Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Creating your own Workshop Part 5 - Developing your Plan

Welcome to  the Workshop Series brought to you by

 Funky Junk Interiors and Mustard Seed Creations!

 Today Miss Mustard Seed is leading Part 5 of her decorative painting seminar. She's going to show you where to find inspiration so you know just the right touches a piece needs in order to shine! And she has an amazing before and after Goodwill lamp as the perfect example. Wait till you see what she's done!

First, let's get started with Funky Junk's series,

Creating your own Workshop

Entire series to date  HERE
2. Purge (with goofy purge video)
4. Search for inspiration and ideas (with goofy thrift store video)
5. Develop your plan
6. Go shopping
7. Install

#5. Developing your plan

Sorry, no goofy video this week. :) Videozone resumes next week again when you get to see me wrap a fancy dancy cord. :) (you could always catch a rerun listed up above if you're totally devastated) Instead, how about a TON of pictures?

It's finally time to have some real productive fun now! Here's where you're going to mentally take all that inspiration and implement your ideas.

We all have different areas with different needs. Due to that, I thought what may be most helpful here is to show you the pros and cons on how I've managed to make my own space work. Warning: these pics aren't very decorator pretty, but should be informative.

Tips on setting up:

1. Cabinets
2. Tool storage
3. Lighting
4. Heat
5. Wall mounting
6. Wood storage
7. Paint storage
8. Spray booth idea

1. Cabinets

The cabinets I have are price efficient melamine, uppers only. Reason for just uppers? I wanted all the lower areas to be removable to maximize mobility and space.

Note the cabinets are placed at the far end of the garage. This is out of truck parking range, which still leaves me a choice to park inside the garage.

The lowers you see here are two loose bases with a board on top. So many advantages here, but the biggest would be, you can create any size top you wish!

If you wish to have some lower cabinet storage, mobile gives you more options.

2. Tool Storage

I realize everyone and their dog has a metal tool chest. But honestly, I don't get it. I'm grateful to have it, however it frustrates me to no end that I can't see inside the drawers. (I can label, but I'd rather SEE, not read) Inventors, heed my advice! Create clear drawer fronts! The unit is ultra sturdy, and does what it's suppose to, however in a perfect world, I'd prefer an open shelving system with different sized bins.

Sort of like this one found at Costco. Except the bins should have clear lids to keep sanding dust out. There's always something!

I have an empty thread cabinet sitting here. Any takers? I prefer keeping nails and screws in their original boxes inside one big box. That way I can grab the one big box and carry the works to my project, not 100 fiddly drawers that can tip when transported.

Pegboard is your best friend in tool country! LOVE this stuff. You can see your stuff and change your mind 101 times a day. To install pegboard, you need to screw on strips of wood behind the pegboard in order to create the space needed for hooks. But it is very easy to cut and customize.

3. Lighting

Take note of your light overhead before you set up work stations. See how the open garage door eats up a bunch of ceiling space? That end of the garage is always dim.

Here's how the lights are set up on the other end of the garage. They're placed for side tasking areas yet amazingly enough, still throw out tons of light centrally. Task lighting is still a good idea and easy to add. A simple lamp will do the trick.

4. Heat

An el cheapo baseboard heater was installed along one wall. This thing heats up the single car garage beautifully! There are other heating options out there, however baseboard is safe around fumes and is quiet to run. I've had large plug in heaters, and although noisy and less efficient, they might be a better choice if no wall space is avail.

5. Mounting

In order to mount heavy stuff, you need to ensure you're hitting studs in the walls for support. What my past carpenter did was, he'd screw (always screw, not nail) boards horizontally in desired areas, attaching to the studs, leaving you with loads of hanging options. This is a quick fast easy way to hang most anywhere in any weight. You can also make the boards disappear by painting them out with the same wall colour. I just sort of forgot about mine over time. :)

See that fancy yellow cord? I'm going to show you how to do that next week.

Here's a closer shot of how boards were mounted in between the shelving brackets. Anywhere on that board is free game for mounting hooks!

Place your support boards two deep and you can have more hanging options. This zig zag positioning nearly doubles up your storage space for long handled objects.

Wood Storage

You'll need a place to store wood vertically, and a quick fix is behind a work table. Boards stacked like this take up very little room and still allow a working area in front of them. Space efficient to the max!

For the REALLY long stuff, I have some running from shelf to shelf above head height.

These shallow shelves allow for heavier larger storage below, and smaller boards above.

Paint Storage

Don't forget to think UP. This shelf is near the ceiling (allowing 2 cans to stack) to maximize head space below. The final reveal will show you the entire shelf as this is only half of it.

