Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My 'repurposing in the garden' cat.

I have all kinds of oddities in my garden.

And one of them is an old milk machine. This resides right outside the front door. My pets are especially fond of this one because..

... it's become their rain water drinking hole! :) Even the dog runs for it after a walk. Once in awhile I'll clean it out to keep it fresh for them, but for the most part, the rain takes care of this one. By fluke. I didn't plan this!

Once some outdoor blooms have hit, I'll be showing off all the fun trinkets I have half sunken in the soil. Yep, funky and eclectic here too. No space is safe it seems.

"Ahh... run bug or bird! You are in grave danger cuz you're getting 'the stare!"

Nevermind. The cold fresh water was more enticing than you this round. Consider yourself lucky!

My repurposing cat. Takes after her human. :D

Do you have any creative objects in your garden? Feel free to post your url in the comments. I'd love to see. :)


  1. This reminds me of Hemingway's yard in Key West. He brought a potty home from a bar, and his wife turned it into a drinking fountain for the many cats that lived there. (Although maybe that's taking repurposing too far!)

  2. Aw that makes me miss my cat so much. We had to get rid of ours when we figured out my 2 yr old (now 4) was allergic. She is beautiful!

  3. #2 Kate, that is HILAROIUS! I have a toilet story too.

    During our renos, at one point we had 3 old toilets on the curb. Each morning, my then 9 yr old son would go out with a hammer and ice chip the water inside the bowls. Just because.

    Toilet Chipping is what we named that sport. And I have the picture to prove it. Will have to post it some time. :)

    FJ Donna

  4. I made a plant chandelier for my shade garden! Email me if you want a photo.

  5. Your kitty is gorgeous! And has that "stare" down pat!
    Can't wait to see your garden..mine is still in the planning stages

  6. What is funny/drives me crazy at our house is that the cats will drink water like that but INSIDE if their water isn't a fresh bowl, they sit at it in disgust and complain until it is dumped and refilled.

  7. I've been looking for some funky stuff for the garden. Nothing!

  8. I posted a photo of a sneak peek at what I was making for my garden, here is a link:
    Garden sticks !!! When it is nice enough out I will post a photo of them outside !
    The Litle Things

  9. Your cat is beautiful and thats quite the set up you have back there for the pets! I have a little antique wash basin in my yard that I made into a table. Check it out!

    Hope you're doing well Donna (hugs)

  10. Hi Donna ,, i always love coming to your blog and seeing whats new,, your cat is gorgeous. This is my "sprinkler" on some days,, others it just sits pretty in the flower garden.

  11. What a beautiful cat! He looks like my Diego a/k/a Usted Pequeño Diablo!

    ~ Tracy

  12. I loved the photos! Your cat looks just like one of mine that passed away last fall!!! She was such a sweet girl, we miss her. Thanks!

  13. I have a big galvanized bucket that collects rain water that I use to water my plants! My dog is too little to drink from it! She likes drinking out of the saucers though once I water the plants too much!


  14. So you do this stuff outside too? Oh no.

  15. What a cute post. Your kittie is so pretty and quite fiesty! Love the garden ornaments too.


  16. Oh yeah, we have a couple of interesting things in our garden. Here's one:
    I'd love to see more of whatever you have in your garden that's different and interesting!

  17. I have lots of junk in my gardens! You are probably not surprised. I even have one of those fluffy things that you have. Of course it's not as fluffy as yours.

  18. Love the pictures! WE WANT TO SEE MORE!!!

    Wishing for the big-landscaping project here...some day...but not this year!!! Too many other projects that need to get done first..

    In the meantime, here's what I have....(no laughing and pointing allowed!!!)

  19. I just found your blog from Beneath My Heart and have been trying to go back through your posts... love your sharing and honesty, thanks!

    I have a few garden blog posts, but darn can't find exactly what I was looking for, but here's a cute one

    my mom puts broken golf clubs in her garden to tie up creeping plants. She also makes bird houses.... but I make garden greeting cards, does that count?

  20. That is too stinkin cute! Your kitty is beautiful!


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