Friday, September 18, 2009

Improving Your Blog ~ add a Link Within

NEW! Welcome to Improving Your Blog, the newest feature you'll see semi regularly on Funky Junk Interiors! Due to your overwhelming response, let's learn how to make those blogs work better and get prettier!

There's a new direct link on the right side bar if you wish to revisit any of the tips already covered. Keep tuning in to learn how to improve your blog yourself! So let's try something new today, shall we?

Installing Link Within

What is it?

You'll see a new feature I just learned how to add today. It's called a Link Within which looks like this...

How it works

The Link Within picks up keywords within your post, and links up like minded posts with thumbnails attached. This feature encourages visitors to further investigate your blog which in return creates more browsing interest and higher page hits. To me it simply resembles a welcome mat  to invite viewers inside. I personally enjoy this option and visit it frequently. Want one too? Read on! It's EASY!

How to Install

1. Scroll down under this post, right click on the LINK WITHIN text, right click, then OPEN IN NEW WINDOW. (now you can continue to read this post AND load your widget)

2. Enter the info the page asks... then click GET WIDGET!

3. This part baffled me just abit so I'll explain it ABC style. Where it says click install widget, click THAT INSTALL WIDGET greyish box. (I was looking everywhere else for that command which didn't exsist!)

4. Add Page Element window opens - select ADD WIDGET.

5. Your widget will now appear on your blog in the sidebar. You simply drag it to your desired position, hit preview, then save. Done! Your widget window is super self explainatory from here with good screen captures to help you.

I'm going to be completely honest here. I can't see the best corrolation between the topics the widget chooses vs your current blog post at times. Then other times it works. There are other ways to tweak this feature (other than using Link Within)  so you can pick and choose your own tags for improved matches, but this was a good start and it IS kinda cool regardless.

Now, aren't you glad you did that?!? Let me know how you made out!


  1. Awesome! I just added mine ... I agree sometimes the subjects don't mesh, but it gets viewers to look at past posts, I'm sure! Thanks for the tutorial!

  2. Thank you! I was wondering how to do that. I really appreciate the tutorial and I'll be looking for more. I am computer savvy, but new to blogging and it's a whole new world!

  3. Thanks for the helpful info!! Mine turned out great! LoVe your blog!!

  4. I have been wondering how to do this. THANK YOU!

  5. well, i love you!
    I admired that before on blogs, but didnt know where to add it- i thought it was a blogger option and i couldnt find it LOL!!

  6. I have also admired that feature before and now have one on my own blog, thanks to you. I look forward to more of your great tips and tutorials. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. Thank you! I've seen that And use it on others blogs. I aways wondered how to do it!

  8. YOU ROCK...I had totally missed that gray button...I nor have fun little alternate posts to link too. Thank you!!!

  9. Thank You so much, I am new to blogging and can use all the help I can get. Great Tip Thanx

  10. Love it!!! I just did it, how simple!!! Thank you and keep the tips coming! Krista

  11. Thank you! I never thought about adding it because I assumed it was a wordpress plug in. Awesome!

  12. I've seen this before but had no idea what caused it! :) Thanks for sharing - I did this on my blog - it worked great! Thanks again Donna - Have a great weekend!

  13. Thanks so much it works like a charm your the best!!

  14. Donna, this was great! It was so easy - you did a great job with explaining. I have been wanting to do this, but didn't have the faintest idea how. Thanks so much!
    Mary Lou

  15. thanks so much for this, I was wondering how others were doing it. Your instructions were super easy to follow,, I mentioned this post and your blog today on my blog. Thanks again

  16. That was easy! Thank so much for that tutorial!

  17. Thank you! I was wondering how people got those on their blog.

  18. Thank you so much for this! I had wanted it for so long but didn't know how to do it!

  19. Very cool! Thank you SO much!

  20. oh my goodness gracious! This is so cool!!!! I wondered about that when I saw it on other blogs. Now I'm runnin' with the big dogs!!!
    Thank you so much!!! I love it!

    Wanna see it in action on my blog? Come on over. I'd love having you!!!

  21. My goodness, that was so easy. Thank you so much!

    Right now, I'm getting the weirdest correlations, like a Kleenex sale popped up for my DIY Day post. Huh?

    Thanks again!

  22. Thanks! I added the Link Within and a Signature! I appreciate the tutorials!!

  23. That's been driving me nuts for months and months. I kept trying but never pushed the button, lol! A gazillion thanks!

  24. this is SOOOOO freakin' almost scared me when i saw it on my posts! i'm kinda a computer scary-cat when it comes to new stuff...THANK YOU!

  25. That was so easy! Thanks! Now I need to go back to some of your other helpful posts to make my blog a better place to visit! Theresa

  26. VERY cool! Thanks for the tips us newbies certainly need all the help we can get.

  27. Thank you that was very informative. Our Company deals with hope improvements and Patio Covers Houston.

    Thanks again

  28. Well, how about that?! It WAS easy. Thank you for the tutorial.

  29. It is really easy and it will indeed bring our blogging efforts to the next level. What a leap!

  30. ok, I've tried half a dozen times to add this to my blog over the last few months, and the only thing that shows up are the words, "you might also like" with no pictures or links in the space they should be in! I'm so frustrated with what seems to be an easy process. :( Is there something with my background or blog that is inhibiting this? I can't get any answers from the peeps at Link Within.

  31. Donna, seriously I was thinking yesterday I need to figure this out and I happened to be reading your blog today and BAM!, you read my mind or at least your link within did! Thank you! I have learned so much from you!

  32. I can install this and it looks great until I open my comments. Then the linkwithin displays on top of my first comment or two. What am I doing wrong? I followed the instructions...over and over and over. I asked for customer support but they're not replying. Can you help? Thanks for posting this, I'm following you and enjoying the linky parties.

  33. I just started my blog this week now that I'm done with the 9-5 thing for a while. Thanks for all the tips I've found on your site, and for directing me to some other helpful sites too. I think the LinkWithin gadget is great when I visit other blogs, and I'm sure it will help me build up some followers too.

    The most interesting thing for me is that when I scrolled down past the comments to post my own, I saw that Miss Mustard Seed thanked you for helping with her new blog in Sept. 09, and now she's one of the blogs that I follow in 2011. We all gotta start somewhere!

  34. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! I was wondering about how to add that!

  35. Wow! Thank you so much for your help! You are very kind!

  36. Okay, this only took me 4 times to realize the right LinkWithin to click on! I am brain dead at 10:30pm! Thanks for the tip, so fun to look "professional"!

  37. I just found this from your Links Within your blog! Ha! Thank you sooooo much!!

  38. Thank you for the tutorials! I'm a new blogger and have a question. I added the Linked With option, but mine only shows the text link without images. Any idea why? Their support has not answered my question yet, so any help you can give is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  39. Enjoyed all your information.. Newbie Me.... needs all the help this girl can get. Thank you..


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