Spray booth

If you spray paint anything, you already know what a mess over spray can make. Here Miss Mustard Seed shows us how she's set up a makeshift spray booth in her own basement. I've also heard of this done with shower curtains as well. I'll be trying to do something similar in the future with my own space.

Me - "So Miss Mustard Seed, do you have any setup tips to add that has worked well for you? Anything you plan to do differently than how you have it now?"

MMS - “I am a huge fan of open shelving and peg board as well. I like everything to be organized, visible and accessible. We have big plans for our workshop area. My husband recently acquired a large table saw, band saw, and drill press, so we need to rearrange the shop to work around these larger tools. Improved lumber storage will be in the works as well. We’re also planning to build a spray room with a ventilation system for my spraying.

Me - "That sounds awesome! I can't wait to check out how you'll do the spray room. Any other tips to add misc. wise?"

 MMS - "I think one of the best tips I can share is to make clean-up a part of the project. You’re not finished until you put your tools and paint back where they belong. Once you spend time to find a home for everything that works for you, keep it that way. This will save you a lot of time and frustration in the future. “

Me - "I totally agree! Why throw all your hard work away by not keeping up? The end result is having to do it over again. The workshop requires regular housework too. Every so often, doing a deeper cleaning will help you stay ahead of the having-to-gut game."

Next time?

6. Shopping
7. Install


We've actually already covered #6 and #7 in previous posts, so I'll only lightly recap on them, and bring you some other added tips. I'll also show you a video on how to do up that fancy cord wrapping trick you spotted in a pic, as well as another variation.

If there's anything else you'd like covered during this seminar, now's your chance to let me know, because the following week after that, is...

Wed Feb 24

There ya have it! 2 more weeks!

Your turn!
In comments, let's hear...

Is there anything else you'd like to touch on before this session is a wrap?
Have any tips of your own to add on the setting up topic?
Wanna prove to me what's so great about a metal tool chest?!? :)
Will 2 weeks be enough time for YOUR reveal?

After your comments, head on over to Mustard Seed Creations and enjoy what she's created especially for today's workshop. Wow...

Funky Junk's Workshop Series

Only 2 more weeks! Will you be ready?


  1. Oooh I wanna workshop! (whine, whine) I'm sure I would be so much more productive. Great info!

  2. Productivity definitely is on the rise here! Now that I've stop staring at the space I've worked on!!!

    Donna, I'm using some of your ideas!!!!! Thank you!!!!!

    Suggestion: Clean UP Tips
    I know that may sound kind of "preschool" but some folks (me) just throw things around while they're creating....that could actually be an argument for the creative process, I realize. I agree with you and MMS that cleaning up is integral to productivity and a continuum of the process. When there's a huge, mountain like mess, UGH, who wants to go there and do anything? Maybe I'm the only one like that?? I've trained myself to this mode of operation while cooking/baking in the kitchen. Maybe it's just self explanatory.

    I love this series! Going over MMS's right now!

    Thank you,

  3. Your workshop is so tidy. I bet it is more fun to be creative in a place where you know where everything is. Thanks for the post!

  4. So nice to see different work areas. I saw the lamp and it is awesome.

  5. Love seeing your work space and that gives me some new ideas. I have heavy duty stand alone storage shelves on one wall and on each shelf is two large see-thru plastic bins with lids. So I can see what I have in there. So I agree with you and seeing inside the bins and drawers. That is the best!

  6. This is really a great series Donna! Our garage is fairly well organized, but will need a tidying in the spring.

    I so agree about the nails/screws kept in their original containers. I had several of those mini drawer things and had one tip over once- nightmare of a clean up.

    Plus, in their original containers nails/screws/ anchors are stored with their info, namely screw type (wood, drywall etc.) and number (#6, #8) and also length. Same size are together for the same project too. No guessing involved when you are trying to match a screw # to a wall anchor, when you need replacements etc.

    I like your out of the way paint storage, but we have to keep ours inside (freezing temps. for much of the winter).

  7. Wow! I'm impressed. That is quite the makeover. Could you come and do mine next? I assure you that there would be lots of interesting photos to post! :)

  8. Wow,
    your garage/workspace is so organized and spacious.
    I guess the spaciousness is due to the newly organized effort you've put in it, but still, isn't that what we're trying to accomplish?

    I've lost a little steam and momentum this week. Was under the weather (he he ...) not snow, but sick. I hope to have it all done by the time this workshop is finished.
    Then I'll be able to say with satisfaction...


    I do have surprise 'repurposing'in my workspace. I can't wait to reveal also.
    It's gonna be 'FAN'tastic.

  9. WOW!! Great job!

    Would love to start out with such an organized, clean space.
    In my dreams at the rate i am going.
    Still have not finished even half of inventory. =0/

    Blessings on your my friend.

    barbara jean


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!