Friday, March 5, 2010

SNS #20 brings you - a Jaz-zy giveaway!


Welcome to Saturday Nite Special #20!

If you're new here, kick off your shoes and join in! The theme is always a  DIY themed anything goes, so feel free to post your project, past or present that you're proud of so we can clap along with you!

Party starts at Fri night and ends Sunday 11pm, so you have all weekend to join.

I LOVE to highlight inspiring posts during the event on the sidebar, so make sure you check in several times over the weekend. You may be next. :)

This Weekend's Feature

For those of you that are new, I'd love to introduce to you,

Christine from Jaz Creations!

Christine has a specialty that is ultra unique in every sence of the word. She creates...

... amazing images...
... in a digital format...

... called fractal art.  Aren't they cool?!?

What is fractal art?

From Christine's blog -

"Fractal art is created on a computer using specialized mathematical formulas. Every element of my work – shape, color, texture, and lighting – is controlled by these mathematical formulas, and I, in turn, control the formulas by manipulating their parameters. Each image is a collage of many layers that are merged together to create the final work."

I'd personally love to hang out hovering over her shoulder while she creates to see what's all involved. I think the images are spectacular. Talk about an amazing DIY project...

Christine does indeed have an Etsy store displaying her fabulous prints for sale, so take a peek inside to see different designs, price points and sizes!

So let's have a giveaway already!

Aren't they pretty?!?

I'm sooo excited for you! Christine has a special one click page all set up on her blog, giving you a choice of 10 selected prints as a giveaway this weekend! TEN! The giveaway is valued at $30 and will be shipped right to you!

I have no idea how you'll  pick which one. I wish you luck!   Don't forget to offer up some comment love to Christine for her generosity. :)
 How to enter the giveaway:

1. Visit Christine's blog post  HERE, and choose which item you'd like if you won.
2. Come back here to the comments and...

- let me know the name of the print you'd like if you won (mandatory to win)
- your email if it's not on your profile nor blog (mandatory to win)

This draw is open to all! No SNS DIY entry required to sign up! The winner will be chosen by

Want more chances?

Blog, Tweet or Facebook about this giveaway to get up to 4 entries total!

(just add a new comment for each one)

Blah blah rules for the SNS linkup:

1. Please link up your intended  post, NOT your blog. (post, then click on title of your post, cut and paste that url)

2. Please put a link in your post that leads back to the party so others can see what's up! (scroll button on sidebar if you wish)

3. I've allowed 75 characters in the link title area, so go ahead and tell us you blog name AND project description. Go ahead. There's room. :)

*4. This party is geared for *DIY type projects we can all attempt to make ourselves. Items for sale may be linked up IF your entry is posted on your blog and in tutorial style (unless making the item is self explanatory).

Thanks Christine for your generous sponsorship this weekend!

Good luck, and let's DIY party!

Thanks soooo much for your votes! This junker achieved 3rd! New post up Sunday 6pm pacific!
Yikes! Here we go again...


  1. What amazing creations! I love the colors.

  2. You were right... it is hard to pick a favorite! But, I think I would have to say Early Autumn Frost is my favorite! It is beautiful!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting another great SNS!

  4. Abalone in the Moonlight. There - I had to get that out before I changed my mind again! Those are seriously amazing - thank you so much for sharing her pictures. And thanks for hosting too!

  5. abalone in the moonlight is my fave

  6. Her work is amazing and totally mind boggling! I love it! Favorite?? I still love the snowflake one from winter, but the moon light one is awesome too!

  7. When do you find time to eat?

  8. Her stuff is really unique! i love the summer breezes one--the perfect colors!

  9. I too had a very difficult time choosing just one, but I did and it is Abalone in the Moonlight!
    It's gorgeous! Thank you for giving us a chance to win!

  10. I really fell in love with #6 Miahmia....thank you!


  11. I love them all...Abalone in the Moonlight would have to be the one I would choose...but it is hard. Miahmia is amazing also!

    amyyellowstone at yahoo dot com

  12. Oh you guys are driving me crazy!! I need to get off this thing and get outside already. I'll be back later. Wonderful DIY's! WOW WOW WOW!

    Good luck on the draw! Go go go!

    FJ Donna

  13. Thanks Donna! On congrats on finishing # 3 in SYTYCD! Way to go! You got my vote!

  14. Thank you for your sweet comment on All Things Thrifty. I love your amazing blog. I loved your week one post, and I can't wait to see your week two project!

  15. #8 summer breeze is my favorite. Although all of them are wonderful

  16. Absolutely gorgeous. Hard to pick but Miahmia is my favorite.


  17. Early Autumn Frost is calling my name... but they are all absolutely fantastic!

  18. funny how that COKE crate get's around, huh?! I also have some in yellow that my hubby found on the side of the road! Thanks for keepin' up the Sat. night special. I always chack out the etrys even though I've missed out on some lately because our house is up for sale.
    i don't know how you juggle SO much! You are a very talentaed and spirited women. Happoy Sunday Donna!

  19. Wow, do you have the talent posting over here in these SNS parties! I got nothin' once again, but will enjoy browsing the links of the party-goers.

    Can I still have the food?


  20. Early Autumn Frost!
    And I know Christine personally - great woman and very talented ;)

  21. Thanks for hosting another great party! I love coming over here and seeing everyone's great ideas and projects! :o)

  22. lamichell@sbcglobal.netMarch 7, 2010 at 10:54 AM

    wow these are beautiful!! I love miahmia!!

  23. Choice #3 - Camille

    As always, I love your work Christine. Thanks for sharing this cool blog with us.

  24. I love miahmia :)

  25. Such a hard choice! I think I would pick Summer Breezes. :)

  26. The 2nd one because I love the colors!

    Jessica -

  27. Gorgeous work! Since I have to pick just one I have to say that I adore Summer by the Sea--thanks!

    Stacy -

  28. Gosh, it was hard to choose but I think I decided on Summer Breeze.

  29. Abalone in the Moonlight! I agree that Christine is an amazing person as well as an artist!

  30. Thank-you for all your wonderful entries! The contest aspect to this post is now closed. A winner will be announced very soon!

    FJ Donna

  31. Beautiful work by Christine!!! Good luck to all who entered!!

  32. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments! I also absolutely love all the creative links!

    Good Luck to all!

  33. Such beautiful creations. I would love the opportunity to own and proudly display "Summer Breezes"


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!