Monday, November 23, 2009

A week long celebration of SNS highlights and show updates

WOW! With 81 entries, you left alot to gaga over.

This week is a crazy one for me. I have one day left to set up the house for the show, one day to clean, one day to do signs, one day to work... then it's showtime! I've had to close some rooms as I just ran out of time to do it all. Making deadlines for yourself seems to be the ticket to sanity. :)

On A Whim's amazing rustic crafting hutch. You should see the before. Yikes!

So for this week, the highlights will be a little different. It'll be a week of SNS highlights! Each day I'll post a few SNS #6 highlights for you to enjoy, along with updates on what I'm doing to the house and other news. Just know, I wasn't able to comment on every post I visited... it started off good but.. yeah. Time.

The cutest idea ever for a simple bottle of jar hand santizer from Little Lizard King

Some exciting stuff coming for SNS weekends as well! I have two offers so far for giveaway sponsors! More on that to come as details unfold.

Vintage Junky's AMAZING new studio with bits and bites of all things vintage. MUST see! I LOVE this cabinet.

Be sure to check in daily to see if one of these highlights is all about you!

Thanks again all for the great weekend! See you next weekend for

Watch for more details to follow.

Show prep: Today is the last day I have to stage the rooms. They'll be staged in such a way that will look like someone just left the room in the middle of doing something. (which to me is more real than perfectly aligned staging) My son's playroom will have nintendo out, a controller trailing into his daybed complete with a blanket strewn over the side with a big bowl of popcorn. Fun or what! :)

 Look at the magazines. Rarely do they have perfect sterile rooms. I love the shots with someone cutting a lemon or something on the countertop, or rumpled blankets and an open book on a side table. I'm self teaching myself a whole lot this week!

Oh oh! On Saturday, I set up the Christmas tree and fireplace mantel. I changed out everything to tone on tones for FREE. Can't wait to show you how I did it. My son does NOT like the colourless look, so he'll get his own tree in his own room to do with whatever he pleases. I felt that was a fair tradeoff. :) Ok, small update, today he said the tree was pretty but I think it was the lights he was referring to. Who doesn't love a lit tree?!?

Ok, off to stage some more. See you with tomorrow's updates!


  1. How exciting! The staging sounds perfect! I cannot wait to hear how it goes! Good Luck! and Have Fun!

  2. Good Luck with the show! How fun!! My son would be like yours, he likes color too!

  3. Oh I loved Vintage Junky's new space. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to see your Christmas decor.

    Come by and see my $500 guest bedroom.

  4. Have fun and don't wear yourself out!

    And pretty please, share your tree and mantel just as soon as you get a chance, after your show of course.

    Don't forget to protect your valuables, my niece learned this the hard way at a recent function in her home.

  5. I can hardly stand waiting to see your photos--especially your Christmas decorating. I need some *new* ideas--you know how I hate the same ol' thing! You are amazing!

  6. Great stuff! I knew you would love Vintage Junky's office. :) I did, too.

  7. Holy Canuck! I visited your site and there is my table right there in the right hand corner. I just about fainted! And boy do I wish I had taken a better photo. A thousand thanks and best wishes for your special day!!

  8. I hope you post pics of your holiday decor soon, I just can't wait to see what you've done! :)

  9. I am just so stinkin' excited to see the pictures of how you've staged your house...girl, I'm so proud of you! I've taken on a fairly large creative project that with stretch me to the limit, but I'm jumping in with two feet :o) Unfortunately it's not having to do with decorating, but I'll still share some stuff about it on the blog.

    peace to you as you get thru the next few prep days!

  10. i'm so sorry. you just have to drag and pull my pics into a file folder on your desktop or whereever. i'm sorry i didn't leave that in my link or whereever!

    thanks a bushel!

  11. oh girl! i am praying for you! what a busy lady you are! i cant wait to see the pix! have fun!

  12. Good luck with the show. Don't stress too much with cleaning your house - I only ever notice how lovely someone else's house is - I only see the dirt in my own home. Everyone will be too busy taking in what amazing things you've done to notice any dust. Enjoy!!


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