Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm inspired by Flea Market Trixie

I love this idea. Maggie at The White Farmhouse is hosting a monthly Thank-you for Inspiring Me link party. My first thought was, how on EARTH can I choose just one?!? Thankfully, there will be more, so I can disperse the love around. Whew! The pressure! :)

Someone who's been on my mind lately is

Why? Her style is simply impeccable.

She has a wonderful way with junk. She knows how to make it look GOOD. You're looking at galvanized rust here, however the staging with the florals and flowers just bring this little corner to life in the most beautiful way. Sometimes my own junk creations look abit 'cold'. She's inspired me to pretty it up!

She's not afraid to try new things never done before. This headboard was created out of a settee and closet doors. She simply built the puzzle until it was a pleasing end result and put it to work. I think this headboard is wildly creative and such a head turner!

Her staging efforts leave you desiring to be there. I mean, when I first saw this photo, the condensation on the glasses spun me around, making me feel thirsty. The coconut cookies had me wanting to bake these and I don't even like coconut.

Her sign skills. Signmaking is an art in itself. Being a signmaker for 15 years, you have to know your scale, white space around your graphics so things don't feel too tight, how to mount, what looks good, etc. T's signs in my eyes allows you to appreciate their beauty, breathe around the graphics and simply enjoy the unique way they're mounted. A hit in every aspect.

Her use of her fav colour. I'm not a colour person myself and use it sparingly. However T knows how to use her fav tone without overpowering a room. It's there, it's beautiful and soothing but the room isn't encased in it like a cave. The balance and distribution are perfect. It's a pleasure to view one of decorating world's hottest trends used in such a stylish way!

And then there's her photography skills. Look at any of her blog photos. She only uses the best shots. And those best shots make your work absolutely shine! I know the work that entails. I take up to 100 shots of any one given item and choose only the best. It's my bet she clicks like mad and does much of the same.

In my opinion, Flea Market Trixie has nailed all the components of a great decorator and wonderful blog friend. Her disposition is very sweet and supportive. She continues to show ME the beauty in normal everyday things and how to use colour. I knew she'd be a top runner when I first spotted her in blogland. And I have to admit, I'm generally right, as I was this time. :)

Thanks T, for inspiring ME! :)

Who inspires you? Jump on over to The White Farmhouse to link up!

You asked for it so I'm delivering!

Something new is up at SNS each weekend and I'd like your opinion. All can still link up, so see you there!  Bring along a previous 'dresser' post ready to link up if you wish to play on the new feature. :)


  1. She inspires me, too! Love both of your stuff, and definitely enjoyed watching ya on SYTYCD. MOUAH to you both! ;)

  2. Loved this post. I will be visiting her blog - sounds wonderful.

  3. What a great post! It is nice to know that the big girls have inspirations too. I can see why you like her style. LOVE THAT COLOR!!

    Thanks for playing and introducing Flea Market Trixie!

  4. She is so very talented. I love looking at her posts too, and it isn't even because she happens to use my favorite colors!!

  5. Wow! She so talented!!! Thanks for introducing my to my new Blogger Best Friend.

  6. Donna you are the bomb!! I love Trixie's Stuff too! Your style is as wonderful as hers!
    smiles, alice

  7. I have to say that I totally agree with you Donna! Trixie is very inspiring and I always enjoy reading her posts and seeing the pictures she has paired it with.

  8. Yep this girl puts the "tricks" in Trixie!

    She is one talented chick and like you Donna so very gracious and willing to share your how to's.

    Thank you both!!

  9. Beautiful! I love it all.
    I've enjoyed going through your blog.
    Stop on by to see this week's thrift store finds.
    I'll be following!
    Laura @Enjoying the simple things

  10. This girl knows stlye! I love her pictures they are so fresh looking. You always have tons of inspiration on your blog. Thanks for sharing this and I'm heading over to The White Farmhouse to check out her blog and I hope you don't mind me following yours! Be Blessed.

  11. I agree, Donna! Her photos are beautiful & peaceful.

    I love the bits of color she adds in, too. Her style and taste are impeccable and she does really neat things with her unique finds...her home must joyfully flow.

    You are so kind to feature her!

  12. You were one of my top 10 referrers for this week! Thank you so much!! I've given you a big shout-out THANK YOU on my blog here:

    Thanks again!

  13. Her home is seems so peaceful and soothing. And I love the side table she made! Very inspiring indeed!

  14. 'she has a way with junk'~ From you... a compliment!
    what a favorite :-)

  15. Yes inspiring to say the least- You are just as Inspiring as she is- i want to try everything i see-ore re-design our home-my shop .Love the pic's and the sign.Love it All

  16. I love that blog - thank you so much for featuring it.

  17. You both inspire me! I always look forward to coming to your blogs and see what new things you have been working on!!! Lovely, lovely work!! Congratulations to both of you!!

  18. I like how you organized the links like that! I also love that dresser.

  19. that dresser is FAB!

    the new featured link is a great idea.

    trixie is an inspiration to all of us. what a sweet post. her color & what she creates leave me speechless at times.


  20. She is one of my favorites and must reads as well.

  21. thank you for sharing the wonderful inspiration! I enjoyed my visit here tonight...and will pop over to check out Trixie! :)

  22. I have to agree with you 100%. FMT does a fabulous job with her skills and photos post after post. How nice of you to cast your vote on such a worth receprient.


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