Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Introducing... The Workshop Series!

Funky Junk Interiors and Mustard Seed Creations
are joining forces to bring you something brand new to the  DIY blog world! Get hyped up to learn, because we are going to bring you ...

The Workshop Series!
~ Every Wednesday, starting January 2010 ~

What is The Workshop Series?

~ a weekly post on both our blogs dedicated to sharing our expertise, tips and tricks on rotating topics. We want to give you the courage to wire that light, pick up that piece of hopeless junk from the side of the road, confront those scary power tools, take your blog to the next level, and help you become the DIY dynamos we know you can be!

The topics will differ on the two blogs because we are passionate about and good at different things.

Why join forces?

We have different, but complimenting styles and expertise. We want to keep you inspired, excited, and guessing what’s next!

BUT, with a twist of course! What we will also do is chime in on each other's blog post as a secondary voice for a chatty atmosphere and some fun banter! Having two voices could get rather interesing...

Imagine if you will... Ms. Rusty Metal Fanatic Funky Junk wishes to hang her latest chippy relic up with authentic vintage hooks, however Miss Class Act Mustard Seed would choose to freshen it up with a coat of white paint, a light glaze, complete with glass knobs. OY!! Two very different takes on one subject. Both can be great looks, so which way will we go with this?

What are the topics?

The topics each week will run in a series. The topic may last for a run of 2 weeks or morph into 5, depending on what we are choosing to teach at that current time and the interest in that subject. Here are just some of the topics we’ll tackle:

- tools every DIY gal needs in her tool box and how to use them

- basic decorative painting techniques

- blog photo enhancing tips

- how to prep and refurbish furniture the professional way

- blog improvement tips

- sewing how-to's

- thinking differently with new pieces

- decorating and DIY how-to's

and more more more! We'll also be asking you what you'd like to learn and encourage your participation. And if we don't know something, we'll try and find someone who does and have them make some guest appearances with their professional advice.

So, what's the first run of topics?

To start with, every DIYer needs a good place to work. On Funky Junk, the first series will be about setting up a workshop area right so we can get busy!

I'll show you:

-  the  rough before I have to deal with and how I'll organize an efficient working space even in the tightest of spaces.

- how to wind up long cords (yes there is an art to this!)

- how to store your tools/paint/etc for easy accessibility

- quick makeshift work tables to help get the job done

At the end of the series, I'll install a linky so you can share your own garage/workshop improvements for added inspiration to the group! So start taking those before pics now and let's pretty up those work spaces. :)

Me - "So Miss Mustard Seed, think you can chime in on a quick make shift idea on how to create a quicky spray painting booth once you view my area?"

MMS - "You mean you don't have a professional spray booth set up in your house, yet? Geeze, Donna. What am I going to do with you? Actually, I paint furniture all the time and I'm waiting for the money to build a proper one, Until then, I have a cheap and effective solution to share. If you have a garage, basement, or some space in a shed, you can make this happen."

Miss Mustard Seed will start off her series with her decorative painting techniques. She'll show you some beginner strategies, so don't fear this one! Give it a go. I have long wanted to pick up a set of good brushes to pretty up some of my own furniture creations so here is the perfect chance.

Who is Funky Junk Donna?

I love to create! My alltime passion is searching for rustic relics, creating new and wonderful uses for them. Enhancing furniture pieces, creating entire rooms, working with power tools, photography.. there aren't enough hours in the day! I'm also a mom to a wonderful 10 yr old son. Two of my favorite creations are:

A shabby chic bedroom setting created out of items found from the dump, the trash and thrift stores

The coat hook was created from an authentic horse gate bound for the burn pile.

Click HERE to read my full story

Who is Miss Mustard Seed?

Miss Mustard Seed owns a decorative painting and home decor business called Mustard Seed Creations. She currently sells  her hand painted furniture and accessories (in addition to antiques) in a shop in downtown Gettysburg, PA. She also works on custom pieces and murals for clients.
I found her several months ago and was wowed by her abilities with her hand painted illustrations!

Two of my personal favorite projects of hers are:

The vanity turned desk is enhanced with a chalkboard top surrounded by gorgeous decorative hand done detail

Inspired by a buffet in a magazine, this dresser received the royal treatment of paint, glaze and gorgeous illustrations

Click HERE to for a profile on Miss Mustard Seed.

And click HERE to view her wonderful inspiring blog and check out her own announcement on the series.

So, get those spongy brains ready to learn, get your basements/garages ready for a lot of DIY, and get ready to strut your stuff at some show and tell linky parties! Sparks will fly, paint will be flung, and a great time will be had by all. If you aren't a follower yet, get on board so you don't miss a thing and a new button is on the sidebar for those that wish to join in!

So, what do you think? Is it a date?


#1. I'm on the lookout for your fav tool storage/work area inspiration links! Got something to share? I'll give you credit if it's used!

#2. Do you have a special expertise you could share during one of the workshops? Who better than to feature one of our own DIY experts? I'd love to hear from you!

Please email me at for either of these inquiries. Thanks!

