Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Workshop Before and After Event - voting starts Sun 11pm

Welcome to  the Workshop Series brought to you by

 Funky Junk Interiors and Mustard Seed Creations!

 Today Miss Mustard Seed is wrapping up her decorative painting seminar with a guest who will teach you some awesome painting tips! PLUS, a link party with multiple giveaways! WOW! So strut on over and see how to participate.

First, let's get started with Funky Junk's own version:

Creating your Workshop
Before and After Party

Welcome to the event where we get to help you celebrate all your hard work! First up is the link party, to link up your workshop befores and afters. After the link feature is over, you get to vote for your fav! On with the show!

How about a little recap down memory lane?
And then I have a new video for you. :)

Creating your Workshop

Entire series to date  HERE

- how virtually anywhere can be made into a productive workspace

- video spoof on purging
- a before of my own big mess of a garage

- how to ensure your chosen area will work best for what you need
-mini video on the pending giveaway

- where to search for inspiration
- where to shop for needed stuff
- making what you already have work
- easy makeshift tables like the ladder/board trick above
- goofy thrift store video

Loads of setups and easy to do install ideas covering:
- lighting
-hanging apparatus

6. and 7. Recap for Shopping and Installing

- with cord wrapping video

8. Before and After Party. Let's go!!!
My before and after

To watch on Vimeo's larger screen, click HERE.

I sincerely hope your workshop stays cleaner longer than mine did. :)

How about a giveaway?

What you ask? Hmmm...

What is something that may help further beautify your workspace?

How about some pretty new labeling? See the black number? How cute would they look tied to a basket, or around the neck of an antique jar?

I can create any sized decal of a number or letter. In pretty much any colour, size and font.

All I need from you is to know what YOU desire.

Yup. You get to choose some custom made labeling I'll create to your specs! For any room in your home!

You can choose:

a saying
a reversed stencil
the number tags as shown

These decals will stick directly to:

(may damage drywall upon removal)
card stock
semi gloss painted wood
non silicone plastics

Who can win?

One will win by the best before and after, and one will win by an eligible random draw from comments! Yes, that's 2 draws! So EVERYONE has a chance. :)

Both winners can choose up to 2 different selections from the choose list. So get your designer label thinkin' caps on. It's all up to you!

How to enter

Option #1:  Before and After Entry 

Up until Sun 11pm Pacific

Enter your before and after to the link party.
Please link back to the party with the button or text. We want more voters in on this! :)

Option #2. Comment Entry

Up until Mon 11pm Pacific

1. If you wish to be a part of the giveaway, in comments, let me know what you'd do with the decals/labels. Only those that specify this will be entered in the draw. I'd like this to go to someone who desires it. :)

How to Vote
Watch for the poll!

Vote between Sun 11pm - Mon 11pm, pacific time.

 A poll will be set up on the sidebar widget AFTER the link feature has ended. Please cast your vote for your favorite! Winners will be announced Tuesday.
Please support our hard working workshop entries and leave lots of comment love. These gals (and guys?) deserve it!

Funky Junk's Workshop Series



  1. i LOVED the before and after video... especially the ending... "once a junker always a junker" LOL awesome!

  2. Awesome as usual! Love your storage ideas - decor at it's best. I am going to try really hard to get the rest of the programs loaded back on my computer so I can join the fun {darn computer crash}! Can't wait to check out the links. You rock Donna - Thanks for great series!...oh and I can't wait to see what you do with the rusty gorgeous metal bed rails ...they are to die for!

  3. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who cleaned it up, only to fill it back up. I've been loading and editing my pictures for a few hours now! Too tired to write up a post right now though (2:40 am here!), so I'll be back tomorrow with it.

    Great video. You were so lucky to get those cabinets for the garage. ENVY.

    Whatcha gonna do with those metal headboards? I'm guessing gates of some sort? I just saw one in someone's house that she had put in the garage with big hooks on it for the family's hats, gloves, scarves, coats, etc. She had a trough under it for shoes. It was great - and me with no camera. boo.

    About the birdcages I spotted in that video. I used to cut the them in half, and then cut the front and backs off and then hinge them back on there so I could prop the door open. I'd put nests inside with eggs and a bird and newspaper confetti and sell them at market. I always sold whatever I took.

    I'd really like to get my hands in that pile! How in the world did you get so much in one week?!

  4. LOL Polly... that post is upcoming! Whadda day I had. :) A friend gave me a call telling me her parents were moving and needed to get rid of their antiques they'd collected for YEARS. No dealer had hit their home yet. If I had the space and funds, I would have bought the works. Amazing collection. I stopped shopping when I ran outa money. :)

    Headboards? NO idea yet. Aren't they cool???

    Heads up all! If you need extra time to link up, please tell me. I'll delay cutting off the entries for another day. I thought everyone was done lightyears ago but am now finding out a few of you are scrambling to meet the deadline.

    Who needs more time? A raise of hands please???

    FJ Donna

  5. You are too funny!!! Yet you ALWAYS have GREAT ideas :) That's why I keep coming back!

    I linked up to the workshop series and I'd love a set of the number vinyls. I am LOVING how everything has numbers on it lately. Yet another great idea!

    Thanks for hosting!

  6. Your video was great and I was really enjoying your progress, but wasn't "feeling it" until the very end where the junk came back. Now THAT is real life! Gotta love a clean workspace, but what good is it without lots of junk to work on? Of course that's just my excuse not to do the much needed purging...
    Thanks for hosting this series, it was so fun to follow and I'm looking forward to following your progress in the 'So you think you can decorate' contest.

  7. Great video!!! I agree...when all the stuff came back I said....yup just like that!!! LOL!!
    Thanks hun

  8. i was dancing while watching the video - love that song!

