasures...I'd want the journal for sure!
    thanks Donna and Creations from the heart for a chance to win!

  62. In her shop, I love the Cream Pitcher Pincushion, and the blue and white pitcher!
    She is very creative!

  63. I am a follower of Creations from the Heart!

  64. I do follow and subscribe to you! Wouldn't want to miss a thing!

  65. I couldn't think of anything creative to do with a pot, but it looks like there are some great entries so far. Can't wait to see more!

  66. Oh you know I would have to go for the bay shoe pin cushion!!

    Love her creations.

    Great giveaways Donna.


    barbara jean

  67. I am a follower of Sherry's.

    barbara jean

  68. Aaaand, I am one of your many followers!!

    blessings and smiles

    barbara jean

  69. Would love the chance to win the adorable pin cushion! Jackie

  70. I would love to win he Teapot Pin Cushion! Pick me!

  71. I would love to win the baby shoe pin cushion so please enter me. I'm a follower, too.

  72. I'd LOVE the pin cushion/nest!! Got my fingers crossed!

  73. Oh.. I'm also now a follower of Sherry's blog!

  74. I would love to win the baby shoe pincushion! I've been wanting to make one of my own but can't find any nice used shoes.

  75. And I am a follower of yours!

  76. I love the pin cushion/nest. So pretty and it would fit right in with what I created with the pots.

  77. Oh my goodness, I would be thrilled to have any one of Sherry's awesome creations. I have actually beenon the hunt for a pretty teacup and saucer to try to make a pin cushion. But I know I would much rather have one of Sherry's.
    Fingers and toes and eyes are crossed! Thanks for the chance.

  78. Oh I love any of Sherri's pincushions if given the opportunity.

  79. I love the baby shoe pincushion.

  80. I follow Creations From The Heart.

  81. Thanks for all your entries! The contest aspect of this post is now closed. Please stay tuned for the announcement of the 2000 Followers Event coming soon!

    FJ Donna

  82. The baby shoe pin cushion is adorable.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!