I'm so excited you're so excited!!! :)


  1. Awesome idea! Can't wait for this workshop to get started.

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. Yea, I can't wait. I love your blog and the other too. I'll be back ready to learn!

  3. this sounds sooo awsome! i am especially looking forward to those power tool how to's. i don't think they'd scare me so much if they were less noisy lol!

  4. Woo-Hoo!! I will definitely be there! How wonderful of you and Miss Mustard Seed to share with us!
    Thank you,

  5. Fabulous, can't wait! But man, where am I going to find the time to be on the computer all day reading all these great ideas?

  6. What a great idea! This is going to be fun! :)
    Hope you have a lovely day. Beth.

  7. Absolutely fantastic! Sign me up! :)

  8. Fabulous, fabulous idea - I will definitely be there!


  9. woohoo! Count me in too! I'll be impatiently waiting!!

  10. How awesome is this???
    I can't wait

  11. I cant wait to see all that ya'll are gonna show us,, i'm constantly teaching myself to use and do new things.. its even better when somebody else shows us how first..Its nice to have the hubby or man friend do things for you but it is SOOO empowering to be able to do it yourself!! Love it. Thanks so much for inspiring us all.

  12. I LOVE IT!!! The teacher in my thinks this is a FANTASTIC idea and the crafter/newby blogger in me can't WAIT!!!

  13. How fun! I cannot wait! Not sure where I can set up a place as I am very limited in space. But where there is a will, there is a way!

    ~ Tracy

  14. It's totally a date! I can't wait to see what you two come up with!

  15. I was just telling Miss Mustard Seed how excited I am about your series. My style is somewhere in the middle of you two, a little funky, a little mustard. While funky mustard doesn't sound good, I'm really looking forward to your work together!

  16. You always have such valuable tips. Can't wait to see more!

  17. Just commented over at Miss Mustard Seed's post about this as well that I am looking forward to this. I'll either be doing a lot of printing of posts or taking notes!

  18. So ready for a great time! thanks girls really looking forward to this!!

  19. Okay ...sigh
    I finally finished my sewing sanctuary

    I now have a barn for painting and a sewing room
    I'm complete

  20. Count me in. I'm as excited as a kid in a candy store right now. Woohoo!!

  21. I am so excited about this, I just can't contain myself!
    I'm ready, lets start!

  22. Yay!! Woohoo!! All other expressions of joy that I can't think of right now!!! I'm sooo excited about this, learning from the experts. Thanks for sharing your smarts girls!

  23. WoooHooo!! I am so excited and can't wait!!

  24. Can't wait to hear all that you lovely ladies have to share!

  25. What a fabulous idea....a workshop online!! I love it! Looking forward to it as well!!

  26. Count me in! I am so excited can't wait to get started!

  27. This could possibly be the best news I've heard all year!

  28. I am so excited to be a new follower and whats better, you are starting DIY series that will help me! so awesome and i cannot wait!!

  29. Since my style prolly falls somewhere between the two of you, this should be right up my alley.

    Looking forward to what you two will teach us....

    Great idea guys :)

  30. What a great idea! I can't wait for the series to start. I'm so excited to learn and challenge myself a little more.

  31. OMGosh - what an incredible adventure! I cannot wait for this to start!
    I am recently separated, just bought my very own, by myself, first house for me and my girl! I love arts and crafty, and I was just googling (sp?) outdoor sheds - my garage is already over run with my power tools, paint, shelves, and no organization at all. My dad and step mom sent me a gift card for Lowe's - I bought a miter saw and a 90 tooth blade for fine cutting!

    CANNOT WAIT - OK - I'm done now!

  32. You won't be seeing my garage--nosirree. I'll be here though to see everybody else's!

    Love the idea!

  33. I can't wait until this starts. I love looking through your wonderful ideas. It is like flipping through a magazine with all the inspiraton.

  34. I am sooooooo excited! What a wonderful pairing - 2 of my most favorite blogs. Can't wait!


  35. Love it! I can't wait to start trying some new stuff!

  36. What a great idea...I'm looking forward to it!!

  37. Donna, I am sooo on board. I have my apron, hammer, paint brushes , etc., at the ready. I have a full basement )minus the rec room my husband finished) at my disposal. I can do as I please and see fit :-D
    Donna, thanks for "EVERYTHING", Sue

  38. ooooop! I have my camera as well!!!! ;-D


  39. I.CAN.NOT.WAIT!!! This is very exciting news indeed! You are so very creative & I just love your creations & how you put things together. Plus throwing in bit of metal here & there never hurts! I'll be watching!!

  40. These workshops are such a great idea! Very much looking forward to them.

  41. Wow Donna, this will be great. We can send our readers back and forth. They'll learn so much they'll be raiding the fabric and thrift stores just to make it all! I'm looking forward to seeing how many people really do make things after they learn to take the fear out. I'm hoping that everyone will amaze themselves.

  42. you go girls! Love you both! Perfect combo!

  43. okay, when does this start? count me in.


I love your comments and read every one of these! For more interactive feedback from me, I'd love it if you'd join my FJI Facebook page where communication is always current and incredibly fun! Thank-you!