  9. Other than the fact that I wanted to here you SING the song, I loved the video!

    And you throwing stuff on your neighbors yard was HILARIOUS!

  10. Thanks so much for the advice. reading your series did help me get out there, despite the coldness. Mine will never be 'done', but I am proud of the progress...:D

  11. How cool is it that I was working on my workshop at the same time you were running this series. Checking in here every week has kept me on task ... thank you for the bloggy kick-in-the pants. I can't wait to see what everyone else has done!


  12. I would love to win the decals, I have a few metal bins that store some of my sons "junk" and it would be cool to have one of them numbered or say "junk" on it;}
    Thanks, and I am tackling my work space as soon as it warms up!{hopefully my neighbors won't return their goodies}teehee

  13. Donna. I am "adopting" your Junker quote!!!

    It's so fitting at my house too...!

    I love the chicken storage nests. I love the headboards. I love the....oh, cripes, it's all good!

    Thanks for the inspiration. If I could only stay focused on one room at a time, I'd be good to go. Guess that's why the bank gave me a 30-year mortgage. It'll take that long to get this old house DONE.

    Happy Wednesday!

  14. Donna

    Sorry I couldn't get my pics together for this event. Not quite finished and don't want to show an unfinished room.
    I purged! Check.
    I did the board and batten. Check.
    I painted! Check.
    I framed window! Check.
    Did more painting! Check.
    Was just about to go shopping for a great light fixture when I became ill! un-Check. Life has thrown me a curve. I must adhere to some strict guidelines from my health practitioner presently which has kept me from finishing on time.
    I just want to say Thank you for the kick-start I needed to get this project under way. I may not have finished, however, I am very proud of what I have accomplished a a short few weeks. "My Little Chic Workshop" is my inspiration to conquer that which is inflicting my health. I look forward to completing this project soon. I guess I have to throw in the towel and actually enlist the help of hubby. Thus far I have done all the work!
    Looking forward to seeing all the link-ups for this series. WAY TO GO GALS! You ALL rock!!

    Donna...you are awesome! Thank you for the great video. I so wish you'd move in next door
    to us :-)


  15. Love your line right below the video
    "hope yours stays clean longer than mine did!"

    Oh. So. True!
    They don't stay clean long when you are a junker/creative person. =0)
    Nice while it lasts though, isn't it?


    barbara jean

  16. Donna~

    Great video.

    I can't believe it's time already.
    I'm in shock. Frozen with fear... I'm NOT FINISHED YET!!!!

    I too have had an illness...I know, no excuses.

    I'm scrambling to get done. I promise I'll post something.
    I'm glad your giving us until Sunday.

    thank you , thank you, thank you.

    for the whole series AND!
    for the extra DEADLINE.

  17. You guys are a riot. No one said a peep during the series. I thought you were all nodding off in sleep zone with my boring garage redo. And here you're all hustling now. Well, 'bout time you joined the club!!! :)

    Yup. Nothin' like a deadline to get the job done, right gang? We'll be here. Waiting. :)

    FJ Donna

  18. I didn't make it. I started cleaning up the work area and then I started to work on some projects, messing it up completely again and that develish circle a few times.
    I would love a decal. A major bedroom makeover is planned for this year and I have a piece of wall above a bay window that would be perfect for a dreamy text.

  19. Oh my I would love to win the decals... A set of numbers to place above hooks so the boys can be accountable for their towels. Or a lovely word or saying to grace the space above the door/window in the dining room!

    The before/after workshop challenge is a wonderful idea... hmm, but I have to pass. Right now we are just trying to unpack 1800 square feet of stuff into 1300 square feet. But I am so envious of the "junking" trip! Ah the packrat in me... And that cauldron planter!! My grandma had one in her "front" yard which she changed the color of every decade or so. Let me see, white, black, turqouis, seafoam green (that was left over from the 60's I think but it was around when I was a young child in the early 70's)! Oh Ah the memories!

  20. Boy George singing in the background???? You crack me up!

    I know you're gonna do something so out-of-this-world amazing with those metal headboard things! And that giant pot thing in the truck??? (How interesting that it's called a cauldron. That could be misleading!) Oh yeah, I would have bought that for sure! We don't have a garage and only have a partial basement. I envy you! Your garage is amazing. With all the paraphernalia hanging there it looks like you could go out and build houses. Where do you store your scaffolding and your front loader?

    Thanks for extending the deadline. Reminds of when I used to "cram" for a test!!!

    I love hanging out here

  21. Thanks so much for extending the deadline ~ I'll be back Sunday!!!!

  22. this was fun...i posted my video tour on my magazine...enjoy the tiny space where i make magi happen!!!

  23. What fun to use these labels in so many ways! I am thinking using them to decorate and organize my craft room-

  24. #14 Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your health issues slowing (stopping!) you down. When you are ready for the reveal, please email me. I'd like to feature it. :)

    Get better soon!

    FJ Donna

  25. Wow Donna you did an amazing job... too bad someone came in and dropped off all that stuff off in the middle of the night... LOL...

    Love those decals... can you make spice names for a little spice box in washed out gold... I have been looking all over for them.

    Great job...

    Hugs, Deb

  26. I wish I had my own workspace area to do a Before and After of, but that won't happen for another few months. I can't wait to see everyone elses' though!
    I would love love love decals with numbers! I honestly couldn't say what I would do with them yet until I move into my new place, but rest assured that I would figure out something great for them!!

  27. I'm finally done.

    I got the room.
    Got it purged.
    Got it all put back together. Yay! Let's party.

    If I won your great decals- I think it would be simply.

    "Put it back when you're finished with it!"


    something really smart like that. LOL
    Thanks for hosting this workshop. It was great.

  28. Wow, there are some really great rooms here. I am so loving that cabinet island. And Stephanie's work space - oh my, I love that!


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!