Monday, January 25, 2010

You, our sponsors and tanks.

Wasn't this past week amazing?

I'd love to hear what you thought of it in the comments. Was it too much? Great fun? Your input helps me create better events so thanks for taking the time to natter with me.

Thanks for all of you that participated, followed, subscribed, visited, and sponsored. I hope I can inspire you in all things creative in the near future! I so miss my decorating posts - coming soon soon soon.

Our sponsors totally deserve abit of extra praise, do they not? I hope you found their blogs worthy of a 2nd peek.

The following draws are open until Jan 30. And here they are in one blast!

Draw #7 - Make Mine Beautiful - work apron choices

A must have for any DIY kinda gal. Beautiful and functional.

(enter choice HERE)

Draw #6 - The Old Post Road - hand illustrated print choices

Hand done illustrations created into prints, in beautiful brights to make you smile!

(enter choice HERE)

Draw #5 - Living Life Creatively - bird design choice

Adorable handmade fabric birds with a specialized touch to each of them.

(enter choice HERE)

Draw #4 - Treasures from the Heart - shoe nest or picture choice

Victorian inspired gems that you will truly treasure in your home everyday you glance it's way.

(enter choice HERE)

Draw #3 - The Little Green Bean - coffee bean sack tote bag choices

Beautiful totes created from authentic coffee bean sacks, each one ultra unique.

(enter choice HERE)

Draw #2 - Jaz Creations - fractal art card choices

No other card designs exist like these! The fractal art will have you mesmerized.

(enter choice HERE)

Draw #1 - Creations from the Heart - pin cushion choices

The most precious tea cup inspired pin cushions you too will want even if you don't sew!

(enter choice HERE)

Please consider visiting these ladies' Etsy Stores while you're there. Supporting women in small business is something that knocks on my own heart. It was truly a labor of love to spotlight what they create so you too could enjoy.

Want some extra reading material this fine Monday morning? The entire Followers Event series is HERE.

And then there was SNS #14, with only 117 wonderful links to wade through! FUN! Keep peeking, there's so much to browse through!

It's been a busy week for me. I'm off to work on that darned garage so I'm ready for

P.S. Go gut those garages! Wednesday is coming.  :)

And I'd like to leave you with a parting decorating tip. A post wouldn't be a post without a decorating tip.

Monday's Fun Rule #547 - we all can do with a Tank Recognition Guide amongst our decorating inspiration. And the one just below it is called The Bomb. Thanks to a curious 10 yr old.


  1. It's clear that your 10 year old has inherited your great sense of style! Tanks may be the next big "thing" in decorating...just as soon as men take over the world! ;)

    Kat :)

  2. Tank fun is that?? Every library should be so equipped. What great prizes!! Can't wait to see who wins??!!

  3. It was a lot of fun, Donna! Can't wait for the winners list now! : )

  4. What a blast and must have been hard work for you for organizing it all- Thanks for that.
    I love the books your son added to the mix..I have my Atlanta Bartlett and Rachel Ashwell books out with a Toot and Puddle book on top.
    Fun mix.
    Well enough slacking - back to painting for me.

  5. 10 year old boys.

    I thought the giveaway idea was great, though I didn't participate because I'm trying desparately to stop clutterfying my house.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's post :)

  6. Donna,
    Although I did not participate in the draws, as there are many more deserving individuals out there in blog land, I am compelled to follow along every day. After all, your blog is my "home away from home". Congrats on your 1000!

  7. Donna- it was a great week! I looked forward to it every morning.
    A huge thanks to you and all the sponsors. All of you are super talented gals. I drool, swoon, and am inspired when I read your blogs, and visit the etsy stores.

  8. Donna,
    I loved the giveaways!! Thanks to all that helped with it!! Ilove looking at your ideas!!

  9. Donna,
    What a great way to finish off a great party!!

    Great job on everything friend.

    Good luck to all who entered.

    blessings to you,

    barbara jean

  10. I would so love to win. Love your blog.

  11. Love the bag, love your blog. Happy Friday.

  12. Gorgeous bag.
    have a great day!

  13. Please enter me in, I love your blog and all your adorable give-aways! :)

  14. Please pick me! I enjoy your blog very much.
    Happy day to you.

  15. love looking at your decorating style! Lots of fun. Please, enter me in the giveaway!

  16. Yay for giveaways!! Your blog is THE BEST!

  17. I am super new at blogging, and I am in awe with everyones blogs. I love yours...So inspiring! I totally love that apron!

  18. I just found you and I have to say....WHERE HAVE YOU AND YOUR IDEAS BEEN ALL MY LIFE??

    I am so glad to habe found yours!

  19. I know I've said it before but I'll say it again, thanks for all your ideas, tips,how to...etc...Love you blog!

  20. As always, I love your blog and your generous spirit for sharing.

  21. Oh, those pin cushions are too sweet!

  22. Great giveaways! What a fun blog you have!

  23. Some wonderful giveaways. Can't wait for the winners list!

  24. Love the giveaways. Love you blog.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!